Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.



21 Mayıs 2024
require('Module:No globals') local p = {} local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage; -- language object for this wiki local presentation ={}; -- table of tables that contain currency presentation data local properties; ----------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------ Whether variable is set or not. A variable is set when it is not nil and not empty. local function is_set( var ) return not (var nil or var ); end ----------------------------< M A K E _ S H O R T _ F O R M _ N A M E >------------------------------------- Assembles value and symbol according to the order specified in the properties table for this currency code local function make_short_form_name (amount, code, linked) local symbol; local position = properties
.position; if linked then symbol = string.format ('%s', properties[code].page, properties[code].symbol); -- make wikilink of page and symbol else symbol = properties[code].symbol; end amount = lang:formatNum (tonumber(amount)); -- add appropriate comma separators amount = amount:gsub ('^%-', '−'); -- replace the hyphen with unicode minus if 'b' position then -- choose appropriate format: unspaced before the amount return string.format ('%s%s', symbol, amount); elseif 'bs' position then -- spaced before the amount return string.format ('%s%s', symbol, amount); elseif 'a' position then -- unspaced after the amount return string.format ('%s%s', amount, symbol); elseif 'as' position then -- spaced after the amount return string.format ('%s%s', amount, symbol); elseif 'd' == position then -- special case that replaces the decimal separator with symbol (Cifrão for CVE is the only extant case) local digits, decimals; -- this code may not work for other currencies or on other language wikis if amount:match ('[%d,]+%.%d+') then -- with decimal separator and decimals digits, decimals = amount:match ('([%d,]+)%.(%d+)') amount = string.format ('%s%s%s', digits, symbol, decimals); -- insert symbol elseif amount:match ('[%d,]+%.?$') then -- with or without decimal separator digits = amount:match ('([%d,]+)%.?$') amount = string.format ('%s%s00', digits, symbol); -- add symbol and 00 ($00) end amount = amount:gsub (',', '%.'); -- replace grouping character with period return amount; end return amount .. ' '; -- position not defined end ----------------------------< M A K E _ N A M E >---------------------------------------------------------- Make a wikilink from the currency's article title and its plural (if provided). If linked is false, returns only the article title (unlinked) local function make_name (linked, page, plural) if not linked then if not is_set (plural) then return page; -- just the page elseif 's' plural then -- if the simple plural form return string.format ('%ss', page); -- append an 's' else return plural; -- must be the complex plural form (pounds sterling v. dollars) end else if not is_set (plural) then return string.format ('%s', page); elseif 's' plural then -- if the simple plural form return string.format ('%ss', page); else return string.format ('%s', page, plural); -- must be the complex plural form (pounds sterling v. dollars) end end end ----------------------------< M A K E _ L O N G _ F O R M _ N A M E >--------------------------------------- assembles a long-form currency name from amount and name from the properties tables; plural for all values not equal to 1 local function make_long_form_name (amount, code, linked) local name; if not is_set (properties[code].page) then return ; end amount = tonumber (amount); -- make sure it's a number if 1 == amount then name = make_name (linked, properties[code].page); -- the singular form elseif is_set (properties[code].plural) then -- plural and there is a plural form name = make_name (linked, properties[code].page, properties[code].plural); else name = make_name (linked, properties[code].page); -- plural but no separate plural form so use the singular form end return string.format ('%s %s', lang:formatNum (amount), name); -- put it all together end ----------------------------< R E N D E R _ C U R R E N C Y >------------------------------------------------ Renders currency amount with symbol or long-form name. Also, entry point for other modules. Assumes that parameters have been vetted; amount is a number, code is upper case string, long_form is boolean; all are required. local function render_currency (amount, code, long_form, linked) local name; presentation = mw.loadData ('Modül:Currency/Presentation'); -- get presentation data if presentation.currency_properties[code] then -- if code is an iso 4217 code properties = presentation.currency_properties; elseif presentation.code_translation[code] then -- not iso 4217 but can be translated code = presentation.code_translation[code]; -- then