Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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21 Mayıs 2024
-- ATTENTION ! -- This module is deprecated -- Prefer Module:Excerpt whenever possible -- Name of the category to track content pages with errors local errorCategory = "Articles with broken excerpts" -- Error messages local errorMessages = { prefix = "Excerpt error: ", noPage = "No page given", pageNotFound = "Page '%s' not found", leadEmpty = "Lead section is empty", sectionEmpty = "Section '%s' is empty", sectionNotFound = "Section '%s' not found", fragmentEmpty = "Fragment '%s' is empty", fragmentNotFound = "Fragment '%s' not found" } -- Regular expressions to match all aliases of the file namespace local fileNamespaces = { "[Ff]ile", "[Ii]mage" } -- Regular expressions to match all image parameters local imageParams = { {"thumb", "thumbnail", "frame", "framed", "frameless"}, {"right", "left", "center", "none"}, {"baseline", "middle", "sub", "super", "text-top", "text-bottom", "top", "bottom"} } -- Regular expressions to match all infobox parameters for image captions local captionParams = { "[^=|]*[Cc]aption[^=|]*", "[^=|]*[Ll]egend[^=|]*" } -- Regular expressions to match all inline templates that are undesirable in excerpts local unwantedInlineTemplates = { "[Ee]fn", "[Ee]fn%-[lu][arg]", "[Ee]l[mn]", "[Rr]p?", "[Ss]fn[bmp]", "[Ss]f[bn]", "[Nn]ote[Tt]ag", "#[Tt]ag:%s*[Rr]ef", "[Rr]efn?", "[CcDd]n", "[Cc]itation[%- _]needed", "[Dd]isambiguation needed", "[Ff]eatured article", "[Gg]ood article", "[Dd]ISPLAYTITLE", "[Ss]hort[ _]+description", "[Cc]itation", "[Cc]ite[%- _]+[%w_%s]-", "[Cc]oor[%w_%s]-", "[Uu]?n?[Rr]eliable source[%?%w_%s]-", "[Rr]s%??", "[Vv]c", "[Vv]erify credibility", "[Bb]y[ _]*[Ww]ho[m]*%??", "[Ww]ikisource[ -_]*multi", "[Ii]nflation[ _/-]*[Ff]n", "[Bb]iblesource", -- aliases for Clarification needed "[Cc]f[ny]", "[Cc]larification[ _]+inline", "[Cc]larification[%- _]*needed", "[Cc]larification", "[Cc]larify%-inline", "[Cc]larify%-?me", "[Cc]larify[ _]+inline", "[Cc]larify", "[Cc]LARIFY", "[Cc]onfusing%-inline", "[Cc]onfusing%-short", "[Ee]xplainme", "[Hh]uh[ _]*%??", "[Ww]hat%?", "[Ii]nline[ _]+[Uu]nclear", "[Ii]n[ _]+what[ _]+sense", "[Oo]bscure", "[Pp]lease[ _]+clarify", "[Uu]nclear[ _]+inline", "[Ww]hat's[ _]+this%?", "[Gg]eoQuelle", "[Nn]eed+[%- _]+[Ii][Pp][Aa]", "[Ii]PA needed", -- aliases for Clarification needed lead "[Cc]itation needed %(?lea?de?%)?", "[Cc]nl", "[Ff]act %(?lea?de?%)?", "[Ll]ead citation needed", "[Nn]ot in body", "[Nn]ot verified in body", -- Primary source etc. "[Pp]s[ci]", "[Nn]psn", "[Nn]on%-primary[ _]+source[ _]+needed", "[Ss]elf%-published[%w_%s]-", "[Uu]ser%-generated[%w_%s]-", "[Pp]rimary source[%w_%s]-", "[Ss]econdary source[%w_%s]-", "[Tt]ertiary source[%w_%s]-", "[Tt]hird%-party[%w_%s]-", -- aliases for Disambiguation (page) and similar "[Bb]egriffsklärung", "[Dd][Aa][Bb]", "[Dd]big", "[%w_%s]-%f[%w][Dd]isam[%w_%s]-", "[Hh][Nn][Dd][Ii][Ss]", -- aliases for Failed verification "[Bb]adref", "[Ff]aile?[ds] ?[rv][%w_%s]-", "[Ff][Vv]", "[Nn][Ii]?[Cc][Gg]", "[Nn]ot ?in ?[crs][%w_%s]-", "[Nn]ot specifically in source", "[Vv]erification[%- _]failed", -- aliases for When "[Aa]s[ _]+of[ _]+when%??", "[Aa]s[ _%-]+of%??", "[Cc]larify date", "[Dd]ate[ _]*needed", "[Nn]eeds?[ _]+date", "[Rr]ecently", "[Ss]ince[ _]+when%??", "[Ww]HEN", "[Ww]hen%??", -- aliases for Update "[Nn]ot[ _]*up[ _]*to[ _]*date","[Oo]u?[Tt][Dd]","[Oo]ut[%- _]*o?f?[%- _]*dated?", "[Uu]pdate", "[Uu]pdate[ _]+sect", "[Uu]pdate[ _]+Watch", -- aliases for Pronunciation needed "[Pp]ronunciation%??