Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Modül:London Gazette util


21 Mayıs 2024
-- this module is created to support require('Module:No globals') local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local span_open = , span_open, code_open, help_link); local duplicate_page_error = mw.ustring.format (' %smore than one of %s&#124;page=</code> and %s&#124;pages=</code>%s</span>', span_open, code_open, code_open, help_link); local p = {} ----------------------------< I S _ S E T >------------------------------------------------------------------ Whether variable is set or not. A variable is set when it is not nil and not empty. local function is_set( var ) return not (var nil or var ); end ----------------------------< O R D I N A L _ S U F F I X >-------------------------------------------------- render a numerical text string in ordinal form suitable for English language use. In this module, num_str is limited by calling functions to the integer values 1-99. The argument num_str must be known to be set before this function is called. local function ordinal_suffix (num_str) local lsd; -- least significant digit local suffixes = {['1'] = 'st', ['2'] = 'nd', ['3'] = 'rd'}; -- table of suffixes except 'th' if num_str:match ('^1[1-3]$') then -- check the 11-13 odd balls first to get them out of the way return num_str .. 'th'; -- 11th, 12th, 13th end lsd = num_str:match ('^%d?(%d)$'); -- all other numbers: get the least significant digit return num_str .. (suffixes[lsd] or 'th'); -- append the suffix from the suffixes table or default to 'th' end --2 |page= or |pages= parameter in . The arguments |param=page and |param=pages specify which of the cs1|2 parameters |page= or |pages= for which this function is to create a value. This function inspects the content of the |page= and |pages= parameters, along with the |param= specifier. From this information it creates a value appropriate for the specified |page= or |pages= parameter. Only one will have a value, the other will get an empty string. This function is called twice from ; once for each of cs1 |page= and |pages= parameters: |page=} |pages=} except for the lvalue and the rvalue assigned to |param=, the two calls must be identical else odd results. |page= or |pages= without a comma, hyphen, or en dash separator → cs1 |page= |page= or |pages= with a separator → cs1 |pages= Hyphen separator characters are converted to en dash characters. Any white space around hyphen and en dash separators is removed. If both |page= and |pages= are set, this function mimics cs1|2 and chooses |page=. Another function, page_error is required for error messaging because we don't want to dump css markup into a parameter value that will be included in the cs1|2 metadata. function p.make_page_param (frame) local args = getArgs(frame); local page_or_pages; page_or_pages = or args.unnamed or args.pages; -- only one; prefer |page= if is_set (page_or_pages) then if 'pages' args.param then if page_or_pages:match ('[,%-–]') then -- only for |pages parameter page_or_pages mw.ustring.gsub (page_or_pages, '%s*[%-–]%s*', '–'); -- hyphen to en dash; remove spaces return page_or_pages; -- has separator character so make the parameter |pages else return ; -- no separator so value will be assigned to |page end elseif 'page' args.param then if page_or_pages:match ('[,%-–]') then -- only for |pages= parameter return ; -- has separator so value will be assigned to |pages= else return page_or_pages; -- no separator character so make the parameter |page= end else return ; -- |param= something else end end return ; -- if here no pagination or not correct |page= or |pages= parameter end --2 citation's metadata. } function p.page_error (frame) local args = getArgs(frame); if is_set ( and is_set (args.pages) then return duplicate_page_error; -- both of |page= and |pages= are set else return ; end end --type= parameter using the values of the London Gazette |supp= and |display-supp= parameters Only limited |supp= values will set the type value. These are: 'y' or a number 1-99. row numbers in comments apply to the table in Template_talk:London_Gazette#Rewrite_as_wrapper_around_template:cite_news function p.type_param (frame) local args = getArgs(frame); if not is_set (args['display-supp']) and not is_set (args.supp) then -- when both |display-supp= and |supp= are not set return ; -- [row 1] not a supplement so no display end args.supp = args.supp and args.supp:lower; -- make text values lower case if not is_set (args['display-supp']) and is_set (args.supp) then -- when only |supp= is set if 'y' args.supp then return 'Supplement'; -- [row 2] the first or only supplement elseif args.supp:match ('^%d%d?$') then -- one or two digits return ordinal_suffix (args.supp) .. ' supplement'; -- [row 3] for the 1st-99th supplement else return supp_error; -- [row 4] any other text not supported show an error message end end if is_set (args['display-supp']) and not is_set (args.supp) then -- when only |display-supp is set if args['display-supp']:match ('^%d%d?$') then -- one or two digits return ordinal_suffix (args['display-supp']) .. ' supplement'; -- [row 7] for the 1st-99th supplement elseif 'y' args['display-supp'] then return 'Supplement'; -- [row 6] unnumbered supplement in /page/ space else return args['display-supp']; -- [row 11] user specified text; supplement is not in supplement space (a Gazette website error) end end -- here when both |display-supp= and |supp= are set if args['display-supp']:match ('^%d%d?$') then -- supplement number if 'y' args.supp or (args['display-supp'] args.supp) then return ordinal_suffix (args['display-supp']) .. ' supplement'; -- [rows 8, 9] else -- |supp= is not a number or number isn't same as number in |display-supp= return supp_error; -- [row 10] different values are ambiguous end else -- not a supplement number if ('y' args.supp) and ('none' args['display-supp']) then return ; -- [row 5] for the case when a /page/ is in /supplement/ space elseif ('y' == args.supp) or args.supp:match ('^%d%d?$') or not is_set (args.supp) then return args['display-supp']; -- [rows 12, 13] user specified text else return supp_error; -- [row 14] any other |supp= value not supported show an error message end end end --city= value; defaults to London local function url_city (city_param) local city_names = {['b'] = 'Belfast', ['belfast'] = 'Belfast', ['e'] = 'Edinburgh', ['edinburgh'] = 'Edinburgh'}; city_param = city_param and city_param:lower; -- lower to index into the city_names table return city_names[city_param] or 'London'; -- the city, or default to London end --page= or |pages=, and the value assigned to |supp= parameter. This function assumes that supplements may have page numbering that are digits prefixed with one or two letters: B1, B41, RH2, etc; also assumes that regular issues have digit-only page numbers. Only limited |supp= values will set the page number path element. These are: 'y' or a number 1-99. local function url_page (page, supp) if is_set (supp) then if ('y' == supp) or supp:match ('^%d%d?$') then page = page:match ('^%a?%a?%d+'); -- one or two letters followed by digits or just digits (supplement to issue 61608) else page = page:match ('^%d+'); -- |supp= set to an unexpected value, so one or more digits only end else page = page:match ('^%d+'); -- |supp= not set, so one or more digits only end return page or ; -- at minimum return empty string for concatenation end --supp= value; defaults to page Only limited |supp= values will set the page/supplement path element to /supplement/. These are: 'y' or a number 1-99 local function url_page_or_supplement (supp_param) supp_param = (supp_param and supp_param:lower) or ; --make sure lower case for comparisons if ('y' == supp_param) or supp_param:match ('^%d%d?$') then return 'supplement'; else return 'page'; -- anything else end end --city=, |issue=, |supp=, and one of |page= or |pages=; result is assigned to |url= |url=} function p.url_param (frame) local args = getArgs(frame); local pg = or args.pages or ; -- first set parameter or empty string local url_table = { -- a table of the various url parts '', -- static domain name url_city (, -- default to London 'issue', -- static path text args.issue, -- issue number url_page_or_supplement (args.supp), -- either of /page/ or /supplement/ according to the state of |supp= url_page (pg, args.supp) -- pages: digits only; supplements: optional letter followed by 1 or more digits }; return table.concat (url_table, '/'); -- concatenate all of the parts together and done end return p;

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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