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Modül:Çatışma bilgi kutusu


21 Mayıs 2024
require('Modül:No globals') local infoboxStyle = mw.loadData('Modül:WPMILHIST Bilgi kutusu biçimi') local templatestyles = 'Modül:Çatışma bilgi kutusu/biçim.css' local IMC = {} IMC.__index = IMC function IMC:renderPerCombatant(builder, headerText, prefix, suffix) prefix = prefix or suffix = suffix or local colspans = {} -- This may result in colspans[1] getting set twice, but -- this is no big deal. The second set will be correct. local lastCombatant = 1 for i = 1,self.combatants do if self.args[prefix .. i .. suffix] then colspans[lastCombatant] = i - lastCombatant lastCombatant = i end end local jointText = self.args[prefix .. (self.combatants + 1) .. suffix] if headerText and (colspans[1] or jointText) then builder:tag('tr') :tag('th') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :cssText(infoboxStyle.header_raw) :wikitext(headerText) end -- The only time colspans[1] wouldn't be set is if no -- combatant has a field with the given prefix and suffix. if colspans[1] then -- Since each found argument set the colspan for the previous -- one, the final one wasn't set above, so set it now. colspans[lastCombatant] = self.combatants - lastCombatant + 1 builder = builder:tag('tr') for i = 1,self.combatants do -- At this point, colspans will be set for i=1 unconditionally, and for -- any other value of i where self.args[prefix .. i .. suffix] is set. if colspans then builder:tag('td') -- don't bother emitting colspan="1" :attr('colspan', colspans ~= 1 and colspans or nil) :css('width', math.floor(100 / self.combatants * colspans + 0.5) .. '%') -- no border on the right of the rightmost column :css('border-right', i ~= lastCombatant and infoboxStyle.internal_border or nil) -- no padding on the left of the leftmost column :css('padding-left', i ~= 1 and '0.25em' or nil) -- don't show the border if we're directly under a header :css('border-top', not headerText and infoboxStyle.internal_border or nil) :newline :wikitext(self.args[prefix .. i .. suffix]) end end end if jointText then builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :css('text-align', 'center') -- don't show the border if we're directly under a header :css('border-top', (not headerText or colspans[1]) and infoboxStyle.internal_border or nil) :newline :wikitext(jointText) end end function IMC:renderHeaderTable(builder) builder = builder:tag('table') :css('width', '100%') :css('margin', 0) :css('padding', 0) :css('border', 0) if self.args['tarih'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('th') :css('padding-right', '1em') :css('text-align', 'left') :wikitext('Tarih') :done :tag('td') :wikitext(self.args['tarih']) end if self.args['bölge'] or self.args['yer'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('th') :css('padding-right', '1em') :css('text-align', 'left') :wikitext('Bölge') :done :tag('td') :tag('div') :addClass('location') :wikitext((self.args['yer'] or ) .. (self.args['yer'] and self.args['bölge'] and ', ' or ) .. (self.args['bölge'] or )) end if self.args.koordinatlar then builder:wikitext(self.args.koordinatlar) end if self.args.map_type then builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :css('border-top', infoboxStyle.internal_border) :node(require('Module:Location map').main(self.frame, { self.args.map_type, relief = self.args.map_relief, coordinates = self.args.coordinates, width = self.args.map_size or 220, float = 'center', border = 'none', mark = self.args.map_mark, marksize = self.args.map_marksize or 8, label = self.args.map_label, alt = self.args.map_alt, caption = self.args.map_caption or ('Location within ' .. (require('Module:Location map').data(self.frame, {self.args.map_type, 'name'}))) })) end if self.args['sebep'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('th') :css('padding-right', '1em') :css('text-align', 'left') :wikitext('Sebep') :done :tag('td') :newline :wikitext(self.args['sebep']) end if self.args['durum'] or self.args['sonuç'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('th') :css('padding-right', '1em') :css('text-align', 