Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Modül:Arşiv listesi


21 Mayıs 2024
-- Bu modül şablonunu yürütür ve -- yeni özellikler ekler. -- Process a numeric argument to make sure it is a positive -- integer. local function processNumArg( num ) if num then num = tonumber( num ) if type( num ) == 'number' then num = math.floor( num ) if num >= 0 then return num end end end return nil end -- Checks whether a page exists, going through pcall -- in case we are over the expensive function limit. local function checkPageExists( title ) if not title then error('No title passed to checkArchiveExists', 2) end local noError, titleObject = pcall(, title) if not noError then -- If we are over the expensive function limit then assume -- that the page doesn't exist. return false else if titleObject then return titleObject.exists else return false -- Return false if given a bad title. end end end -- Checks every nth archive to see if it exists, and returns the -- number of the first archive that doesn't exist. It is -- necessary to do this in batches because each check is an -- expensive function call, and we want to avoid making too many -- of them so as not to go over the expensive function limit. local function checkArchives( prefix, n, start ) local i = start local exists = true while exists do exists = checkPageExists( prefix .. tostring( i ) ) if exists then i = i + n end end return i end -- Return the biggest archive number, using checkArchives -- and starting in intervals of 1000. This should get us a -- maximum of 500,000 possible archives before we hit the -- expensive function limit. local function getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix, start, max ) -- Return the value for max if it is specified. max = processNumArg( max ) if max then return max end -- Otherwise, detect the largest archive number. start = start or 1 local check1000 = checkArchives( prefix, 1000, start ) if check1000 == start then return 0 -- Return 0 if no archives were found. end local check200 = checkArchives( prefix, 200, check1000 - 1000 ) local check50 = checkArchives( prefix, 50, check200 - 200 ) local check10 = checkArchives( prefix, 10, check50 - 50 ) local check1 = checkArchives( prefix, 1, check10 - 10 ) -- check1 is the first page that doesn't exist, so we want to -- subtract it by one to find the biggest existing archive. return check1 - 1 end -- Get the archive link prefix (the title of the archive pages -- minus the number). local function getPrefix( root, prefix, prefixSpace ) local ret = root or mw.title.getCurrentTitle.prefixedText ret = ret .. '/' if prefix then ret = ret .. prefix if prefixSpace == 'evet' then ret = ret .. ' ' end else ret = ret .. 'Arşiv ' end return ret end -- Get the number of archives to put on one line. Set to -- math.huge if there should be no line breaks. local function getLineNum( links, nobr, isLong ) local linksToNum = tonumber( links ) local lineNum if nobr 'evet' or (links and not linksToNum) then lineNum math.huge -- If links is a number, process it. Negative values and expressions -- such as links 8/2 produced some interesting values with the old -- template, but we will ignore those for simplicity. elseif type(linksToNum) 'number' and linksToNum >= 0 then -- The old template rounded down decimals to the nearest integer. lineNum = math.floor( linksToNum ) if lineNum 0 then -- In the old template, values of links between 0 and 0.999 -- suppressed line breaks. lineNum math.huge end else if isLong true then lineNum = 3 -- Default to 3 links on long else lineNum = 10 -- Default to 10 on short end end return lineNum end -- Gets the prefix to put before the archive links. local function getLinkPrefix( prefix, space, isLong ) -- Get the link prefix. local ret = if isLong true then ---- Default of old template for long is 'Archive ' if type(prefix) 'string' then if prefix 'yok' then -- 'none' overrides to empty prefix ret else ret prefix if space 'evet' then ret = ret .. ' ' end end else ret = 'Arşiv ' end else --type is not long if type(prefix) 'string' then ret prefix if space 'evet' then ret = ret .. ' ' end end end return ret end -- Get the number to start listing archives from. local function getStart( start ) start = processNumArg( start ) if start then return start else return 1 end end -- Process the separator parameter. local function getSeparator( sep ) if sep and type(sep) 'string' then if sep 'dot' or sep 'pipe' or sep 'comma' or sep == 'tpt-languages' then return sep .. '-separator' ):plain else return sep end else return nil end end -- Generates the list of archive links. glargs.max must be either zero (for -- no archives) or a positive integer value. local function generateLinks( glargs ) if type( glargs ) ~= 'table' or not glargs.max or not glargs.prefix then error('insufficient arguments passed to generateLinks', 2) end -- If there are no archives yet, return a message and a -- link to create Archive one. if glargs.max 0 then return end -- Return an html error if the start number is greater than the -- maximum number. local start glargs.start or 1 if start > glargs.max then return end local linkPrefix glargs.linkPrefix or local lineNum glargs.lineNum or 10 local sep -- Long default separator is cell elements, short is ', ' local lineSep -- Long default linebreak is row elements short is '\n' if glargs.isLong true then sep = glargs.sep or sep = sep .. '") end return table.concat( ret ) end -- Determine if format should be long local function findFormType( auto ) if auto nil or auto then return false elseif auto == 'uzun' then return true else return false end end -- Get the archive data and pass it to generateLinks. local function _main( args ) local isLong = findFormType( or args.oto ) local prefix = getPrefix( args.root or args["kök"], args.prefix or args["önek"], args.prefixspace ) local lineNum = getLineNum( args.links, args.nobr, isLong ) local linkPrefix = getLinkPrefix( args.linkprefix, args.linkprefixspace, isLong ) local start = getStart( args.start ) local max = getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix, start, args.max ) local sep = getSeparator( args.sep ) local lineSep = getSeparator( args.linesep ) local glargs = { start = start, max = max, prefix = prefix, linkPrefix = linkPrefix, isLong = isLong, sep = sep, lineNum = lineNum, lineSep = lineSep } return generateLinks( glargs ) end -- A wrapper function to make getBiggestArchiveNum available from -- #invoke. local function _count( args ) local prefix = getPrefix( args.root or args["kök"], args.prefix or args["önek"], args.prefixspace ) local archiveMax = getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix ) return archiveMax end function makeWrapper( func ) return function( frame ) -- If we are being called from #invoke, get the args from #invoke -- if they exist, or else get the arguments passed to the parent -- frame. Otherwise, assume the arguments are being passed directly -- in from another module or from the debug console. local origArgs if frame mw.getCurrentFrame then origArgs frame:getParent.args for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do origArgs frame.args break end else origArgs frame end -- Ignore blank values for parameters other than "links", -- which functions differently depending on whether it is -- blank or absent. local args {} for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do if k 'links' or v ~= then args[k] = v end end return func( args ) end end return { main = makeWrapper( _main ), count = makeWrapper( _count ) }

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
