Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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21 Mayıs 2024
require('Modül:Küresel değil') local p = {} -- articles in which traditional Chinese preceeds simplified Chinese local t1st = { ["228 Incident"] = true, ["Chinese calendar"] = true, ["Lippo Centre, Hong Kong"] = true, ["Republic of China"] = true, ["Republic of China at the 1924 Summer Olympics"] = true, ["Taiwan"] = true, ["Taiwan (island)"] = true, ["Taiwan Province"] = true, ["Wei Boyang"] = true, } -- the labels for each part local labels = { ["c"] = "Çince", ["s"] = "Basitleştirilmiş Çince", ["t"] = "Geleneksel Çince", ["p"] = "pinyin", ["tp"] = "Tongyong Pinyin", ["w"] = "Wade–Giles", ["j"] = "Jyutping", ["cy"] = "Kantonca", ["sl"] = "Sidney Lau", ["poj"] = "Pe̍h-ōe-jī", ["zhu"] = "Zhuyin Fuhao", ["l"] = "lit.", } -- article titles for wikilinks for each part local wlinks = { ["c"] = "Çince", ["s"] = "Basitleştirilmiş Çince", ["t"] = "Geleneksel Çince", ["p"] = "pinyin", ["tp"] = "Tongyong Pinyin", ["w"] = "Wade–Giles", ["j"] = "Jyutping", ["cy"] = "Kantonca", ["sl"] = "Sidney Lau romanisation", ["poj"] = "Pe̍h-ōe-jī", ["zhu"] = "Bopomofo", ["l"] = "Literal translation", } -- for those parts which are to be treated as languages their ISO code local ISOlang = { ["c"] = "zh", ["t"] = "zh-Hant", ["s"] = "zh-Hans", ["p"] = "zh-Latn-pinyin", ["tp"] = "zh-Latn", ["w"] = "zh-Latn-wadegile", ["j"] = "yue-Latn-jyutping", ["cy"] = "yue-Latn", ["sl"] = "yue-Latn", ["poj"] = "nan-Latn", ["zhu"] = "zh-Bopo", } local italic = { ["p"] = true, ["tp"] = true, ["w"] = true, ["j"] = true, ["cy"] = true, ["sl"] = true, ["poj"] = true, } local superscript = { ["w"] = true, ["sl"] = true, } -- Categories for different kinds of Chinese text local cats = { ["c"] = "Kategori:Çince metin içeren maddeler", ["s"] = "Kategori:Basitleştirilmiş Çince metin içeren maddeler", ["t"] = "Kategori:Geleneksel Çince metin içeren maddeler", } function p.Zh(frame) -- load arguments module to simplify handling of args local getArgs = require('Modül:Bağımsız değişkenler').getArgs local args = getArgs(frame) return p._Zh(args) end function p._Zh(args) local uselinks = not (args["links"] "no") -- whether to add links local uselabels not (args["labels"] "no") -- whether to have labels local capfirst = args["scase"] ~= nil local t1 = false -- whether traditional Chinese characters go first local j1 = false -- whether Cantonese Romanisations go first local testChar if (args["first"]) then for testChar in mw.ustring.gmatch(args["first"], "%a+") do if (testChar "t") then t1 true end if (testChar "j") then j1 = true end end end if (t1 false) then local title mw.title.getCurrentTitle t1 t1st[title.text] true end -- based on setting/preference specify order local orderlist = {"c", "s", "t", "p", "tp", "w", "j", "cy", "sl", "poj", "zhu", "l"} if (t1) then orderlist[2] = "t" orderlist[3] = "s" end if (j1) then orderlist[4] = "j" orderlist[5] = "cy" orderlist[6] = "sl" orderlist[7] = "p" orderlist[8] = "tp" orderlist[9] = "w" end -- rename rules. Rules to change parameters and labels based on other parameters if args["hp"] then -- hp an alias for p ([hanyu] pinyin) args["p"] = args["hp"] end if args["tp"] then -- if also Tongyu pinyin use full name for Hanyu pinyin labels["p"] = "Hanyu Pinyin" end if (args["s"] and args["s"] args["t"]) then -- Treat simplified + traditional as Chinese if they're the same args["c"] args["s"] args["s"] nil args["t"] nil elseif (not (args["s"] and args["t"])) then -- use short label if only one of simplified and traditional labels["s"] labels["c"] labels["t"] labels["c"] end local body "" -- the output string local params -- for creating HTML spans local label -- the label, i.e. the bit preceeding the supplied text local val -- the supplied text -- go through all possible fields in loop, adding them to the output for i, part in ipairs(orderlist) do if (args[part]) then -- build label label "" if (uselabels) then label labels[part] if (capfirst) then label mw.language.getContentLanguage:ucfirst(label) capfirst false end if (uselinks) then label "[[" .. wlinks[part] .. "|" .. label .. "]]" end if (labels[part] ~ "lit.") then label label .. ":" else label "" end label label .. " " end -- build value val args[part] --if (cats[part]) and mw.title.getCurrentTitle.namespace 0 then -- if has associated category AND current page in article namespace, add category --val = cats[part] .. val --end if (ISOlang[part]) then -- add span for language if needed params = {["lang"] = ISOlang[part], ["xml:lang"] = ISOlang[part]} val = mw.text.tag({name="span",attrs=params, content=val}) elseif (part "l") then -- put literals in quotes val "'" .. val .. "'" end if (italic[part]) then -- italicise val "" end if (superscript[part]) then -- superscript val val:gsub("(%d)", ""):gsub("(%d)%*", "") end -- add both to body body body .. label .. val .. "; " end end if (body > "") then -- check for empty string return string.sub(body, 1, -3) -- chop off final semicolon and space else --no named parameters; see if there's a first parameter, ignoring its name if (args[1]) then -- if there is treat it as Chinese label "" if (uselabels) then label labels["c"] if (uselinks) then label "[[" .. wlinks["c"] .. "|" .. label .. "]]" end label label .. ": " end -- default to show links and labels as no options given val args[1] --if mw.title.getCurrentTitle.namespace 0 then -- if current page in article namespace --val = cats["c"] .. args[1] --else --val = args[1] --end params = {["lang"] = ISOlang["c"], ["xml:lang"] = ISOlang["c"]} val = mw.text.tag({name="span",attrs=params, content=val}) return label .. val end return "" end end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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