Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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21 Mayıs 2024
--Please insert new suggestions in alphabetical order --The form is ['incorrect'] = 'correct', suggestions = { -- ['acccessdate'] = 'access-date', -- ['accesdate'] = 'access-date', -- ['access date'] = 'access-date', -- ['accessate'] = 'access-date', -- ['accessdare'] = 'access-date', -- ['accessdatte'] = 'access-date', -- ['accessddate'] = 'access-date', -- ['accessdte'] = 'access-date', -- ['accessed'] = 'access-date', -- ['accessedate'] = 'access-date', -- ['accesssdate'] = 'access-date', -- ['accssdate'] = 'access-date', -- ['acessdate'] = 'access-date', ['accessmonth'] = 'access-date', -- (no longer supported by us, but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs; can be emulated using 'access-date') ['accessyear'] = 'access-date', -- (no longer supported by us, but still by citation templates mirrored in foreign WPs; can be emulated using 'access-date') ['address'] = 'location', ['année'] = 'yıl', -- French ['año'] = 'yıl', ['año-original'] = 'orig-year', ['añoacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish, Italian ['apellido'] = 'soyadı', -- Spanish, Italian ['archiv-datum'] = 'archive-date', -- German ['archive date'] = 'archive-date', ['archiv-url'] = 'archive-url', -- German ['archive url'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish, Italian ['artist'] = 'others', ['auflage'] = 'edition', -- German ['auteur'] = 'author', -- French ['auther'] = 'author', -- ['authorformat'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01 -- ['author-format'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01 ['author link'] = 'author-link', -- Polish ['author link2'] = 'author2-link', -- Polish -- ['autor'] = 'author', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish ['autor'] = 'authors', -- German (singular and plural) -- ['autor2'] = 'author2', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish -- ['autor3'] = 'author3', -- Polish ['autthor'] = 'author', ['band'] = 'volume', -- German -- ['began'] = 'date', -- remove after 2016-01-01 ['chapter_title'] = 'chapter', ['cita'] = 'quote', -- Spanish, Italian ['coautores'] = 'coauthors', -- Spanish, Italian ['consulté le'] = 'access-date', -- French ['czasopismo'] = 'journal', -- Polish ['data'] = 'date', -- Polish ['data dostępu'] = 'access-date', -- Polish ['datum'] = 'date', -- German ['deadlink'] = 'dead-url', ['distributor'] = 'publisher', ['dnb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id=') (not yet supported by us directly) ['éditeur'] = 'editor', -- French ['editon'] = 'edition', ['editoin'] = 'edition', -- ['editorformat'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01 -- ['editor-format'] = 'name-list-format', -- remove after 2016-01-01 -- ['editorgiven'] = 'editor-given', -- remove after 2016-01-01 ['editorial'] = 'publisher', -- ['editorsurname'] = 'editor-surname', -- remove after 2016-01-01 ['en ligne le'] = 'archive-date', -- French ['encyclopædia'] = 'encyclopedia', -- ['ended'] = 'date', -- remove after 2016-01-01 ['enlaceautor'] = 'author-link', -- Spanish, Italian ['fecha'] = 'date', -- Spanish, Italian ['fechaacceso'] = 'access-date', -- Spanish, Italian ['fechaarchivo'] = 'archive-date', -- Spanish, Italian ['filetype'] = 'format', ['first 1'] = 'ad1', ['foramt'] = 'format', ['formato'] = 'format', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish ['frist'] = 'ad', ['herausgeber'] = 'editors', -- German (singular and plural) ['idioma'] = 'language', -- Spanish, Italian ['imię'] = 'ad', -- Polish ['isbnistformalfalsch'] = 'ignore-isbn-error', -- German ['isnb'] = 'isbn', ['jahr'] = 'yıl', -- German ['kapitel'] = 'chapter', -- German -- ['kommentar'] = 'comment', -- German (not yet supported by us) ['lang'] = 'language', ['langauge'] = 'language', ['langue'] = 'dil', -- French ['last 1'] = 'soyadı1', ['lieu'] = 'location', -- French ['lire en ligne'] = 'url', -- French ['lizenznummer'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id=License ...') ['loaction'] = 'location', ['locatoin'] = 'location', ['lugar'] = 'location', -- Spanish ['miejsce'] = 'location', -- Polish ['miesiąc'] = 'date', -- Polish ['mois'] = 'date', -- French ['monat'] = 'date', -- German -- ['name'] = 'author', -- 'name' is often erroneously used for 'title' and 'work' as well, so no suggestion is better than a wrong suggestion ['nazwisko'] = 'soyadı', -- Polish ['nespaper'] = 'newspaper', ['newpaper'] = 'newspaper', ['news'] = 'newspaper', ['nom'] = 'soyadı', -- French ['nom1'] = 'soyadı1', -- French ['nombre'] = 'ad', -- Spanish, Italian ['nummer'] = 'number', -- German ['obra'] = 'work', -- Spanish, Italian ['odpowiedzialność'] = 'agency', -- Polish ['offline'] = 'dead-url', -- German ['online'] = 'url', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated) ['opublikowany'] = 'agency', -- Polish ['origdate'] = 'orig-year', ['originaljahr'] = 'orig-year', -- German ['originalort'] = 'location', -- German (if 'ort' is specified at the same time, the latter should be put in 'publication-place') ['originalsprache'] = 'language', -- German ['originaltitel'] = 'title', -- German (if 'originaltitel' is specified, any possible contents of 'title' should be put in 'trans-title') ['ort'] = 'location', -- German ['other'] = 'others', ['oznaczenie'] = 'agency', -- Polish ['pagees'] = 'pages', ['página'] = 'page', -- Spanish, Italian ['páginas'] = 'pages', -- Spanish, Italian ['passage'] = 'pages', -- French ['périodique'] = 'publisher', -- French ['plublisher'] = 'publisher', ['pmcid'] = 'pmc', ['praca'] = 'work', -- Polish ['prénom'] = 'ad', -- French ['prénom1'] = 'ad1', -- French ['ps'] = 'postscript', ['pub'] = 'publisher', -- ['pubisher'] = 'publisher', -- ['publiser'] = 'publisher', -- ['publishers'] = 'publisher', -- ['publsher'] = 'publisher', -- ['publsiher'] = 'publisher', ['pulbication-place'] = 'publication-place', -- ['pulbisher'] = 'publisher', -- ['pulisher'] = 'publisher', ['reihe'] = 'series', -- German ['retrieved'] = 'access-date', ['rok'] = 'date', -- Polish ['sammelwerk'] = 'work', -- German ['seiten'] = 'pages', -- German -- ['separator'] = 'mode', -- remove after 2016-01-01 ['seria'] = 'series', -- Polish ['série'] = 'work', -- French *RECHECK* ['service'] = 'agency', ['sitioweb'] = 'website', --Spanish ['stron'] = 'page', -- Polish ['strony'] = 'pages', -- Polish ['spalten'] = 'at', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated) ['sprache'] = 'language', -- German ['suscripción'] = 'subscription', -- Spanish, Italian, Polish ['tag'] = 'date', -- German ['tile'] = 'title', ['tite'] = 'title', ['titel'] = 'title', -- German ['titel-p'] = 'title', -- German ('postscript=none' should be added as well) ['titelerg'] = 'contribution', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated) ['titolo'] = 'title', -- Spanish, Italian ['titre'] = 'title', -- French ['títle'] = 'title', ['título'] = 'title', -- Spanish, Italian ['transchapter'] = 'trans-chapter', ['translator'] = 'others', ['transtitle'] = 'trans-title', ['typ'] = 'author-mask', -- German (not a direct replacement, but the only valid argument 'typ=wl' can be emulated using 'author-mask') ['tytuł'] = 'title', -- Polish ['ubicación'] = 'location', -- Spanish, Italian ['urlarchivo'] = 'archive-url', -- Spanish, Italian ['urn'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id=') (not yet supported by us directly) ['übersetzer'] = 'translator', -- German (singular and plural) ['verlag'] = 'publisher', -- German ['vol'] = 'volume', ['volumen'] = 'volume', -- Spanish ['werk'] = 'work', -- German ['werkerg'] = 'contribution', -- German (not a direct replacement, but can be emulated) ['wolumin'] = 'volume', -- Polish ['wydanie'] = 'number', -- Polish ['wydawca'] = 'publisher', -- French ['zaprezentowany'] = 'publisher', -- French ['zdb'] = 'id', -- German (as 'id=') (not yet supported by us directly) ['zitat'] = 'quote', -- German ['zugriff'] = 'access-date', -- German } --[[--------------------------< P A T T E R N S >-------------------------------------------------------------- Here we use Lua patterns to make suggestions. The form is ['pattern'] = 'correct', Lua patterns are not regex though they are similar. The escape character is '%', not '\'. For more information about lua patterns, see: Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual#Patterns Patterns should probably always include the '^' and '$' anchor assertions to prevent a partial match from incorrectly suggesting the wrong parameter name. For instance, the pattern 'a[utho]+r' matches 'author' in the no-longer-supported parameter |author-separator= so the code suggests '|author='; the same pattern also matches the no-longer-supported parameter |separator= (returning 'ator') so again, the code suggests '|author='. One capture is supported, typically the enumerator from an enumerated parameter (the '6' in |author6=, etc.) The value from the capture replaces $1 in the 'correct' value. ]] local patterns = { ['^ac+es+ ?d?a?t?e?$'] = 'access-date', ['^a[utho]+r$'] = 'author', ['^a[utho]+r(%d+)$'] = 'author$1', -- enumerated ['^pu[blish]+ers?$'] = 'publisher', } return {suggestions = suggestions, patterns=patterns};

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
