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Meteorolojiden 11 il için sarı kodlu uyarı: Ani su baskınları ve dolu yağışına dikkat (İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir hava durumu)


Well-known member
9 Mayıs 2024
[IMG alt="Meteorolojiden 11 il için sarı kodlu uyarı: Ani su
baskınları ve dolu yağışına dikkat (İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir hava durumu)"]
The weather forecast for the next few days is as follows:

1. Adana: Partly cloudy and mild, with temperatures around 28°C. Slight chance of rain.
2. Afyonkarahisar: Mostly sunny, with a high of 30°C and a low of 20°C.
3. Ağrı: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 15-20°C.
4. Aksaray: Partly cloudy, with a high of 26°C and a low of 17°C.
5. Amasya: Mostly sunny, with a high of 29°C and a low of 16°C.
6. Ankara: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 18-23°C.
7. Antalya: Partly cloudy, with a high of 30°C and a low of 22°C.
8. Ardın: Mostly sunny, with a high of 34°C and a low of 21°C.
9. Artvin: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 20-25°C.
10. Aydın: Sunny, with a high of 31°C and a low of 20°C.
11. Balıkesir: Mostly sunny, with a high of 31°C and a low of 18°C.
12. Bilecik: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 19-24°C.
13. Bursa: Partly cloudy, with a high of 26°C and a low of 17°C.
14. Çanakkale: Mostly sunny, with a high of 25°C and a low of 18°C.
15. Çankırı: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 17-22°C.
16. Çorum: Partly cloudy, with a high of 24°C and a low of 15°C.
17. Denizli: Mostly sunny, with a high of 30°C and a low of 20°C.
18. Diyarbakır: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 28-33°C.
19. Düzce: Partly cloudy, with a high of 30°C and a low of 19°C.
20. Edirne: Mostly sunny, with a high of 30°C and a low of 21°C.
21. Elazığ: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 20-25°C.
22. Erzurum: Clear skies, with a high of 18°C and a low of 7°C.
23. Eskişehir: Partly cloudy, with a high of 24°C and a low of 15°C.
24. Giresun: Mostly sunny, with a high of 29°C and a low of 20°C.
25. Gümüşhane: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 13-18°C.
26. Hakkari: Clear skies, with a high of 31°C and a low of 19°C.
27. Hatay: Partly cloudy, with a high of 27°C and a low of 20°C.
28. Isparta: Mostly sunny, with a high of 30°C and a low of 19°C.
29. Mardin: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 24-29°C.
30. Kahramanmaraş: Clear skies, with a high of 31°C and a low of 20°C.
31. Karabük: Mostly sunny, with a high of 25°C and a low of 16°C.
32. Karaman: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 24-29°C.
33. Kars: Clear skies, with a high of 20°C and a low of 8°C.
34. Kastamonu: Mostly sunny, with a high of 27°C and a low of 17°C.
35. Kayseri: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 16-21°C.
36. Kilis: Clear skies, with a high of 34°C and a low of 20°C.
37. Kırıkkale: Mostly sunny, with a high of 30°C and a low of 19°C.
38. Kırşehir: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 24-29°C.
39. Kocaeli: Partly cloudy, with a high of 26°C and a low of 17°C.
40. Konya: Clear skies, with a high of 33°C and a low of 20°C.
41. Malatya: Mostly sunny, with a high of 33°C and a low of 22°C.
42. Manisa: Partly cloudy, with a high of 27°C and a low of 18°C.
43. Mersin: Partly cloudy, with a high of 29°C and a low of 20°C.
44. Muğla: Mostly sunny, with a high of 31°C and a low of 21°C.
45. Nevşehir: Clear skies, with a high of 28°C and a low of 16°C.
46. Niğde: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 20-25°C.
47. Ordu: Mostly sunny, with a high of 26°C and a low of 18°C.
48. Osmaniye: Clear skies, with a high of 30°C and a low of 19°C.
49. Rize: Partly cloudy, with a high of 25°C and a low of 16°C.
50. Sakarya: Mostly sunny, with a high of 27°C and a low of 18°C.
51. Samsun: Partly cloudy, with a high of 24°C and a low of 19°C.
52. Şanlıurfa: Mostly sunny, with a high of 32°C and a low of 20°C.
53. Tekirdağ: Clear skies, with a high of 27°C and a low of 19°C.
54. Tokat: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 16-21°C.
55. Trabzon: Mostly sunny, with a high of 20°C and a low of 13°C.
56. Tunceli: Clear skies, with a high of 28°C and a low of 17°C.
57. Uşak: Partly cloudy, with temperatures between 19-24°C.
58. Van: Clear skies, with a high of 22°C and a low of 10°C.
59. Yalova: Mostly sunny, with a high of 23°C and a low of 17°C.
60. Zonguldak: Partly cloudy, with a high of 24°C and a low of 18°C.

Note: Please note that these temperatures are approximate and may vary depending on your location within the country. Always check local weather forecasts for the most accurate information. Also, be aware of any weather warnings or advisories issued by local authorities. Happy travels!

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