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Astronomi katalogları listesi


21 Mayıs 2024
Bu sayfa, katalog tanımlayıcıları tarafından hazırlanmış olan Gökbilim kataloglarının bir listesidir. 0-9 0ES — Einstein Slew Survey, versiyon 0 1A, 2A, 3A — Ariel V uydusundan X-ışını kaynakları listesi 1ES — Einstein Slew Survey 1RXH — ROSAT HRI Pointed Observations 1RXS — ROSAT All-Sky Bright Source Catalogue, ROSAT All-Sky Survey Faint Source Catalog 1SWASP — Super Wasp Angle Search for Planets 2A — 1A'ya bakınız 2E — Einstein Observatory Yumuşak X-ışını kaynakları listesi 2MASS — Two Micron All Sky Survey 2MASP — Two Micron All Sky Survey, Prototip 2MASSI — Two Micron All Sky Survey, Artımlı açıklaması 2MASSW — Two Micron All Sky Survey, Çalışma veritabanı 2MUCD — 2MASS Kataloğu'ndan aşırı-soğuk cüceler 3A — 1A'ya bakınız 4C — Fourth Cambridge Survey gökyüzü radyo kaynakları 8pc — 8 parsek listeleme, tüm yıldızlar 8 parsek A Abell — Abell Kataloğu AC — Astrographic Catalogue ADS — Aitken Double Star Catalogue AG, AGK, AGKR — Astronomische Gesellschaft Katalog ALS — Case-Hamburg Kuzey ve Güney aydınlık yıldızlar için UBV beta veritabanı AN — Astronomische Nachrichten APM — Automatic Plate Measuring machine Arp - Tuhaf Gökadalar Atlası ASCC — N.V. Kharchenko, All-Sky Compiled Catalogue, Kinematika Fiz. Nebesn. Tel., 17, bölüm no 5, 409 (2001) B B — E. E. Barnard'ın Karanlık bulutsular dizini BAC — Bordeaux Astrographic Catalog BAY — Uranometria (Bayer belirtmesi) BCVS — Bibliographic Catalogue of Variable Stars BD — Bonner Durchmusterung BDS — Burnham Double Star Catalogue BEN — Jack Bennett Catalog BPM / L — Bruce Proper Motion Survey (Luyten) BRI — B, R, I survey C C — Caldwell Kataloğu CCDM — Catalog of Components of Double and Multiple Stars CCO — Catalogue of Cometary Orbits CCS — General Catalogue of Cool Carbon Stars CCS2 — General Catalog of S Stars, ikinci baskı CD / CoD — Cordoba Durchmusterung CDIMP — Catalogue of Discoveries and Identifications of Minor Planets CEL — Celescope Catalogue of Ultraviolet Magnitudes CGSS — Catalogue of Galactic S Stars CIO — Catalog of Infrared Observations CMC — Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue Col — Collinder Kataloğu CoRoT — CoRoT Kataloğu CoRoT-Exo — CoRoT Kataloğu CPC — Cape Photographic Catalogue CPD — Cape Photographic Durchmusterung CSI — Catalog of Stellar Identifications CSV — Catalog of Suspected Variables CSS — General Catalogue of S Stars D DA — Dominion Gözlemevi Liste A DCld — A catalogue of southern dark clouds DENIS — Deep Near Infrared Survey DENIS-P — Deep Near Infrared Survey, Provisory designation DM — Durchmusterung BD — Bonner Durchmusterung CD / CoD — Cordoba Durchmusterung CPD — Cape Photographic Durchmusterung DO — Dearborn Observatory E EGGR — Eggen-Greenstein proper motion star EMP — Ephemerides of Minor Planets F FCC — Fornax Cluster Catalogue FK4 — Fourth Fundamental Catalogue FK5 — Fifth Fundamental Catalogue FLM — Historia coelestis Britannica (Flamsteed designation) FSC — Faint Source Catalogue G G — Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Giclas) GD — Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Giclas dwarf) GR* — Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Giclas red star) HG — Lowell Proper Motion Survey (Giclas Hyades) GC — Bulutsular ve Kümeler Genel Kataloğu GC (Boss) — Boss general catalogue of 33342 stars GCRV — General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities GCTP — General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes GCVS — General Catalog of Variable Stars Gl / GJ — Gliese-Jahreiß catalogue or Gliese-Jahreiss catalogue GSC — Guide Star Catalog GSC2 / GSC II — Guide Star Catalog II GSPC — Guide Star Photometric Catalog GSPC2 — Guide Star Photometric Catalog, 2nd H HD — Henry Draper Kataloğu HDE — Henry Draper Extension HE — Hamburg/ESO Survey Hen — Henize Catalogues of Hα-Emission Stars and Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds HIC — Hipparcos Giriş Kataloğu HIP — Hipparcos Kataloğu HIPASS — HI Parkes All-Sky Survey HR — Bright Star Catalogue (Harvard Revised Catalogue) I IC — Index Kataloğu IC I — Index Kataloğu I IC II — Index Kataloğu II IDS — Index Catalogue of Visual Double Stars IGR — Integral Gamma-Ray source IRAS — Infrared Astronomical Satellite IRS — International Reference Star J J — Robert Jonckheere's catalogue of double star observations (see for an article about it) JW — Jones' & Walker's list of stars near the Orion Nebula. K KIC — Kepler Giriş Kataloğu KGZ — Catalogue de Zimmerman KUV — Kiso observatory, UV-excess object L L / BPM — Bruce Proper Motion Survey (Luyten) Lac — Catalog of Nebulae of the Southern Sky (Lacaille) Lac I — Bulutsular Lac II — Nebulous Star Clusters Lac III — Nebulous Stars LBN — Lynds' Catalogue of Bright Nebulae LDN — Lynds' Catalogue of Dark Nebulae LDS — Luyten Double Star catalogue LEDA — Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database LFT — Luyten Five-Tenths catalogue LHS — Luyten Half-Second catalogue LP — Luyten-Palomar Survey LPM — Luyten Proper-Motion Catalogue LS — either of two "Luminous Stars" catalogues; see LSN and LSS, below LSN — Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way LSPM - LSPM catalog - Lépine-Shara Proper Motion catalog LSR — Lepine-Shara-Rich catalogue