Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.



21 Mayıs 2024
local p = {} -- Change to "" upon deployment. local moduleSuffix = "" local parserModuleName = "Modül:Yol verisi/parser" .. moduleSuffix local statenameModuleName = "Modül:Jct/statename" .. moduleSuffix -- TODO transition local cityModuleName = "Modül:Jct/city" .. moduleSuffix local concat = table.concat local insert = table.insert local format = mw.ustring.format local trim = mw.text.trim local parserModule = require(parserModuleName) local parser = parserModule.parser local util = require("Modül:Yol verisi/util") -- Shields local defaultShieldSize = 17 local function addContextBanner(route, name, suffix, bannerSpec) local bannerModule = 'Modül:Yol verisi/banners/' .. string.upper( local shieldfield = name .. 'shield' local shield = parser(route, shieldfield) if shield nil then -- This route type does not define shield. -- Find shield in the default banner table. shield parser(route, 'shield', name, bannerModule) if shield and shield ~ then if suffix nil then suffix = parser(route, 'shield', 'suffix', bannerModule) end if suffix and suffix ~= then shield = shield .. " " .. suffix end shield = shield .. ".svg" end end if shield and shield ~= then local shieldSize = defaultShieldSize -- Add banner plate. insert(bannerSpec, {shield, shieldSize}) end end local function bannerSpec(banner, bannerSize, bannerSuffix, route) local banners = {} if type(banner) == "table" then local bannerSizeIsNotTable = type(bannerSize) ~= "table" for i,filename in ipairs(banner) do local bannersize = bannerSizeIsNotTable and bannerSize or bannerSize or defaultShieldSize insert(banners, {filename, bannersize}) end elseif banner ~= then insert(banners, {banner, bannerSize}) end if route.dir then addContextBanner(route, 'dir', bannerSuffix, banners) end if then addContextBanner(route, 'to', bannerSuffix, banners) end return banners end local function shieldSpec(route, mainShield) local shieldSpec = {} local shield if mainShield then shield = parser(route, "shieldmain") end if not shield then shield = parser(route, 'shield') or end if shield then return shieldSpec end local orientation parser(route, 'orientation') local shieldsize defaultShieldSize local banner parser(route, 'banner') or {} local bannersize defaultShieldSize local bannersuffix parser(route, 'bannersuffix') local bannerIsNotTable type(banner) ~ "table" local bannersizeIsNotTable type(bannersize) ~ "table" local bannersuffixIsNotTable type(bannersuffix) ~ "table" if type(shield) "table" then for i,filename in ipairs(shield) do local size = shieldsize or shieldsize if size "" then size nil end -- banner.all describes banners that apply to all multiple shields. local shieldBanner bannerIsNotTable and banner or (banner or banner.all or {}) -- Banner size is default if the corresponding entry -- in bannerSize table is not set. local shieldBannerSize bannersizeIsNotTable and bannersize or (bannersize or bannersize.all or defaultShieldSize) local shieldBannerSuffix bannersuffix and (bannersuffixIsNotTable and bannersuffix or bannersuffix) insert(shieldSpec, { shield {filename, size}, banners bannerSpec(shieldBanner, shieldBannerSize, shieldBannerSuffix, route) }) end elseif shield ~ then if shieldsize "" then shieldsize = nil end insert(shieldSpec, { shield = {shield, shieldsize}, banners = bannerSpec(banner, bannersize, bannersuffix, route) }) end return shieldSpec end local missingShields local shieldExistsCache = {} -- Return up to two booleans. -- The first boolean is false if `shield` does not exist, and true otherwise. -- If the first boolean is true, the second boolean is true if the shield is -- landscape (width >= height), and false otherwise. local function shieldExists(shield) local result = shieldExistsCache[shield] if result == nil then local file =, 'Media').file -- Cache result. local exists = file.exists result = {exists} if exists then result[2] = file.width >= file.height end shieldExistsCache[shield] = result end if result[1] then return true, result[2] end insert(missingShields, shield) return false end local function render(shieldEntry, scale, showLink) local shield = shieldEntry.shield local banners = shieldEntry.banners local exists, landscape = shieldExists(shield[1]) if not exists then return end local size if shield[2] then local width, height = mw.ustring.match(shield[2], "(%d*)x?