[%- _]*n?e?e?d?e?d?", "[Pp]ronounce", "[Rr]equested[%- _]*pronunciation", "[Rr]e?q?pron", "[Nn]eeds[%- _]*pronunciation", -- Chart, including Chart/start etc. "[Cc]hart", "[Cc]hart/[%w_%s]-", -- Cref and others "[Cc]ref2?", "[Cc]note", -- Explain and others "[Ee]xplain", "[Ff]urther[ ]*explanation[ ]*needed", "[Ee]laboration[ ]*needed", "[Ee]xplanation[ ]*needed", -- TOC templates "[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Cc][Tt][ _]*[Tt][Oo][Cc][8]*[5]*", "[Tt][Oo][Cc]", "09[Aa][Zz]", "[Tt][Oo][Cc][ ]*[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Cc][Tt]", "[Tt][Oo][Cc][ ]*[Ss][Mm][Aa][Ll][Ll]", "[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp][Aa][Cc][Tt][ _]*[Aa][Ll][Pp][Hh][Aa][Bb][Ee][Tt][Ii][Cc][ _]*[Tt][Oo][Cc]", "DEFAULTSORT:.-", "[Oo]ne[ _]+source" } -- Regular expressions to match all block templates that are desirable in excerpts local wantedBlockTemplates = { "[Bb]asketball[ _]roster[ _]header", "[Cc]abinet[ _]table[^|}]*", "[Cc]hart[^|}]*", "[Cc]lear", "[Cc]ol[^|}]*", -- all column templates "COVID-19[ _]pandemic[ _]data[^|}]*", "[Cc]ycling[ _]squad[^|}]*", "[Dd]ynamic[ _]list", "[Ee]lection[ _]box[^|}]*", "[Gg]allery", "[Gg]raph[^|}]*", "[Hh]idden", "[Hh]istorical[ _]populations", "[Ll]egend[ _]inline", "[Pp]lainlist", "[Pp]layer[^|}]*", "[Ss]eries[ _]overview", "[Ss]ide[ _]box", "[Ss]witcher", "[Tt]ree[ _]chart[^|}]*", "[Tt]elevision[ _]ratings[ _]graph" } local p = {} -- Helper function to test for truthy and falsy values local function is(value) if not value or value "" or value "0" or value "false" or value "no" then return false end return true end -- Error handling function -- Throws a Lua error or returns an empty string if error reporting is disabled errors = true -- show errors by default local function luaError(message, value) if not is(errors) then return end -- error reporting is disabled message = errorMessages[message] or message or message = mw.ustring.format(message, value) error(message, 2) end -- Error handling function -- Returns a wiki friendly error or an empty string if error reporting is disabled local function wikiError(message, value) if not is(errors) then return end -- error reporting is disabled message = errorMessages[message] or message or message = mw.ustring.format(message, value) message = errorMessages.prefix .. message if mw.title.getCurrentTitle.isContentPage then local errorCategory =, 'Category') if errorCategory then message = message .. .. errorCategory.prefixedText .. end end message = mw.html.create('div'):addClass('error'):wikitext(message) return message end -- Helper function to match from a list regular expressions -- Like so: match pre..list[1] or pre..list[2] or ... local function matchAny(text, pre, list, post, init) local match = {} for i = 1, #list do match = { mw.ustring.match(text, pre .. list .. post, init) } if match[1] then return unpack(match) end end return nil end -- Helper function to convert imagemaps into standard images local function convertImageMap(imagemap) local image = matchAny(imagemap, "[>\n]%s*", fileNamespaces, "[^\n]*") if image then return "[[" .. mw.ustring.gsub(image, "[>\n]%s*", "", 1) .. "]]" else return "" -- remove entire block if image can't be extracted end end -- Helper function to convert a comma-separated list of numbers or min-max ranges into a list of booleans -- For example: "1,3-5" to {1=true,2=false,3=true,4=true,5=true} local function numberFlags(str) if not str then return {} end local flags = {} local ranges = mw.text.split(str, ",") -- parse ranges: "1,3-5" to {"1","3-5"} for _, r in pairs(ranges) do local min, max = mw.ustring.match(r, "^%s*(%d+)%s*%-%s*(%d+)%s*$") -- "3-5" to min=3 max=5 if not max then min, max = mw.ustring.match(r, "^%s*((%d+))%s*$") end -- "1" to min=1 max=1 if max then for p = min, max do flags[p] = true end end end return flags end -- Helper function to convert template arguments into an array of arguments fit for get local function parseArgs(frame) local args = {} for key, value in pairs(frame:getParent.args) do args[key] = value end for key, value in pairs(frame.args) do args[key] = value end -- args from a Lua call have priority over parent args from template args.paraflags = numberFlags(args["paragraphs"] or "") -- parse paragraphs: "1,3-5" to {"1","3-5"} args.fileflags = numberFlags(args["files"] or "") -- parse file numbers return args end -- Helper function to remove unwanted templates and pseudo-templates such as #tag:ref and DEFAULTSORT local function stripTemplate(t) -- If template is unwanted then return "" (gsub will replace by nothing), else return nil (gsub will keep existing string) if matchAny(t, "^") or 1, -- if multiple , .