LSS — Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way LTT — Luyten Two-Tenths catalogue M M — Catalog of Nebulae and Star Clusters (Messier object) MACHO — MACHO Project lensing events (Massive Compact Halo Object) MACHO-LMC — MACHO Project Large Magellanic Cloud Microlensing MACHO-SML — MACHO Project Small Magellanic Cloud Microlensing McC — McCormick Observatory Catalog MCG — Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies MCW — Morgan, Code, and Whitford MPC — Minor Planet Circulars contain astrometric observations, orbits and ephemerides of both minor planets and comets MW — Mandel-Wilson Catalogue of Unexplored Nebulae, not in SIMBAD yet N N30 — Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars Based on the Normal System N30 NGC — Gökbilim Kataloğu (Yeni Genel Katalog) NHICAT — Northern HIPASS Catalog NLTT — New Luyten Two-Tenths Catalogue NOMAD — The Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric Dataset (NOMAD) NStars — Nearby Stars Database NSV — New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars O OGLE — Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment P PGC — En Önemli Gökadalar Kataloğu PHL — Palomar-Haro-Luyten catalogue PK — Catalogue of galactic planetary nebulae (Perek-Kohoutek) PLX — General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes and Supplement (Jenkins, Yale University) PMC — Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle Catalog PNG — Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae PPM — Positions and Proper Motions Star Catalogues Q QSO — Revised and Updated Catalog of Quasi-stellar Objects R RC — Reference Catalogue RC2 — Reference Catalogue, 2. baskı RC3 — Reference Catalogue, 3. baskı RCW — A catalogue of Hα-emission regions in the southern Milky Way RECONS — Research Consortium on Nearby Stars RNGC — Revised New General Catalogue Ross — Ross Catalogue of New Proper Motion Stars ROT — Catalogue of Rotational Velocities of the Stars RSA — Revised Shapley-Ames Catalogue RST — Catalogue of southern double stars (Rossiter) RX — ROSAT observations S SACS — Second Astrolabe Catalogue of Santiago SAO — Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog SCR — SuperCOSMOS-RECONS SDSS — Sloan Digital Sky Survey SDSSp — Sloan Digital Sky Survey, provisory 1SDSS — Sloan Digital Sky Survey, 1st release 2SDSS — reserved by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey for future release. The name is reserved to the IAU, but does not exist yet. 3SDSS — reserved by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey for future release. The name is reserved to the IAU, but does not exist yet. Sh — Sharpless' catalogue. SIMP — Sondage Infrarouge de Mouvement Propre SIPS — Southern Infrared Proper Motion Survey SPF2 — Second Cat of Fundamental Stars SPF3 — Third Santiago-Pulkovo Fundamental Star Catalogue SRS — Southern Reference Star Catalog SSSPM — SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey SSTc2d — Spitzer Space Telescope c2d Legacy Source STF — Struve the Father double star Stock — Stock open clusters (Stock 1 and 2 in , Stock 3 to 23 in , Stock 24 in ) T TAC — Twin Astrograph Catalog TD1 — Catalogue of stellar UV fluxes (TD1 satellite) TIC — Tycho Input Catalog TrES — Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey TrES-And0 — TrES of planetary candidate in the Andromeda constellation TVLM — Tinney's Very Low Mass Catalogue TYC — Tycho Catalogue TYC2 — Tycho-2 Catalogue Trumpler — Robert Julius Trumpler's open cluster list, published in Preliminary results on the distances, dimensions and space distribution of open star clusters U UBV — Photoelectric Catalogue, magnitude and color of stars in UBV (Blanco et al. 1968) UBV M — UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue (Mermilliod 1987) UCAC — USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC1 and UCAC2) UGC — Uppsala Genel Kataloğu USNO — US Naval Observatory USNO-A1.0 — US Naval Observatory, A1.0 catalogue USNO-A2.0 — US Naval Observatory, A2.0 catalogue USNO-B1.0 — US Naval Observatory, B1.0 catalogue uvby98 — uvbyβ photoelectric photometric catalogue, by B. Hauck, M. Mermilliod, Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. Ser., 129, 431-433 (1998) V vB — Van Biesbroeck catalog, variant, "VB" VCC — Virgo Cluster Catalog W W20 — Washington 20 Catalog WASP — Wide Angle Search for Planets survey WASP0-TR — Wide Angle Search for Planets, Transit WDS — Washington Double Star Catalog Wo — Woolley Nearby Star Catalogue Wolf — Catalogue of High Proper Motion Stars (Wolf) WR — Catalog of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars X XBS — XMM-Newton, Bright Source XBSS — XMM-Newton Bright Serendipitous Survey XEST — XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular XEST-OM — XEST, Optical/UV Monitor XTE — X-ray Timing Explorer Y YZ — Yale Observatory Zone Catalog Z Z — Fritz Zwicky, Catalogue of galaxies and of clusters of galaxies Book of Fixed Stars Tables of Toledo Zij-i İlhani Zij-i-Sultani Ayrıca bakınız Gökbilim kısaltmaları dizini Genel gökbilim sembolleri dizini Notlar ve kaynaklar VizieR CDS Service for Astronomical Catalogues Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects Kategori:Yıldız listeleri Kategori:Astronomi listeleri

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