(%d*)") width = tonumber(width) height = tonumber(height) local sizeparts = {} if width then insert(sizeparts, format("%d", width * scale)) end if height then insert(sizeparts, format("x%d", height * scale)) end size = concat(sizeparts) else size = format("%s%d", landscape, defaultShieldSize * scale) end local link = showLink and "" or "|link=" local shieldCode = format("", shield[1], size, link, shield[1]) if not banners[1] then return shieldCode end for _,banner in ipairs(banners) do shieldCode = format("%s", banner[1], defaultShieldSize, shieldCode) end return end function p.shield(route, scale, showLink, mainShield) missingShields = {} scale = 1 local rendered = {} for _,entry in ipairs(shieldSpec(route, mainShield)) do insert(rendered, render(entry, scale, showLink)) end return concat(rendered) end function local abbr, errMsg = parser(route, 'abbr') if not abbr then end if route.nolink then return abbr, abbr end local link = parser(route, 'link') or if link == then return abbr, abbr end return format("%s", link, abbr), abbr end local function stateName(args) -- TODO transition local data = mw.loadData(statenameModuleName) local abbr = args.state or args.province local countryData = data[] return countryData and countryData[abbr] end -- Links/abbreviations local function routeText(route, frame) local link local type = route.type if not type or type == then link = route.route else link = end local dir = route.dir and ' ' .. string.lower(route.dir) or local routeText = link .. dir local name = if name and name ~= then local mainText = routeText local parenText = name return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'BSsplit', args = {mainText, parenText, align = 'left', valign = 'middle' } } else return routeText end end local function parseArgs(args) local state = args.state or args.province or args.state = state local country if and ~= then country = string.upper( else local countryModule = mw.loadData("Modül:Yol verisi/countrymask") country = countryModule[state] or 'UNK' end = country local params = {'denom', 'county', 'township', 'dab', 'nolink', 'noshield', 'to', 'dir', 'name'} local routes = {} local routeCount = 1 local seenTo = false while true do local routeType = args[routeCount * 2 - 1] if not routeType then break end local route = {type = routeType, route = args[routeCount * 2]} for _,v in pairs(params) do route[v] = args[v .. routeCount] end = country route.state = state -- Set the first .to to true. -- Set all following .to to . if seenTo then if then -- Report duplicate to flag. route.toerror = true end = elseif then = true seenTo = true end route.rdt = args.rdt insert(routes, route) routeCount = routeCount + 1 end return routes end local function prefix(to, num) if to and to ~= then return num 1 and 'To ' or ' to ' end return num 1 and or '/ ' end function p._jctrdt(args, frame) local routes = parseArgs(args) local shields = {} local links = {} frame = frame or mw.getCurrentFrame for num,route in ipairs(routes) do if not (args.noshield or route.noshield) then local shield = p.shield(route) insert(shields, shield) end local prefix = prefix(, num) if prefix ~= then insert(links, prefix) end insert(links, routeText(route, frame)) end local graphics = concat(shields) .. ' ' local linkText = concat(links) local cities = if args.city1 or args.location1 then local citiesPrefix if args.citiesprefix then citiesPrefix = args.citiesprefix ~= and format(" %s ", args.citiesprefix) or else citiesPrefix = '' end local cityModule = require(cityModuleName) cities = citiesPrefix .. end return graphics .. linkText .. cities end function p.jctrdt(frame) -- Import module function to work with passed arguments local getArgs = require('Modül:Bağımsız değişkenler').getArgs local args = getArgs(frame, {removeBlanks = false}) return p._jctrdt(args, frame) end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