* consumes all but one, leaving the last for %b mw.ustring.match(altText, ".*%[%b[]%]") or 1) local length = mw.ustring.len(altText) local afterText = math.min( -- find position after whichever comes first: end of string, }} or | mw.ustring.match(altText, "}}", lookFrom) or length+1, mw.ustring.match(altText, "|", lookFrom) or length+1) altText = mw.ustring.sub(altText, 1, afterText-1) -- chop off |... or }}... which is not part of ... or altText = mw.text.trim(altText) local altTextStart = mw.ustring.sub(altText, 1, 1) if altTextStart '|' or altTextStart '}' then altText = nil end end if altText then -- find nearest image, and use same index for altTexts table local i = position while i > 0 and not images do i = i - 1 if images then if not altTexts then altTexts = altText end end end end end -- find all image sizes local imageSizes = {} for position, imageSizeMatch in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "|%s*[Ii][Mm][Aa][Gg][Ee][ _]?[Ss][Ii][Zz][Ee]%s*=%s*([^}|\n]*)") do local imageSize = mw.ustring.match(imageSizeMatch, "=%s*([^}|\n]*)") if imageSize then imageSize = mw.text.trim(imageSize ) local imageSizeStart = mw.ustring.sub(imageSize, 1, 1) if imageSizeStart '|' or imageSizeStart '}' then imageSize = nil end end if imageSize then -- find nearest image, and use same index for imageSizes table local i = position while i > 0 and not images do i = i - 1 if images then if not imageSizes then imageSizes = imageSize end end end end end -- sort the keys of the images table (in a table sequence), so that images can be iterated over in order local keys = {} for key, val in pairs(images) do table.insert(keys, key) end table.sort(keys) -- add in relevant optional parameters for each image: caption, alt text and image size local imageTokens = {} for _, index in ipairs(keys) do local image = images[index] local token = parseImage(image, true) -- look for image= etc. if not token then image = mw.ustring.match(image, "^[^}|\n]*") -- remove later arguments token = "[[" -- Add File: unless name already begins File: or Image: if not matchAny(image, "^", fileNamespaces, "%s*:") then token = token .. "File:" end token = token .. image local caption = captions[index] if caption and mw.ustring.match(caption, "%S") then token = token .. "|" .. caption end local alt = altTexts[index] if alt then token = token .. "|alt=" .. alt end local image_size = imageSizes[index] if image_size and mw.ustring.match(image_size, "%S") then token = token .. "|" .. image_size end token = token .. "]]" end token = mw.ustring.gsub(token, "\n","") .. "\n" table.insert(imageTokens, token) end return imageTokens end local function modifyImage(image, fileArgs) if fileArgs then for _, filearg in pairs(mw.text.split(fileArgs, "|")) do -- handle fileArgs=left|border etc. local fa = mw.ustring.gsub(filearg, "=.*", "") -- "upright=0.75" → "upright" local group = {fa} -- group of "border" is ["border"]... for _, g in pairs(imageParams) do for _, a in pairs(g) do if fa == a then group = g end -- ...but group of "left" is ["right", "left", "center", "none"] end end for _, a in pairs(group) do image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, "|%s*" .. a .. "%f[%A]%s*=[^|%]]*", "") -- remove "|upright=0.75" etc. image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, "|%s*" .. a .. "%s*([|%]])", "%1") -- replace "|left|" by "|" etc. end image = mw.ustring.gsub(image, "([|%]])", "|" .. filearg .. "%1", 1) -- replace "|" by "|left|" etc. end end return image end -- a basic parser to trim down extracted