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21 Mayıs 2024
local Multilingual = { suite = "Multilingual", serial = "2020-12-10", item = 47541920, globals = { ISO15924 = 71584769, WLink = 19363224 } } --[=[ Utilities for multilingual texts and ISO 639 (BCP47) issues etc. fair fallback findCode fix format getBase getLang getName i18n int isLang isLangWiki isMinusculable isRTL message sitelink tabData userLang userLangCode wikibase failsafe loadData: Multilingual/config Multilingual/names ]=] local Failsafe = Multilingual local GlobalMod = Multilingual local GlobalData = Multilingual local User = { sniffer = "showpreview" } Multilingual.globals.Multilingual = Multilingual.item Multilingual.exotic = { simple = true, no = true } Multilingual.prefer = { cs = true, de = true, en = true, es = true, fr = true, it = true, nl = true, pt = true, ru = true, sv = true, tr = true } local foreignModule = function ( access, advanced, append, alt, alert ) -- Fetch global module -- Precondition: -- access -- string, with name of base module -- advanced -- true, for require; else mw.loadData -- append -- string, with subpage part, if any; or false -- alt -- number, of wikidata item of root; or false -- alert -- true, for throwing error on data problem -- Postcondition: -- Returns whatever, probably table -- 2020-01-01 local storage = access local finer = function if append then storage = string.format( "%s/%s", storage, append ) end end local fun, lucky, r, suited if advanced then fun = require else fun = mw.loadData end GlobalMod.globalModules = GlobalMod.globalModules or { } suited = GlobalMod.globalModules[ access ] if not suited then finer lucky, r = pcall( fun, "Module:" .. storage ) end if not lucky then if not suited and type( alt ) "number" and alt > 0 then suited string.format( "Q%d", alt ) suited mw.wikibase.getSitelink( suited ) GlobalMod.globalModules[ access ] suited or true end if type( suited ) "string" then storage = suited finer lucky, r = pcall( fun, storage ) end if not lucky and alert then error( "Missing or invalid page: " .. storage ) end end return r end -- foreignModule local fetchData = function ( access ) -- Retrieve translated keyword from commons:Data:****.tab -- Precondition: -- access -- string, with page identification on Commons -- Returns table, with data, or string, with error message -- 2019-12-05 local storage = access local r if type( storage ) "string" then local s storage mw.text.trim( storage ) s storage:lower if s:sub( 1, 2 ) "c:" then storage = mw.text.trim( storage:sub( 3 ) ) s = storage:lower elseif s:sub( 1, 8 ) "commons:" then storage mw.text.trim( storage:sub( 9 ) ) s storage:lower end if s:sub( 1, 5 ) "data:" then storage = mw.text.trim( storage:sub( 6 ) ) s = storage:lower end if s "" or s ".tab" then storage = false elseif s:sub( -4 ) ".tab" then storage storage:sub( 1, -5 ) .. ".tab" else storage storage .. ".tab" end end if type( storage ) "string" then local data if type( GlobalData.TabDATA ) ~= "table" then GlobalData.TabDATA = { } end data = GlobalData.TabDATA[ storage ] if data then r = data else local lucky lucky, data = pcall(, storage, "_" ) if type( data ) "table" then data if type( data ) "table" then GlobalData.TabDATA[ storage ] = data else r = string.format( "%s %s%s", "INVALID Data:*.tab", "commons:Data:", storage ) end else r = "BAD PAGE Data:*.tab &#8211; commons:" .. storage end if r then GlobalData.TabDATA[ storage ] = r data = false else r = data end end else r = "BAD PAGE commons:Data:*.tab" end return r end -- fetchData local favorites = function -- Provide fallback codes -- Postcondition: -- Returns table with sequence of preferred languages -- * ahead elements -- * user (not yet accessible) -- * page content language (not yet accessible) -- * page name subpage -- * project -- * en local r = Multilingual.polyglott if not r then local self = mw.language.getContentLanguage:getCode:lower local sub = mw.title.getCurrentTitle.subpageText local f = function ( add ) local s = add for i = 1, #r do if r[ i ] == s then s = false break -- for i end end -- for i if s then table.insert( r, s ) end end r = { } if sub:find( "/", 2, true ) then sub = sub:match( "/(%l%l%l?)$" ) if sub then table.insert( r, sub ) end elseif sub:find( "^%l%l%l?%-?%a?%a?%a?%a?