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21 Mayıs 2024
--This module is intended to replace the functionality of and related templates. It provides several methods, including : General function formatting and displaying coordinate values. : Simple function for converting decimal degree values to DMS format. : Simple function for converting DMS format to decimal degree format. : Export the link used to reach the tools require('Module:No globals') local wikidata_mod = require("Modül:WikidataIB") local math_mod = require("Module:Math") local coordinates = {}; local current_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle local page_name = mw.uri.encode( current_page.prefixedText, 'WIKI' ); local coord_link = '//' .. page_name .. '&params=' local templatestyles = 'Modül:Koordinatlar/styles.css' --Helper function, replacement for local function displaytitle(s, notes) -- see phab:T281974#7109643 local l = "Koordinatlar: " .. s local co = co = co = mw.getCurrentFrame:extensionTag( 'indicator', co, { name = 'coordinates' } ) return co end --Helper function, Replacement for local function displayinline(s, notes) return s .. notes end --Helper function, used in detecting DMS formatting local function dmsTest(first, second) if type(first) ~= 'string' or type(second) ~= 'string' then return nil end local s = (first .. second):upper return s:find('^[NS][EW]$') or s:find('^[EW][NS]$') end --Wrapper function to grab args, see Module:Arguments for this function's documentation. local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName) return function (frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, { wrappers = 'Şablon:Koordinat' }) return coordinates[funcName](args, frame) end end --Helper function, handle optional args. local function optionalArg(arg, supplement) return arg and arg .. supplement or end --Formats any error messages generated for display local function errorPrinter(errors) local result = "" for i,v in ipairs(errors) do local errorHTML = result = result .. errorHTML .. "" end return result end --Determine the required CSS class to display coordinates Usually geo-nondefault is hidden by CSS, unless a user has overridden this for himself default is the mode as specificied by the user when calling the template mode is the display mode (dec or dms) that we will need to determine the css class for local function displayDefault(default, mode) if default "" then default "dec" end if default mode then return "geo-default" else return "geo-nondefault" end end --specPrinter Output formatter. Takes the structure generated by either parseDec or parseDMS and formats it for inclusion on Wikipedia. local function specPrinter(args, coordinateSpec) local uriComponents = coordinateSpec["param"] if uriComponents == "" then -- RETURN error, should never be empty or nil return "HATA parametresi boştu" end if args["name"] then uriComponents = uriComponents .. "&title=" .. mw.uri.encode(coordinateSpec["name"]) end local geodmshtml = local lat = tonumber( coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] ) or 0 local geodeclat if lat < 0 then -- FIXME this breaks the pre-existing precision geodeclat = tostring(coordinateSpec["dec-lat"]):sub(2) .. "°G" else geodeclat = (coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] or 0) .. "°K" end local long = tonumber( coordinateSpec["dec-long"] ) or 0 local geodeclong if long < 0 then -- FIXME does not handle unicode minus geodeclong = tostring(coordinateSpec["dec-long"]):sub(2) .. "°B" else geodeclong = (coordinateSpec["dec-long"] or 0) .. "°D" end local geodechtml = local geonumhtml = local inner = .. .. else inner = inner .. '</span>' end local comp = mw.ustring.gsub(uriComponents, 'K', 'N') comp = mw.ustring.gsub(comp, 'G', 'S') comp = mw.ustring.gsub(comp, 'D', 'E') comp = mw.ustring.gsub(comp, 'B', 'W') return mw.getCurrentFrame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles} } .. end --Helper function, convert decimal to degrees local function convert_dec2dms_d(coordinate) local d = math_mod._round( coordinate, 0 ) .. "°" return d .. "" end --Helper function, convert decimal to degrees and minutes local function convert_dec2dms_dm(coordinate) coordinate = math_mod._round( coordinate * 60, 0 ); local m = coordinate % 60; coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - m) / 60 ); local d = coordinate % 360 .."