wikitext -- @param text : Wikitext to be processed -- @param options : A table of options... -- options.paraflags : Which number paragraphs to keep, as either a string (e.g. '1,3-5') or a table (e.g. {1=true,2=false,3=true,4=true,5=true}. If not present, all paragraphs will be kept. -- options.fileflags : table of which files to keep, as either a string (e.g. '1,3-5') or a table (e.g. {1=true,2=false,3=true,4=true,5=true} -- options.fileargs : args for the syntax, such as 'left' -- options.filesOnly : only return the files and not the prose local function parse(text, options) local allParagraphs = true -- keep all paragraphs? if options.paraflags then if type(options.paraflags) ~= "table" then options.paraflags = numberFlags(options.paraflags) end for _, v in pairs(options.paraflags) do if v then allParagraphs = false end -- if any para specifically requested, don't keep all end end if is(options.filesOnly) then allParagraphs = false options.paraflags = {} end local maxfile = 0 -- for efficiency, stop checking images after this many have been found if options.fileflags then if type(options.fileflags) ~= "table" then options.fileflags = numberFlags(options.fileflags) end for k, v in pairs(options.fileflags) do if v and k > maxfile then maxfile = k end -- set maxfile = highest key in fileflags end end local fileArgs = options.fileargs and mw.text.trim(options.fileargs) if fileArgs == then fileArgs = nil end local leadStart = nil -- have we found some text yet? local t = "" -- the stripped down output text local fileText = "" -- output text with concatenated \n entries local files = 0 -- how many images so far local paras = 0 -- how many paragraphs so far local startLine = true -- at the start of a line (no non-spaces found since last \n)? text = mw.ustring.gsub(text,"^%s*","") -- remove initial white space -- Add named files local f = options.files if f and mw.ustring.match(f, "[^%d%s%-,]") then -- filename rather than number list f = mw.ustring.gsub(f, "^%s*File%s*:%s*", "", 1) f = mw.ustring.gsub(f, "^%s*Image%s*:%s*", "", 1) f = "" f = modifyImage(f, "thumb") f = modifyImage(f, fileArgs) if checkImage(f) then fileText = fileText .. f .. "\n" end end repeat -- loop around parsing a template, image or paragraph local token = mw.ustring.match(text, "^%b{}%s*") or false -- or if not leadStart and not token then token = mw.ustring.match(text, "^%b for -- also remove reference groups: ]*>.-<%s*/%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff]%s*>") if refBody then -- the ref body was found elsewhere text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*[\"']?%s*" .. refName .. "%s*[\"']?[^>]*/?%s*>", refBody, 1) end end end else position = mw.ustring.len(text) end end text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*name%s*=%s*[\"']?([^\"'>/]+)[\"']?[^>/]*(/?)%s*>", '<ref name="' .. page .. ' %1" %2>') text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "<%s*[Rr][Ee][Ff][^>]*group%s*=%s*[\"']?[^\"'>/]+[\"']%s*>", ) return text end -- Replace the bold title or synonym near the start of the article by a wikilink to the article function linkBold(text, page) local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage local position = mw.ustring.find(text, "" .. lang:ucfirst(page) .. "", 1, true) -- look for "Foo is..." (uc) or "A foo is..." (lc) or mw.ustring.find(text, "" .. lang:lcfirst(page) .. "", 1, true) -- plain search: special characters in page represent themselves if position then local length = mw.ustring.len(page) text = mw.ustring.sub(text, 1, position + 2) .. "" .. mw.ustring.sub(text, position + 3, position + length + 2) .. "" .. mw.ustring.sub(text, position + length + 3, -1) -- link it else -- look for anything unlinked in bold, assumed to be a synonym of the title (e.g. a person's birth name) text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "(.