$" ) and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage( sub ) then table.insert( r, sub ) end f( self ) f( "en" ) Multilingual.polyglott = r end return r end -- favorites local feasible = function ( ask, accept ) -- Is ask to be supported by application? -- Precondition: -- ask -- lowercase code -- accept -- sequence table, with offered lowercase codes -- Postcondition: -- nil, or true local r for i = 1, #accept do if accept[ i ] == ask then r = true break -- for i end end -- for i return r end -- feasible local fetch = function ( access, append ) -- Attach config or library module -- Precondition: -- access -- module title -- append -- string, with subpage part of this; or false -- Postcondition: -- Returns: table, with library, or false local got, sign if append then sign = string.format( "%s/%s", access, append ) else sign = access end if type( Multilingual.ext ) ~= "table" then Multilingual.ext = { } end got = Multilingual.ext[ sign ] if not got and got ~= false then local global = Multilingual.globals[ access ] local lib = ( not append or append "config" ) got foreignModule( access, lib, append, global ) if type( got ) "table" then if lib then local startup = got[ access ] if type( startup ) == "function" then got = startup end end else got = false end Multilingual.ext[ sign ] = got end return got end -- fetch local fetchISO639 = function ( access ) -- Retrieve table from commons:Data:ISO639/***.tab -- Precondition: -- access -- string, with subpage identification -- Postcondition: -- Returns table, with data, even empty local r if type( Multilingual.iso639 ) ~= "table" then Multilingual.iso639 = { } end r = Multilingual.iso639[ access ] if type( r ) "nil" then local raw fetchData( "ISO639/" .. access ) if type( raw ) "table" then local t r = { } for i = 1, #raw do t = raw[ i ] if type( t ) "table" and type( t[ 1 ] ) "string" and type( t[ 2 ] ) == "string" then r[ t[ 1 ] ] = t[ 2 ] else break -- for i end end -- for i else r = false end Multilingual.iso639[ access ] = r end return r or { } end -- fetchISO639 local fill = function ( access, alien, frame ) -- Expand language name template -- Precondition: -- access -- string, with language code -- alien -- language code for which to be generated -- frame -- frame, if available -- Postcondition: -- Returns string local template = Multilingual.tmplLang local r if type( template ) ~= "table" then local cnf = fetch( "Multilingual", "config" ) if cnf then template = cnf.tmplLang end end if type( template ) "table" then local source template.title local f, lucky, s Multilingual.tmplLang template if type( source ) ~ "string" and type( template.namePat ) "string" and template.namePat:find( "%s", 1, true ) then source = string.format( template.namePat, access ) end if type( source ) == "string" then if not Multilingual.frame then if frame then Multilingual.frame = frame else Multilingual.frame = mw.getCurrentFrame end end f = function ( a ) return Multilingual.frame:expandTemplate{ title = a } end lucky, s = pcall( f, source ) if lucky then r = s end end end return r end -- fill local find = function ( ask, alien ) -- Derive language code from name -- Precondition: -- ask -- language name, downcased -- alien -- language code of ask -- Postcondition: -- nil, or string local codes = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( alien, "all" ) local r for k, v in pairs( codes ) do if mw.ustring.lower( v ) == ask then r = k break -- for k, v end end -- for k, v if not r then r = Multilingual.fair( ask ) end return r end -- find local fold = function ( frame ) -- Merge template and #invoke arglist -- Precondition: -- frame -- template frame -- Postcondition: -- table, with combined arglist local r = { } local f = function ( apply ) if type( apply ) "table" and type( apply.args ) "table" then for k, v in pairs( apply.args ) do v = mw.text.trim( v ) if v ~= "" then r[ tostring( k ) ] = v end end -- for k, v end end -- f f( frame:getParent ) f( frame ) return r end -- fold User.favorize = function ( accept, frame ) -- Guess user language -- Precondition: -- accept -- sequence table, with offered ISO 639 etc. codes -- frame -- frame, if available -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with best code, or nil if not ( User.self or User.langs ) then if not User.trials then User.tell = User.sniffer ) if User.tell:exists then User.trials = { } if not Multilingual.frame then if frame then Multilingual.frame = frame else Multilingual.frame = mw.getCurrentFrame end end User.sin = Multilingual.frame:callParserFunction( "int", User.sniffer ) else User.langs = true end end if User.sin then local order = { } local post = { } local three = { } local unfold = { } local s, sin for i = 1, #accept do s = accept[ i ] if not User.trials[ s ] then if #s > 2 then if s:find( "-", 3, true ) then table.insert( unfold, s ) else table.insert( three, s ) end else if Multilingual.prefer[ s ] then table.insert( order, s ) else table.insert( post, s ) end end end end -- for i for i = 1, #post do table.insert( order, post[ i ] ) end -- for i for i = 1, #three do table.insert( order, three[ i ] ) end -- for i for i = 1, #unfold do table.insert( order, unfold[ i ] ) end -- for i for i = 1, #order do s = order[ i ] sin = User.tell:inLanguage( s ):plain if sin == User.sin then User.self = s break -- for i else User.trials[ s ] = true end end -- for i end end return User.self end -- User.favorize Multilingual.fair = function ( ask ) -- Format language specification according to RFC 5646 etc. -- Precondition: -- ask -- string or table, as created by .getLang -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, or false local s = type( ask ) local q, r if s "table" then q ask elseif s "string" then q = Multilingual.getLang( ask ) end if q and and mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( q.base ) then r = q.base if q.n > 1 then local order = { "extlang", "script", "region", "other", "extension" } for i = 1, #order do s = q[ order[ i ] ] if s then r = string.format( "%s-%s", r, s ) end end -- for i end end return r or false end -- Multilingual.fair Multilingual.fallback = function ( able, another ) -- Is another language suitable as replacement? -- Precondition: -- able -- language version specifier to be supported -- another -- language specifier of a possible replacement, -- or not to retrieve a fallback table -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean, or table with fallback codes local r if type( able ) "string" and #able > 0 then if type( another ) "string" and #another > 0 then if able another then r true else local s Multilingual.getBase( able ) if s another then r = true else local others = mw.language.getFallbacksFor( s ) r = feasible( another, others ) end end else local s = Multilingual.getBase( able ) if s then r = mw.language.getFallbacksFor( s ) if r[ 1 ] "en" then local d fetchISO639( "fallback" ) if type( d ) "table" and type( d[ s ] ) == "string" then r = mw.text.split( d[ s ], "|" ) table.insert( r, "en" ) end end end end end return r or false end -- Multilingual.fallback Multilingual.findCode = function ( ask ) -- Retrieve code of local (current project or English) language name -- Precondition: -- ask -- string, with presumable language name -- A code itself will be identified, too. -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, or false local seek = mw.text.trim( ask ) local r = false if #seek > 1 then if seek:find( "[", 1, true ) then local wlink = fetch( "WLink" ) if wlink and type( wlink.getPlain ) == "function" then seek = wlink.getPlain( seek ) end end seek = mw.ustring.lower( seek ) if Multilingual.isLang( seek ) then r = Multilingual.fair( seek ) else local collection = favorites for i = 1, #collection do r = find( seek, collection[ i ] ) if r then break -- for i end end -- for i end end return r end -- Multilingual.findCode Multilingual.fix = function ( attempt ) -- Fix frequently mistaken language code -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable language code -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with correction, or false if no problem known local r = fetchISO639( "correction" )[ attempt:lower ] return r or false end -- Multilingual.fix Multilingual.format = function ( apply, alien, alter, active, alert, frame, assembly, adjacent, ahead ) -- Format one or more languages -- Precondition: -- apply -- string with language list or item -- alien -- language of the answer -- -- nil, false, "*": native -- -- "!": current project -- -- "#": code, downcased, space separated -- -- "-": code, mixcase, space separated -- -- any valid code -- alter -- capitalize, if "c"; downcase all, if "d" -- capitalize first item only, if "f" -- downcase every first word only, if "m" -- active -- link items, if true -- alert -- string with