°" return d .. string.format( "%02d′", m ) end --Helper function, convert decimal to degrees, minutes, and seconds local function convert_dec2dms_dms(coordinate) coordinate = math_mod._round( coordinate * 60 * 60, 0 ); local s = coordinate % 60 coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - s) / 60 ); local m = coordinate % 60 coordinate = math.floor( (coordinate - m) / 60 ); local d = coordinate % 360 .."°" return d .. string.format( "%02d′", m ) .. string.format( "%02d′′", s ) end --Helper function, convert decimal latitude or longitude to degrees, minutes, and seconds format based on the specified precision. local function convert_dec2dms(coordinate, firstPostfix, secondPostfix, precision) local coord = tonumber(coordinate) local postfix if coord >= 0 then postfix = firstPostfix else postfix = secondPostfix end precision = precision:lower; if precision "dms" then return convert_dec2dms_dms( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix; elseif precision "dm" then return convert_dec2dms_dm( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix; elseif precision == "d" then return convert_dec2dms_d( math.abs( coord ) ) .. postfix; end end --Convert DMS format into a N or E decimal coordinate local function convert_dms2dec(direction, degrees_str, minutes_str, seconds_str) local degrees = tonumber(degrees_str) local minutes = tonumber(minutes_str) or 0 local seconds = tonumber(seconds_str) or 0 local factor = 1 if direction "G" or direction "B" then factor = -1 end local precision = 0 if seconds_str then precision = 5 + math.max( math_mod._precision(seconds_str), 0 ); elseif minutes_str and minutes_str ~= then precision = 3 + math.max( math_mod._precision(minutes_str), 0 ); else precision = math.max( math_mod._precision(degrees_str), 0 ); end local decimal = factor * (degrees+(minutes+seconds/60)/60) return string.format( "%." .. precision .. "f", decimal ) -- not tonumber since this whole thing is string based. end --Checks input values to for out of range errors. local function validate( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, long_d, long_m, long_s, source, strong ) local errors = {}; lat_d = tonumber( lat_d ) or 0; lat_m = tonumber( lat_m ) or 0; lat_s = tonumber( lat_s ) or 0; long_d = tonumber( long_d ) or 0; long_m = tonumber( long_m ) or 0; long_s = tonumber( long_s ) or 0; if strong then if lat_d < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude degrees < 0 with hemisphere flag"}) end if long_d < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees < 0 with hemisphere flag"}) end --#coordinates is inconsistent about whether this is an error. If globe: is specified, it won't error on this condition, but otherwise it will. For not simply disable this check. if long_d > 180 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees > 180 with hemisphere flag"}) end end if lat_d > 90 then table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude degrees > 90"}) end if lat_d < -90 then table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude degrees < -90"}) end if lat_m >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude minutes >= 60"}) end if lat_m < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude minutes < 0"}) end if lat_s >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude seconds >= 60"}) end if lat_s < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "latitude seconds < 0"}) end if long_d >= 360 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees >= 360"}) end if long_d <= -360 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude degrees <= -360"}) end if long_m >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude minutes >= 60"}) end if long_m < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude minutes < 0"}) end if long_s >= 60 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude seconds >= 60"}) end if long_s < 0 then table.insert(errors, {source, "longitude seconds < 0"}) end return errors; end --parseDec Transforms decimal format latitude and longitude into the structure to be used in displaying coordinates local function parseDec( lat, long, format ) local coordinateSpec = {} local errors = {} if not long then return nil, elseif not tonumber(long) then return nil, end errors = validate( lat, nil, nil, long, nil, nil, 'parseDec', false ); coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] = lat; coordinateSpec["dec-long"] = long; local mode = coordinates.determineMode( lat, long ); coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] = convert_dec2dms( lat, "N", "S", mode) -- } coordinateSpec["dms-long"] = convert_dec2dms( long, "E", "W", mode) -- } if format then coordinateSpec.default = format else