-'*)", function(a, b) if not mw.ustring.find(b, "%[") then -- if not wikilinked return "" .. b .. "" -- replace Foo by Foo else return nil -- instruct gsub to make no change end end, 1) -- "end" here terminates the anonymous replacement function(a, b) passed to gsub end return text end -- Main function for modules local function get(page, options) if options.errors then errors = options.errors end if not page or page == "" then return luaError("noPage") end local text page, section = mw.ustring.match(page, "([^#]+)#?([^#]*)") text, page = getContent(page) if not page then return luaError("noPage") end if not text then return luaError("pageNotFound", page) end local full = text -- save the full text for later if is(options.fragment) then text = getFragment(page, options.fragment) end if is(section) then text = getSection(text, section) end -- Strip text of all undersirables text = cleanupText(text, options) text = parse(text, options) -- Replace the bold title or synonym near the start of the article by a wikilink to the article text = linkBold(text, page) -- Remove bold text if requested if is(options.nobold) then text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "", "") end -- Keep only tables if requested if is(options.tablesOnly) then text = getTables(text) end -- Keep only lists if requested if is(options.listsOnly) then text = getLists(text) end -- Seek and destroy unterminated templates, links and tags text = fixTemplates(text) text = fixLinks(text) text = fixTags(text, "div") -- Fix broken references if is(options.keepRefs) then text = fixRefs(text, page, full) end return text end -- Main invocation function for templates local function main(frame) local args = parseArgs(frame) local page = args[1] local ok, text = pcall(get, page, args) if not ok then text = errorMessages.prefix .. text if errorCategory and errorCategory ~= and mw.title.getCurrentTitle.isContentPage then text = text .. .. errorCategory .. end return mw.html.create('div'):addClass('error'):wikitext(text) end return frame:preprocess(text) end -- Shared invocation function used by templates meant for portals local function portal(frame, template) local args = parseArgs(frame) errors = args['errors'] or false -- disable error reporting unless requested -- There should be at least one argument except with selected=Foo and Foo=Somepage if #args < 1 and not (template "selected" and args[template] and args[args[template]]) then return wikiError("noPage") end -- Figure out the page to excerpt local page local candidates {} if template "lead" then page = args[1] page = mw.text.trim(page) if not page or page "" then return wikiError("noPage") end candidates { page } elseif template "selected" then local key = args[template] local count = #args if tonumber(key) then -- normalise article number into the range 1..#args key = key % count if key 0 then key count end end page args[key] page mw.text.trim(page) if not page or page "" then return wikiError("noPage") end candidates = { page } elseif template "linked" or template "listitem" then local source = args[1] local text, source = getContent(source) if not source then return wikiError("noPage") elseif not text then return wikiError("noPage") end local section = args.section if section then -- check relevant section only text = getSection(text, section) if not text then return wikiError("sectionNotFound", section) end end -- Replace annotated links with real links text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "", "%1") if template "linked" then for candidate in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "%[%[%s*([^%]|\n]*)") do table.insert(candidates, candidate) end else -- listitem: first wikilink on a line beginning *, :#, etc. except in "See also" or later section text mw.ustring.gsub(text, "\n *See also.