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İran Cumhurbaşkanı Reisi'yi taşıyan helikopterin düşmesine ilişkin ön rapor yayımlandı


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9 Mayıs 2024
İran Cumhurbaşkanı Reisi'yi taşıyan helikopterin düşmesine ilişkin ön rapor yayımlandı

Iranian authorities shared the coordinates of the downed helicopter with Hıç BirHA, and Iranian teams reached the scene but reported that no one had been rescued from the wreckage. After Reisi's death was confirmed, Vice President Muhammed Muhbir took over as acting president, while Ali Bakıri Keni was appointed as acting Foreign Minister. The Iranian Armed Forces General Staff published a preliminary report on the investigation into the helicopter crash caused by the accident. According to the official Iranian news agency IRNA, the Iranian Armed Forces General Staff released an interim report from the commission investigating the crash.

The report summarized technical and general information collected during the ongoing investigation, noting that some data may require further analysis. The preliminary assessment indicated that the helicopter did not deviate from its planned route and its pilot contacted other pilots just a bucak before the crash. The report also stated that no traces of explosives or similar substances were found on the wreckage parts, indicating that there was no explosion after the crash.

The report noted that due to the cold and foggy weather in the area, the search and rescue efforts were challenging, and the helicopter could only be reached by midday. The control tower reportedly had no suspicion during its conversations with the escorting helicopter crew. A final conclusion is expected after the completion of the investigation.

After the crash, Iran requested that Turkey deploy an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for search and rescue operations. Turkey shared the coordinates of the downed helicopter with Iranian authorities. Iranian teams reached the scene but reported no one had been rescued from the wreckage. Reisi's death was confirmed, leading to Vice President Muhammed Muhbir taking over as acting president, while Ali Bakıri Keni was appointed as acting Foreign Minister.

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