coordinateSpec.default = "dec" end return coordinateSpec, errors end --parseDMS Transforms degrees, minutes, seconds format latitude and longitude into the a structure to be used in displaying coordinates local function parseDMS( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_f, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_f, format ) local coordinateSpec, errors, backward = {}, {} lat_f = lat_f:upper; long_f = long_f:upper; if lat_f 'N' then lat_f 'K' end if lat_f 'S' then lat_f = 'G' end if long_f 'E' then long_f 'D' end if long_f 'W' then long_f = 'B' end -- Check if specified backward if lat_f 'D' or lat_f 'B' then lat_d, long_d, lat_m, long_m, lat_s, long_s, lat_f, long_f, backward = long_d, lat_d, long_m, lat_m, long_s, lat_s, long_f, lat_f, true; end errors = validate( lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, long_d, long_m, long_s, 'parseDMS', true ); if not long_d then return nil, elseif not tonumber(long_d) then return nil, end if not lat_m and not lat_s and not long_m and not long_s and #errors 0 then if math_mod._precision( lat_d ) > 0 or math_mod._precision( long_d ) > 0 then if lat_f:upper 'G' then lat_d = '-' .. lat_d; end if long_f:upper == 'B' then long_d = '-' .. long_d; end return parseDec( lat_d, long_d, format ); end end coordinateSpec["dms-lat"] = lat_d.."°"..optionalArg(lat_m,"′") .. optionalArg(lat_s,"′′") .. lat_f coordinateSpec["dms-long"] = long_d.."°"..optionalArg(long_m,"′") .. optionalArg(long_s,"′′") .. long_f coordinateSpec["dec-lat"] = convert_dms2dec(lat_f, lat_d, lat_m, lat_s) -- } coordinateSpec["dec-long"] = convert_dms2dec(long_f, long_d, long_m, long_s) -- } if format then coordinateSpec.default = format else coordinateSpec.default = "dms" end return coordinateSpec, errors, backward end --Check the input arguments for coord to determine the kind of data being provided and then make the necessary processing. local function formatTest(args) local result, errors local backward, primary = false, false local function getParam(args, lim) local ret = {} for i = 1, lim do ret = args or end return table.concat(ret, '_') end if not args[1] then -- no lat logic return errorPrinter( ) elseif not tonumber(args[1]) then -- bad lat logic return errorPrinter( ) elseif not args[4] and not args[5] and not args[6] then -- dec logic result, errors = parseDec(args[1], args[2], args.format) if not result then return errorPrinter(errors); end result.param = table.concat({args[1], 'K', args[2] or , 'D', args[3] or }, '_') elseif dmsTest(args[4], args[8]) then -- dms logic result, errors, backward = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args.format) if args[10] then table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'}) end if not result then return errorPrinter(errors) end result.param = getParam(args, 9) elseif dmsTest(args[3], args[6]) then -- dm logic result, errors, backward = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], nil, args[3], args[4], args[5], nil, args[6], args['format']) if args[8] then table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'}) end if not result then return errorPrinter(errors) end result.param = getParam(args, 7) elseif dmsTest(args[2], args[4]) then -- d logic result, errors, backward = parseDMS(args[1], nil, nil, args[2], args[3], nil, nil, args[4], args.format) if args[6] then table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'}) end if not result then return errorPrinter(errors) end result.param = getParam(args, 5) else -- Error return errorPrinter end = local extra_param = {'dim', 'globe', 'scale', 'region', 'source', 'type'} for _, v in ipairs(extra_param) do if args[v] then table.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Parameter: "' .. v .. '=" should be "' .. v .. ':"' }) end end local ret = specPrinter(args, result) if #errors > 0 then ret = ret .. ' ' .. errorPrinter(errors) .. 