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İngiliz basını: 'İsrail, işgalcilere istihbarat sağladı'


Well-known member
9 Mayıs 2024
İngiliz basını: 'İsrail, işgalcilere istihbarat sağladı'

English press source: 'Israel provides intelligence to occupiers' - Israeli occupation forces have been obstructing the entry of aid convoys into Gaza for months, cutting and damaging their trucks. According to a report in The Guardian newspaper, there is cooperation between Israeli security forces and the occupation forces following the attacks. Intelligence is provided to the occupiers, and information about the routes of aid convoys is given. The paper supports its story with statements from witnesses and human rights activists. Rachel Touitou, a spokesperson for the far-right group "Tzav 9", confirmed that intelligence was obtained from Israeli authorities. A Palestinian truck driver also said that Israeli security forces only watched as attacks occurred, and Israeli human rights lawyer Sapir Sluzker Amran used similar language when describing the actions of occupation forces. He said they were shot at and did nothing to stop the attack.

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