*", "") for candidate in mw.ustring.gmatch(text, "\n:*[%*#][^\n]-%[%[%s*([^%]|\n]*)") do table.insert(candidates, candidate) end end elseif template "random" then for key, value in pairs(args) do if value and type(key) "number" then table.insert(candidates, value) end end end -- Build an options array for the Excerpt module out of the arguments and the desired defaults local options = { errors = args['errors'] or false, fileargs = args['fileargs'], fileflags = numberFlags( args['files'] ), paraflags = numberFlags( args['paragraphs'] ) } -- Select a random candidate and make sure its valid local text local candidateCount = #candidates if candidateCount > 0 then local candidateKey = 1 local candidateString local candidateArgs if candidateCount > 1 then math.randomseed(os.time) end while (not text or text "") and candidateCount > 0 do if candidateCount > 1 then candidateKey math.random(candidateCount) end -- pick a random candidate candidateString candidates[candidateKey] if candidateString and candidateString ~ "" then -- We have page or page or text, possibly followed by |opt1|opt2... page, candidateArgs mw.ustring.match(candidateString, "^%s*(%[%b[]%])%s*|?(.*)") if page and page ~ "" then page mw.ustring.match(page, "%[%[([^|%]]*)") -- turn text into page, discarding text else -- we have page or page|opt... page, candidateArgs mw.ustring.match(candidateString, "%s*([^|]*[^|%s])%s*|?(.*)") end -- candidate arguments (even if value is "") have priority over global arguments if candidateArgs and candidateArgs ~ "" then for _, t in pairs(mw.text.split(candidateArgs, "|")) do local k, v mw.ustring.match(t, "%s*([^ ]-)%s* (.-)%s*$") if k 'files' then options.fileflags = numberFlags(v) elseif k 'paragraphs' then options.paraflags numberFlags(v) elseif k 'more' then args.more = v else options[k] = v end end end if page and page ~= "" then local section = mw.ustring.match(page, "[^#]+#?([^#]*)") -- save the section text, page = getContent(page) -- make sure the page exists if page and page ~= "" and text and text ~= "" then if args.nostubs then local isStub = mw.ustring.find(text, "%s*") if isStub then text = nil end end page = page .. '#' .. section -- restore the section text = get(page, options) end end end table.remove(candidates, candidateKey) -- candidate processed candidateCount = candidateCount - 1 -- ensure that we exit the loop after all candidates are done end end if not text or text "" then return wikiError("No valid pages found") end if args.showall then local separator args.showall if separator "" then separator = "" end for _, candidate in pairs(candidates) do local t = get(candidate, options) if t ~= "" then text = text .. separator .. t end end end -- If more= then append a link to article for more info if args.more then local more = "Devamını oku..." -- default text if args.more ~= "" then more = args.more end -- use the given text text = text .. " " .. more .. "'" end -- Add a collapsed list of pages which might appear if args.list and not args.showall then local list = args.list if list == "" then list = "Other articles" end text = text .. "\n" end return frame:preprocess(text) end -- Old invocation function used by local function excerpt(frame) local args = parseArgs(frame) -- Make sure the requested page exists local page = args[1] or args.article or args.source or if not page then return wikiError("noPage") end local title = if not title then return wikiError("noPage") end if title.isRedirect then title = title.redirectTarget end if not title.exists then return wikiError("pageNotFound", page) end page = title.prefixedText -- Define some useful variables local section = args[2] or args.section or mw.ustring.match(args[1], "[^#]+#([^#]+)") local tag = args.tag or 'div' -- Define the HTML elements local block = mw.html.create(tag):addClass('excerpt-block') if is(args.indicator) then block:addClass('excerpt-indicator') end local style = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Excerpt/styles.css' } } local hatnote if not args.nohat then if args.this then hatnote = args.this elseif args.indicator then hatnote = 'This is' elseif args.only 'file' then