'Kategori:Hatalı biçimlendirilmiş koordinata sahip sayfalar' end return ret, backward end --Generate Wikidata tracking categories. local function makeWikidataCategories local ret if mw.wikibase and current_page.namespace 0 then local entity mw.wikibase.getEntityObject if entity and and and[1] then local snaktype[1].mainsnak.snaktype if snaktype 'value' then -- coordinates exist both here and on Wikidata, and can be compared. elseif snaktype 'somevalue' then ret 'Coordinates on Wikidata set to unknown value' elseif snaktype 'novalue' then ret = 'Coordinates on Wikidata set to no value' end else -- We have to either import the coordinates to Wikidata or remove them here. end end if ret then return string.format('Kategori:%s', ret) else return end end --link Simple function to export the coordinates link for other uses. Usage: function return coord_link; end --dec2dms Wrapper to allow templates to call dec2dms directly. Usage: decimal_coordinate is converted to DMS format. If positive, the positive_suffix is appended (typical N or E), if negative, the negative suffix is appended. The specified precision is one of 'D', 'DM', or 'DMS' to specify the level of detail to use. coordinates.dec2dms = makeInvokeFunc('_dec2dms') function coordinates._dec2dms(args) local coordinate = args[1] local firstPostfix = args[2] or local secondPostfix = args[3] or local precision = args[4] or return convert_dec2dms(coordinate, firstPostfix, secondPostfix, precision) end --Helper function to determine whether to use D, DM, or DMS format depending on the precision of the decimal input. function coordinates.determineMode( value1, value2 ) local precision = math.max( math_mod._precision( value1 ), math_mod._precision( value2 ) ); if precision <= 0 then return 'd' elseif precision <= 2 then return 'dm'; else return 'dms'; end end --dms2dec Wrapper to allow templates to call dms2dec directly. Usage: Converts DMS values specified as degrees, minutes, seconds too decimal format. direction_flag is one of N, S, E, W, and determines whether the output is positive (i.e. N and E) or negative (i.e. S and W). coordinates.dms2dec = makeInvokeFunc('_dms2dec') function coordinates._dms2dec(args) local direction = args[1] local degrees = args[2] local minutes = args[3] local seconds = args[4] return convert_dms2dec(direction, degrees, minutes, seconds) end --coord Main entry point for Lua function to replace Usage: ... Refer to documentation page for many additional parameters and configuration options. Note: This function provides the visual display elements of . In order to load coordinates into the database, the parser function must also be called, this is done automatically in the Lua version of . coordinates.coord = makeInvokeFunc('_coord') function coordinates._coord(args) if not tonumber(args[1]) and not args[2] then args[3] = args[1]; args[1] = nil local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(args.qid) if entity and and and[1].mainsnak.snaktype 'value' then local precision[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision args[1][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude args[2][1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.longitude if precision then precision -math_mod._round(math.log(precision)/math.log(10),0) args[1] math_mod._round(args[1],precision) args[2] math_mod._round(args[2],precision) end end end local contents, backward formatTest(args) local Notes args.notes or local Display args.display and args.display:lower or 'inline' local function isInline(s) -- Finds whether coordinates are displayed inline. return s:find('inline') ~ nil or s 'i' or s 'it' or s 'ti' end local function isInTitle(s) -- Finds whether coordinates are displayed in the title. return s:find('title') ~= nil or s 't' or s 'it' or s == 'ti' end local function coord_wrapper(in_args) -- Calls the parser function . return mw.getCurrentFrame:callParserFunction('#coordinates', in_args) or end local text = if isInline(Display) then text = text .. displayinline(contents, Notes) end if isInTitle(Display) then text = text .. displaytitle(contents, Notes) .. makeWikidataCategories(args.qid) end if not args.nosave then local page_title, count = mw.title.getCurrentTitle, 1 if backward then local tmp = {} while not string.find((args[count-1] or ), '[EW]') do tmp[count] = (args[count] or ); count = count+1 end tmp.count = count; count = 2*(count-1) while count >= tmp.count do table.insert(tmp, 1, (args[count] or )); count = count-1 end for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do args = v end else while count <= 9 do args[count] = (args[count] or ); count = count+1 end end if isInTitle(Display) and not page_title.isTalkPage and page_title.subpageText ~= 'doc' and page_title.subpageText ~= 'testcases' then args[10] = 'primary' end args.notes, args.format, args.display = nil text = text .. coord_wrapper(args) end return text end --coord2text Extracts a single value from a transclusion of . IF THE GEOHACK LINK SYNTAX CHANGES THIS FUNCTION MUST BE MODIFIED. Usage: Valid values for the second parameter are: lat (signed integer), long (signed integer), type, scale, dim, region, globe, source function coordinates.coord2text(frame) if frame.args[1] or frame.args[2] or not frame.args[2] then return nil end frame.args[2] = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2]) if frame.args[2] 'lat' or frame.args[2] 'long' then local result, negative = mw.text.split((mw.ustring.match(frame.args[1],'[%.