Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.



21 Mayıs 2024
local p = {} function p.fblist(lang) -- list the full fallback chain from a language to en local fbtable = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang) table.insert(fbtable, 1, lang) table.insert(fbtable, 'message') table.insert(fbtable, 'default') table.insert(fbtable, 'tr') return fbtable end function p._langSwitch(args, lang) -- args: table of translations -- Return error if there is not default and no english version -- otherwise returns the message in the most appropriate, plus the lang code as a second value if not args.en and not args.default and not args.message and args.nocat ~= '1' then return error("langSwitch error: no default") end -- get language (either stated one or user's default language) if not lang then return -- must become proper error end -- get the list of accpetable language (lang + those in lang's fallback chain) and check their content local parselist = p.fblist(lang) for i, j in ipairs(parselist) do if args[j] '~' then return nil, j end if (j 'message' and args['message']) then return tostring([j]):inLanguage(lang)) end -- if this is a translatewiki message if args[j] and args[j] ~= then return args[j], j end end end function p.langSwitch(frame) -- version to be used from wikitext args = frame.args -- if no expected args provided than check parent template/module args if args.en nil and args.default nil and args.nocat==nil then args = mw.getCurrentFrame:getParent.args end if args.lang and args.lang ~= then lang = args.lang args.lang = nil else -- get user's chosen language lang = frame:preprocess( "" ) end local str = p._langSwitch(args, lang) -- get the first value of the langSwitch, (the text) not the second (the language) return str end function p.fallbackpage(base, lang, formatting) local languages = p.fblist(lang) for i, lng in ipairs(languages) do if .. '/' .. lng).exists then if formatting == 'table' then return {base .. '/' .. lng, lng} -- returns name of the page + name of the language else return base .. '/' .. lng -- returns only the page end end end end function p.autotranslate(frame) -- logic for template:Autotranslate local args = frame.args if not args.lang or args.lang then args.lang frame:preprocess( "" ) -- get user's chosen language end -- find base page local base args.base if not base or base then return end if string.sub(base,2,9) ~= 'emplate:' then base = 'Template:' .. base -- base provided without 'Template:' part end -- find base template language subpage local page = p.fallbackpage(base, args.lang) -- if (not page and base ~= args.base) then -- try the original args.base string. This case is only needed if base is not in template namespace page = p.fallbackpage(args.base, args.lang) end if not page then return string.format(, args.base, args.lang) end -- repack args in a standard table newargs = {} for field, value in pairs(args) do if field ~= 'base' then newargs[field] = value; end end -- Transclude with template arguments the same as the ones passed to template. return frame:expandTemplate{ title = page, args = newargs } end function p.translate(page, key, lang) --trsnlate data stored in a module if type(page) == 'string' then -- if the requeested translation table is not yet loaded page = require('Module:' .. page) end local val if page[key] then val = page[key] elseif page.keys and page.keys[key] then-- key 'keys" is an index of all keys, including redirects, see Module:i18n/datatype val = page.keys[key] end if not val then return '<' .. key .. '>' end return p._langSwitch(val, lang) end function p.translatelua(frame) local lang = frame.args.lang local page = require('Module:' .. mw.text.trim(frame.args[1])) -- page should only contain a simple of translations if not lang or mw.text.trim(lang) == then lang = frame:preprocess( "" ) end if frame.args[2] then page = page[mw.text.trim(frame.args[2])] end return p._langSwitch(page, lang) end function p.runTests local toFallbackTest = require('Module:Fallback/tests/fallbacks') local result = true mw.log('Testing fallback chains') for i, t in ipairs(toFallbackTest) do local fbtbl = table.concat(p.fblist(t.initial), ', ') local expected = table.concat(t.expected, ', ') local ret = (fbtbl == expected) mw.log(i, ret and 'passed' or 'FAILED', t.initial, (not ret) and ('FAILED\nis >>' .. fbtbl .. '<<\nbut should be >>' .. expected .. '<<\n') or ) result = result and ret end return result end function p.showTemplateArguments(frame) -- list all input arguments of the template that calls "" local str = for name, value in pairs( mw.getCurrentFrame:getParent.args ) do if str=='' then str = string.format('%s=%s', name, value) -- argument #1 else str = string.format('%s, %s=%s', str, name, value) -- the rest end end return str end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