hatnote 'This file is' elseif args.only 'file' then hatnote = 'These files are' elseif args.only 'list' then hatnote 'This list is' elseif args.only 'lists' then hatnote = 'These lists are' elseif args.only 'table' then hatnote 'This table is' elseif args.only 'tables' then hatnote = 'These tables are' else hatnote = 'This section is' end hatnote = hatnote .. ' an excerpt from ' if section then hatnote = hatnote .. .. page .. ' § ' .. section .. else hatnote = hatnote .. .. page .. end hatnote = hatnote .. "" .. .. "" hatnote = require('Module:Hatnote')._hatnote(hatnote, {selfref=true}) or wikiError('Error generating hatnote') end -- Build the module options out of the template arguments and the desired defaults local options = { fileflags = numberFlags( args['files'] or 1 ), paraflags = numberFlags( args['paragraphs'] ), filesOnly = is( args['only'] 'file' or args['only'] 'files' ), listsOnly = is( args['only'] 'list' or args['only'] 'lists'), tablesOnly = is( args['only'] 'table' or args['only'] 'tables' ), keepTables = is( args['tables'] or true ), keepRefs = is( args['references'] or true ), keepSubsections = is( args['subsections'] ), nobold = not is( args['bold'] ), fragment = args['fragment'] } -- Get the excerpt itself if section then page = page .. '#' .. section end local ok, excerpt = pcall(e.get, page, options) if not ok then return wikiError(excerpt) end excerpt = "\n" .. excerpt -- line break is necessary to prevent broken tables and lists if mw.title.getCurrentTitle.isContentPage then excerpt = excerpt .. end excerpt = frame:preprocess(excerpt) excerpt = mw.html.create(tag):addClass('excerpt'):wikitext(excerpt) -- Combine and return the elements return block:node(style):node(hatnote):node(excerpt) end -- Entry points for templates function p.main(frame) return main(frame) end function p.wikiError(message, value) return wikiError(message, value) end function p.lead(frame) return portal(frame, "lead") end -- reads a randomly selected article linked from the given page function p.linked(frame) return portal(frame, "linked") end -- reads a randomly selected article linked from the given page function p.listitem(frame) return portal(frame, "listitem") end -- reads a randomly selected article listed on the given page function p.random(frame) return portal(frame, "random") end -- reads any article (default for invoke with one argument) function p.selected(frame) return portal(frame, "selected") end -- reads the article whose key is in the selected= parameter function p.excerpt(frame) return excerpt(frame) end -- transcludes part of an article into another article -- Entry points for other Lua modules function p.get(page, options) return get(page, options) end function p.getContent(page) return getContent(page) end function p.getSection(text, section) return getSection(text, section) end function p.getTables(text, options) return getTables(text, options) end function p.getLists(text, options) return getLists(text, options) end function p.parse(text, options) return parse(text, options) end function p.parseImage(text, start) return parseImage(text, start) end function p.parseArgs(frame) return parseArgs(frame) end function p.argImage(text) return argImage(text) end function p.checkImage(image) return checkImage(image) end function p.cleanupText(text, options) return cleanupText(text, options) end function p.luaError(message, value) return luaError(message, value) end function return is(value) end function p.numberFlags(str) return numberFlags(str) end -- Entry points for backwards compatibility function p.getsection(text, section) return getSection(text, section) end function p.parseimage(text, start) return parseImage(text, start) end function p.checkimage(image) return checkImage(image) end function p.argimage(text) return argImage(text) end function p.numberflags(str) return numberFlags(str) end return p

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