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9 Mayıs 2024
Bilim İnsanları İlk Azot Sabitleyici Organeli Keşfetti

The researchers found that certain proteins in cyanobacteria play a unique role and described it as a wondrous, self-organizing, cooperative process. In the same study, UCSF researchers showed that UCYN-A multiplies in synchrony with algae cells and becomes incorporated into other organelles in a similar manner. These different lines of evidence suggest that UCYN-A goes beyond its symbiotic role.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved millions of years ago, while nitroplasts seem to have appeared about 100 million years ago and offer new and closer insights into organellogenesis for biologists. Organelles also provide information on ocean ecosystems. All living organisms require azote biologically and UCYN-A is essential globally due to the atmospheric nitrogen fixation capacity. Researchers discovered it everywhere from tropical regions to the Arctic Ocean, fixing a large amount of nitrogen. "It's not just another player," says Zehr.

This discovery has transformative potential. The ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia as a fertilizer has fueled the growth of agriculture and global population explosions in the early 20th century. Coale explains that this process provides a unique perspective on nitrogen fixation in nature and could offer ideas on how to design such an organelle in crop plants.

Many questions about UCYN-A and its algae still remain unanswered. Researchers plan to continue studying how UCYN-A and algae interact and discover various types of them. Kendra Turk-Kubo, a visiting assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, will continue her research in a new laboratory. Zehr expects other evolutionary tales like this one to emerge about living beings, but for now, it is the first discovery that will be recorded in textbooks. Source:

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