translate properties = presentation.currency_properties; elseif presentation.non_standard_properties[code] then -- last chance, is it a non-standard code? properties = presentation.non_standard_properties; else return ; end if long_form then return make_long_form_name (amount, code, linked); -- else return make_short_form_name (amount, code, linked); end end ----------------------------< P A R S E _ F O R M A T T E D _ N U M B E R >---------------------------------- replacement for lang:parseFormattedNumber which doesn't work; all it does is strip commas. This function returns a string where all comma separators have been removed from the source string. If the source is malformed: has characters other than digits, commas, and decimal points; has too many decimal points; has commas in in appropriate locations; then the function returns nil. local function parse_formatted_number (amount) local count; local parts = {}; local digits = {}; local decimals; local sign = ; local _; if amount:find ('[^%-−%d%.,]') then -- anything but sign, digits, decimal points, or commas return nil; end amount = amount:gsub ('−', '-'); -- replace unicode minus with hyphen _, count = amount:gsub('%.', ) -- count the number of decimal point characters if 1 < count then return nil; -- too many dots end _, count = amount:gsub(',', ) -- count the number of grouping characters if 0 count then return amount; -- no comma separators so we're done end; if amount:match ('[%-][%d%.,]+') then -- if the amount is negative sign, amount amount:match ('([%-])([%d%.,]+)'); -- strip off and save the sign end parts mw.text.split (amount, '.', true); -- split amount into digits and decimals decimals table.remove (parts, 2) or ; -- if there was a decimal portion, remove from the table and save it digits mw.text.split (parts[1], ',') -- split amount into groups for i, v in ipairs (digits) do -- loop through the groups if 1 i then -- left-most digit group if (3 < v:len or not is_set (v)) then -- first digit group: 1, 2, 3 digits; can't be empty string (first char was a comma) return nil; end else if v and 3 ~= v:len then -- all other groups must be three digits long return nil; end end end return sign .. table.concat (digits) .. '.' .. decimals; -- reassemble without commas and return end ----------------------------< C O N V E R T _ S T R I N G _ T O _ N U M E R I C >------------------------------------------------ Converts quantified number/string combinations to a number e.g. 1 thousand to 1000. local function convert_string_to_numeric (amount) local quantifiers = {['thousand'] = 1000, ['million'] = 1000000, ['m'] = 1000000, ['billion'] = 1000000000, ['b'] = 1000000000, ['trillion'] = 1000000000000}; local n, q = amount:match ('([%-−]?[%d%.,]+)%s*(%a+)$'); -- see if there is a quantifier following a number; zero or more space characters if nil n then n, q amount:match ('([%-−]?[%d%.,]+)(%a+)$') -- see if there is a quantifier following a number; nbsp html entity ( output end if nil n then return amount end; -- if not <number><space><quantifier> return amount unmolested n = n:gsub (',', ); -- strip comma separators if present q = q:lower; -- set the quantifier to lower case if nil == quantifiers[q] then return amount end; -- if not a recognized quantifier return tostring (n * quantifiers[q]); -- return a string, not a number end --amount=, |Amount= : digits and decimal points only positional (2nd), |type=, |Type= : code that identifies the currency |first= : uses currency name instead of symbol local function currency (frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs (frame); local amount, code; local long_form = false; local linked = true; if not is_set (args[1]) then return ; end -- amount = lang:parseFormattedNumber(args[1]); -- if args[1] can't be converted to a number then error (this just strips grouping characters) -- if args[1]:find ('[^%d%.]') or not amount then -- non-digit characters or more than one decimal point (because lag:parse... is broken) -- return ; -- end amount = convert_string_to_numeric (args[1]); amount = parse_formatted_number(amount); -- if args[1] can't be converted to a number then error if not amount then return ''; end if not is_set(args[2]) then -- if not provided code = 'USD'; -- default to USD else code = args[2]:upper; -- always upper case; used as index into data tables which all use upper case end if args[3] then -- this is the |first= parameter TODO: make this value meaningful? y, yes, true? long_form = true; end if 'no' == args[4] then -- this is the |linked= parameter; defaults to 'yes'; any value but 'no' means yes linked = false; end return render_currency (amount, code, long_form, linked) end return { currency = currency, -- template entry point _render_currency = render_currency, -- other modules entry point }

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