'left') :wikitext(self.args['durum'] and 'Durum' or 'Sonuç') :done :tag('td') :addClass('durum') :newline :wikitext(self.args['durum'] or self.args['sonuç']) end if self.args['coğrafi_değişiklikler'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('th') :css('padding-right', '1em') :css('text-align', 'left') :wikitext('CoğrafiDeğişiklikler') :done :tag('td') :newline :wikitext(self.args['coğrafi_değişiklikler']) end end function IMC:render local builder = mw.html.create if self.args['cephekutusu'] then builder = builder:tag('table') :css('float', 'right') :css('clear', 'right') :css('background', 'transparent') :css('margin', 0) :css('padding', 0) :tag('tr'):tag('td') end builder = builder:tag('table') :addClass('infobox vevent') :cssText(infoboxStyle.main_box_raw) :css('width', self.args['genişlik'] or nil) builder:tag('tr') :tag('th') :addClass('summary') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :cssText(infoboxStyle.header_raw) :wikitext(self.args['çatışma'] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle.text) if self.args['parçası'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :cssText(infoboxStyle.sub_header_raw) :wikitext(self.args['parçası']) end if self.args['resim'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :cssText(infoboxStyle.image_box_raw) :wikitext(string.format('%s%s%s', require('Modül:InfoboxImage').InfoboxImage{args = { image = self.args['resim'], size = self.args['resim_boyutu'], sizedefault = 'frameless', upright = 1, alt = self.args['resim_alt'] }}, self.args['başlık'] and or , self.args['başlık'] or )) end if self.args.harita then builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :cssText(infoboxStyle.image_box_raw) :tag('center') :node(require('Module:Location map').main(self.frame, { self.args.harita, relief = self.args.map_relief, lat = self.args.latitude, long = self.args.longitude, width = self.args.harita_boyut or 220, float = 'center', border = 'none', mark = self.args.map_mark, marksize = self.args.map_marksize or 8, label = self.args.map_label, alt = self.args.map_alt, label = self.args.map_caption or ('Location within ' .. self.args.map_type) })) end self:renderHeaderTable(builder:tag('tr'):tag('td'):attr('colspan', self.combatants)) self:renderPerCombatant(builder, self.args['savaşanlar_başlık'] or 'Taraflar', 'savaşan') -- can be un-hardcoded once gerrit:165108 is merged for _,v in ipairs{'a','b','c','d'} do self:renderPerCombatant(builder, nil, 'savaşan', v) end self:renderPerCombatant(builder, 'Komutanlar ve liderler', 'komutan') for _,v in ipairs{'a','b','c','d'} do self:renderPerCombatant(builder, nil, 'komutan', v) end self:renderPerCombatant(builder, 'Çatışan birlikler', 'birlik') self:renderPerCombatant(builder, 'Güçler', 'güç') self:renderPerCombatant(builder, 'Siyasi destekler', 'siyasi_destek') self:renderPerCombatant(builder, 'Askeri destekler', 'askeri_destek') self:renderPerCombatant(builder, 'Kayıplar', 'kayıp') if self.args['notlar'] then builder:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.combatants) :css('border-top', infoboxStyle.section_border) :newline :wikitext(self.args['notlar']) end builder = builder:done if self.args['cephekutusu'] then builder = builder:done:done:tag('tr') :tag('td') :wikitext(self.args['cephekutusu']) :done :done end return builder end function, args) if not args then args = require('Modül:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Şablon:Çatışma bilgi kutusu'}) end local obj = { frame = frame, args = args } -- until gerrit:165108 is merged, there's still a cap on combatants, but as soon as it merges, we can update this little bit of code to uncap it -- also, don't try to make this more efficient, or references could be in the wrong order obj.combatants = 2 for _,v in ipairs{'', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'} do for i = 1,5 do if args['savaşan' .. i .. v] then obj.combatants = math.max(obj.combatants, i) end end end return setmetatable(obj, IMC) end local p = {} function p.main(frame) return end return p

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