%d]+°[NS] [%.%d]+°[EW]') or ), ' ') if frame.args[2] 'lat' then result, negative result[1], 'G' else result, negative result[2], 'B' end result mw.text.split(result, '°') if result[2] negative then result[1] = '-'..result[1] end return result[1] else return mw.ustring.match(frame.args[1], 'params=.-_'..frame.args[2]..':(.-)[ _]') end end --coordinsert Injects some text into the Geohack link of a transclusion of (if that text isn't already in the transclusion). Outputs the modified transclusion of . IF THE GEOHACK LINK SYNTAX CHANGES THIS FUNCTION MUST BE MODIFIED. Usage: Do not make Geohack unhappy by inserting something which isn't mentioned in the documentation. function coordinates.coordinsert(frame) for i, v in ipairs(frame.args) do if i ~= 1 then if not mw.ustring.find(frame.args[1], (mw.ustring.match(frame.args, '^(.-:)') or )) then frame.args[1] = mw.ustring.gsub(frame.args[1], '(params=.-)_? ', '%1_'..frame.args..' ') end end end if then if not mw.ustring.find(frame.args[1], '<span class="vcard">)', '%1%3') frame.args[1] = mw.ustring.gsub(frame.args[1], '(&params=[^&"<>%[%] ]*) ', '%1&title=' .. mw.uri.encode(namestr) .. ' ') end end return frame.args[1] end function coordinates.parsecoord(frame, s) local lat_long = {} lat_long[1], lat_long[2], lat_long[3], lat_long[4], lat_long[5], lat_long[6], lat_long[7], lat_long[8] = mw.ustring.match (s, '(%d+)°(%d+)&#39;(.*)([NS]),%s*(%d+)°(%d+)&#39;(.*)([EW])') lat_long[3] = mw.ustring.gsub(lat_long[3], '"', ) lat_long[3] = mw.ustring.gsub(lat_long[3], '&#34;', ) lat_long[7] = mw.ustring.gsub(lat_long[7], '"', ) lat_long[7] = mw.ustring.gsub(lat_long[7], '&#34;', ) return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Koordinat', args = { lat_long[1], lat_long[2], lat_long[3], lat_long[4], lat_long[5], lat_long[6], lat_long[7], lat_long[8], display = 'inline, title'} } end function coordinates.getCoorFromWikidata(frame) local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject if entity == nil then return end local koor = local claims if then claims =["P625"] end if claims then koor = claims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["latitude"] .. ' N, ' .. claims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["longitude"] .. ' E' end if koor ~= "" then koor = parseDec(claims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["latitude"], claims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["longitude"]) local dms_lat = mw.ustring.gsub(koor["dms-lat"], '′', '&#39;') dms_lat = mw.ustring.gsub(dms_lat, '′′', '&#34;') local dms_long = mw.ustring.gsub(koor["dms-long"], '′', '&#39;') dms_long = mw.ustring.gsub(dms_long, '′′', '&#34;') koor = coordinates.parsecoord(frame, dms_lat .. ', ' .. dms_long) end return koor end function coordinates.generateMap(frame) local qid local _zoom = 12 local _width = 270 local _height = 270 local _text if frame.args[1] ~= nil then qid = frame.args[1] end if frame.args["zoom"] ~= nil then _zoom = frame.args["zoom"] end if frame.args["width"] ~= nil then _width = frame.args["width"] end if frame.args["height"] ~= nil then _height = frame.args["height"] end if frame.args["text"] ~= nil then _text = frame.args["text"] end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid) if entity == nil then return end local claims if then claims =["P625"] end if claims then local geojson = {} local lat local lon local latAVG = 0 local lonAVG = 0 local count = 0 for i, v in ipairs(claims) do lon = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["longitude"] lat = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["latitude"] lonAVG = lonAVG + lon latAVG = latAVG + lat local feature feature = { type = "Feature", properties = { ["marker-symbol"] = "-number", ["marker-color"] = "ff0000", ["marker-size"] = "small" }, geometry = { type = "Point", coordinates = { lon, lat } } } table.insert(geojson, feature) count = count + 1 end lonAVG = lonAVG / count latAVG = latAVG / count return frame:extensionTag{ name = 'mapframe', content = mw.text.jsonEncode(geojson), args = { align = 'center', frameless = , zoom = _zoom, width = _width, height = _height, text = _text, latitude = latAVG, longitude = lonAVG } } end end return coordinates

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