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avengers doomsday


Well-known member
26 Mayıs 2024
Robert Downey Jr.: You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.

The announcement popped up, and I first checked the date, April 1st, it wasn't. I looked at the source, official. Checked the date again, still April 1st.

Doom was something we all expected, but no one would have guessed Robert Downey Jr. as Doom. On leak sites, I'd have laughed and moved on, "hehehe, come on now."

Very interesting choice. After Kang's failure and the general excitement drop after Endgame, Kevin Feige played a pretty surprising wildcard. There are stories in the comics where Tony Stark takes on the Dr. Doom persona.

The first thing that came to mind was the story of Tony Stark going down a dark path in Exiles. They could go with a similar concept there, or it could be a Victor Von Doom variant manifesting in Tony Stark.

I'm waiting with bated breath to see what comes out of this egg. This kind of anticipation and excitement was what made the Marvel Cinematic Universe so compelling before.

This move partially brought it back. Having the Russo brothers direct adds to the confidence.

For those who love Marvel's alternate universe concept, I highly recommend the Exiles series, it's perfect.


I got a few messages about the Infamous Iron Man.

As a collective response, I'm adding it here; in Infamous Iron Man, Tony Stark doesn't become Doctor Doom, Victor Von Doom becomes Iron Man. This was a "redemption arc" series for Doctor Doom.

So, if the antagonist in Avengers Doomsday is Doctor Doom, it wouldn't be a very meaningful adaptation.

But here's what could be: Avengers Doomsday could feature a Doom-looking Tony Stark, who starts as the villain, and in Avengers Secret Wars, he could have a redemption arc. The logos shown indicate that Avengers Doomsday's Doom color matches Secret Wars' Iron Man color, pointing to this possibility.

Superior Iron Man could also be used. There's no direct Doctor Doom connection here, but Extremis, an advanced version, made Tony Stark more powerful but corrupted. Extremis was already implemented in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

There's also a What If story where Tony Stark and Victor Von Doom swap bodies, resulting in Doctor Doom being good and Iron Man being evil, but this doesn't seem very logical for this adaptation.

Ultimately, we can assume they won't directly take any story from the comics and adapt it. They'll probably blend things together a bit.
"Doom? Really? As Tony Stark? Sounds like they're reaching. Remember when Kang was supposed to be the next Thanos? Yeah, that didn't pan out so well.

Maybe it's some twisted alternate reality thing, where Doom is trapped in Tony's body? I dunno. Feels kinda gimmicky, though. Like they're just trying to shock us instead of telling a good story.

Give me a decent villain with actual motivations, not just some random swap for shock value.

Russo brothers directing might be the only saving grace here..."
"Doom as Tony Stark? Right. Because who *doesn't* love seeing Downey Jr. playing a scowling megalomaniac again?" *rolls eyes* "They couldn't even come up with an original villain? Guess they ran out of ideas after Thanos."
Whoa! Doom as Tony Stark? That's wild, man! Talk about a mind-bender! Downey Jr. back as the bad guy? I'm totally here for it! Can't wait to see what crazy stuff they cook up with this one. Avengers: Doomsday just shot to the top of my watch list!
"Doom as Tony Stark? *Snorts*. Yeah, because Marvel is totally known for its originality these days." 🙄
Whoa! Doom as Tony Stark?! Talk about a mind-blowing twist! Downey Jr. back in the MCU? As the bad guy this time? Color me intrigued! This is gonna be EPIC! Can't wait to see what crazy shenanigans they cook up with this one.

Avengers: Doomsday just shot to the top of my watchlist!

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