category title in case of error -- frame -- if available -- assembly -- string with split pattern, if list expected -- adjacent -- string with list separator, else assembly -- ahead -- string to prepend first element, if any -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, or false if apply empty local r = false if apply then local slang if assembly then local bucket = mw.text.split( apply, assembly ) local shift = alter local separator if adjacent then separator = adjacent elseif alien "#" or alien "-" then separator = " " else separator = assembly end for k, v in pairs( bucket ) do slang = Multilingual.format( v, alien, shift, active, alert ) if slang then if r then r = string.format( "%s%s%s", r, separator, slang ) else r = slang if shift "f" then shift "d" end end end end -- for k, v if r and ahead then r ahead .. r end else local single mw.text.trim( apply ) if single "" then r = false else local lapsus, slot slang = Multilingual.findCode( single ) if slang then if alien "-" then r slang elseif alien "#" then r = slang:lower else r = Multilingual.getName( slang, alien ) if active then slot = fill( slang, false, frame ) if slot then local wlink = fetch( "WLink" ) if wlink and type( wlink.getTarget ) "function" then slot wlink.getTarget( slot ) end else lapsus alert end end end else r single if active then local title mw.title.makeTitle( 0, single ) if title.exists then slot single end end lapsus alert end if not r then r single elseif alter "c" or alter "f" then r mw.ustring.upper( mw.ustring.sub( r, 1, 1 ) ) .. mw.ustring.sub( r, 2 ) elseif alter "d" then if Multilingual.isMinusculable( slang, r ) then r = mw.ustring.lower( r ) end elseif alter "m" then if Multilingual.isMinusculable( slang, r ) then r mw.ustring.lower( mw.ustring.sub( r, 1, 1 ) ) .. mw.ustring.sub( r, 2 ) end end if slot then if r slot then r = string.format( "%s", r ) else r = string.format( "%s", slot, r ) end end if lapsus and alert then r = string.format( "%s", r, alert ) end end end end return r end -- Multilingual.format Multilingual.getBase = function ( ask ) -- Retrieve base language from possibly combined ISO language code -- Precondition: -- ask -- language code -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, or false local r if ask then local slang = ask:match( "^%s*(%a%a%a?)-?%a*%s*$" ) if slang then r = slang:lower else r = false end else r = false end return r end -- Multilingual.getBase Multilingual.getLang = function ( ask ) -- Retrieve components of a RFC 5646 language code -- Precondition: -- ask -- language code with subtags -- Postcondition: -- Returns table with formatted subtags -- .base -- .region -- .script -- .suggest -- .year -- .extension -- .other -- .n local tags = mw.text.split( ask, "-" ) local s = tags[ 1 ] local r if s:match( "^%a%a%a?$" ) then r = { base = s:lower, legal = true, n = #tags } for i = 2, r.n do s = tags[ i ] if #s 2 then if r.region or not s:match( "%a%a" ) then false else r.region s:upper end elseif #s 4 then if s:match( "%a%a%a%a" ) then = ( not r.script ) r.script = s:sub( 1, 1 ):upper .. s:sub( 2 ):lower elseif s:match( "20%d%d" ) or s:match( "1%d%d%d" ) then = ( not r.year ) r.year = s else = false end elseif #s 3 then if r.extlang or not s:match( "%a%a%a" ) then false else r.extlang s:lower end elseif #s 1 then s = s:lower if s:match( "[tux]" ) then r.extension = s for k = i + 1, r.n do s = tags[ k ] if s:match( "^%w+$" ) then r.extension = string.format( "%s-%s", r.extension, s ) else = false end end -- for k else = false end break -- for i else = ( not r.other ) and s:match( "%a%a%a" ) r.other = s:lower end if not then break -- for i end end -- for i if then r.suggest = Multilingual.fix( r.base ) if r.suggest then = false end end else r = { legal = false } end if not then local cnf = fetch( "Multilingual", "config" ) if cnf and type( cnf.scream ) == "string" then r.scream = cnf.scream end end return r end -- Multilingual.getLang Multilingual.getName = function ( ask, alien ) -- Which name is assigned to this language code? -- Precondition: -- ask -- language code -- alien -- language of the answer -- -- nil, false, "*": native -- -- "!": current project -- -- any valid code -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, or false local r if ask then local slang = alien local tLang if slang then if slang "*" then slang Multilingual.fair( ask ) elseif slang "!" then slang = favorites[ 1 ] else slang = Multilingual.fair( slang ) end else slang = Multilingual.fair( ask ) end if not slang then slang = ask or "?????" end slang = slang:lower tLang = fetch( "Multilingual", "names" ) if tLang then tLang = tLang[ slang ] if tLang then r = tLang[ ask ] end end if not r then if not Multilingual.ext.tMW then Multilingual.ext.tMW = { } end tLang = Multilingual.ext.tMW[ slang ] if tLang nil then tLang mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( slang ) if tLang then Multilingual.ext.tMW[ slang ] tLang else Multilingual.ext.tMW[ slang ] false end end if tLang then r tLang[ ask ] end end if not r then r mw.language.fetchLanguageName( ask:lower, slang ) if r "" then r = false end end else r = false end return r end -- Multilingual.getName Multilingual.i18n = function ( available, alt, frame ) -- Select translatable message -- Precondition: -- available -- table, with mapping language code ./. text -- alt -- string|nil|false, with fallback text -- frame -- frame, if available -- Returns -- 1. string|nil|false, with selected message -- 2. string|nil|false, with language code local r1, r2 if type( available ) "table" then local codes { } local trsl { } local slang for k, v in pairs( available ) do if type( k ) "string" and type( v ) "string" then slang mw.text.trim( k:lower ) table.insert( codes, slang ) trsl[ slang ] v end end -- for k, v slang Multilingual.userLang( codes, frame ) if slang and trsl[ slang ] then r1 mw.text.trim( trsl[ slang ] ) if r1 "" then r1 = false else r2 = slang end end end if not r1 and type( alt ) "string" then r1 mw.text.trim( alt ) if r1 "" then r1 = false end end return r1, r2 end -- Multilingual.i18n = function ( access, alien, apply ) -- Translated system message -- Precondition: -- access -- message ID -- alien -- language code -- apply -- nil, or sequence table with parameters $1, $2, ... -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, or false local o = access ) local r if o:exists then if type( alien ) "string" then o:inLanguage( alien:lower ) end if type( apply ) "table" then o:params( apply ) end r = o:plain end return r or false end -- Multilingual.isLang = function ( ask, additional ) -- Could this be an ISO language code? -- Precondition: -- ask -- language code -- additional -- true, if Wiki codes like "simple" permitted -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r, s if additional then s = ask else s = Multilingual.getBase( ask ) end if s then r = mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( s ) if r then r = not Multilingual.fix( s ) elseif additional then r = Multilingual.exotic[ s ] or false end else r = false end return r end -- Multilingual.isLang Multilingual.isLangWiki = function ( ask ) -- Could this be a Wiki language version? -- Precondition: -- ask -- language version specifier -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r local s = Multilingual.getBase( ask ) if s then r = mw.language.isSupportedLanguage( s ) or Multilingual.exotic[ ask ] else r = false end return r end -- Multilingual.isLangWiki Multilingual.isMinusculable = function ( ask, assigned ) -- Could this language name become downcased? -- Precondition: -- ask -- language code, or nil -- assigned -- language name, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r = true if ask then local cnf = fetch( "Multilingual", "config" ) if cnf then local s = string.format( " %s ", ask:lower ) if type( cnf.stopMinusculization ) "string" and cnf.stopMinusculization:find( s, 1, true ) then r false end if r and assigned and type( cnf.seekMinusculization ) "string" and cnf.seekMinusculization:find( s, 1, true ) and type( cnf.scanMinusculization ) == "string" then local scan = assigned:gsub( "[%(%)]", " " ) .. " " if not scan:find( cnf.scanMinusculization ) then r = false end end end end return r end -- Multilingual.isMinusculable Multilingual.isRTL = function ( ask ) -- Check whether language is written right-to-left -- Precondition: -- ask -- string, with language (or script) code -- Returns true, if right-to-left local r Multilingual.rtl = Multilingual.rtl or { } r = Multilingual.rtl[ ask ] if type( r ) ~= "boolean" then local bib = fetch( "ISO15924" ) if type( bib ) "table" and type( bib.isRTL ) "function" then r = bib.isRTL( ask ) else r = ask ):isRTL end Multilingual.rtl[ ask ] = r end return r end -- Multilingual.isRTL Multilingual.message = function ( arglist, frame ) -- Show text in best match of user language like system message -- Precondition: -- arglist -- template arguments -- frame -- frame, if available -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with appropriate text local r if type( arglist ) "table" then local t { } local m, p, save for k, v in pairs( arglist ) do if type( k ) "string" and type( v ) "string" then v mw.text.trim( v ) if v ~ "" then if k:match( "^%l%l" ) then t[ k ] v elseif k:match( "^%$%d$" ) and k ~ "$0" then p p or { } k tonumber( k:match( "^%$(%d)$" ) ) p[ k ] v if not m or k > m then m k end end end end end -- for k, v if type( arglist[ "-" ] ) "string" then save = arglist[ arglist[ "-" ] ] end r = Multilingual.i18n( t, save, frame ) if p and r and r:find( "$", 1, true ) then t = { } for i = 1, m do t[ i ] = p[ i ] or "" end -- for i r = mw.message.newRawMessage( r, t ):plain end end return r or "" end -- Multilingual.message Multilingual.sitelink = function ( all, frame ) -- Make link at local or other site with optimal linktext translation -- Precondition: -- all -- string or table or number, item ID or entity -- frame -- frame, if available -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with any helpful internal link, or plain text local s = type( all ) local object, r if s "table" then object all elseif s "string" then object = mw.wikibase.getEntity( all ) elseif s "number" then object mw.wikibase.getEntity( string.format( "Q%d", all ) ) end if type( object ) "table" then local collection = object.sitelinks local entry s = false if type( collection ) "table" then or mw.wikibase.getGlobalSiteId entry collection[ ] if entry then s ":" .. entry.title elseif collection.enwiki then s "w:en:" .. collection.enwiki.title end end r Multilingual.wikibase( object, "labels", frame ) if s then if s ":" .. r then r = string.format( "%s", s ) else r = string.format( "%s", s, r ) end end end return r or "" end -- Multilingual.sitelink Multilingual.tabData = function ( access, at, alt, frame ) -- Retrieve translated keyword from commons:Data:****.tab -- Precondition: -- access -- string, with page identification on Commons -- at -- string, with keyword -- alt -- string|nil|false, with fallback text -- frame -- frame, if available -- Returns -- 1. string|nil|false, with selected message -- 2. language code, or "error" local data = fetchData( access ) local r1, r2 if type( data ) "table" then if type( at ) "string" then local seek = mw.text.trim( at ) if seek "" then r1 "EMPTY Multilingual.tabData key" else local e, poly for i 1, #data do e data[ i ] if type( e ) "table" then if e[ 1 ] seek then if type( e[ 2 ] ) "table" then poly = e[ 2 ] else r1 = "INVALID Multilingual.tabData bad #" .. tostring( i ) end break -- for i end else break -- for i end end -- for i if poly then data = poly else r1 = "UNKNOWN Multilingual.tabData key: " .. seek end end else r1 = "INVALID Multilingual.tabData key" end else r1 = data end if r1 then r2 = "error" elseif data then r1, r2 = Multilingual.i18n( data, alt, frame ) r2 = r2 or "error" end return r1, r2 end -- Multilingual.tabData Multilingual.userLang = function ( accept, frame ) -- Try to support user language by application -- Precondition: -- accept -- string or table -- space separated list of available ISO 639 codes -- Default: project language, or English -- frame -- frame, if available -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with appropriate code local s = type( accept ) local codes, r, slang if s "string" then codes mw.text.split( accept:lower, "%s+" ) elseif s "table" then codes = { } for i = 1, #accept do s = accept[ i ] if type( s ) == "string" and s ~= "" then table.insert( codes, s:lower ) end end -- for i end slang = User.favorize( codes, frame ) if slang then if feasible( slang, codes ) then r = slang elseif slang:find( "-", 1, true ) then slang = Multilingual.getBase( slang ) if feasible( slang, codes ) then r = slang end end if not r then local others = mw.language.getFallbacksFor( slang ) for i = 1, #others do slang = others[ i ] if feasible( slang, codes ) then r = slang break -- for i end end -- for i end end if not r then local back = favorites for i = 1, #back do slang = back[ i ] if feasible( slang, codes ) then r = slang break -- for i end end -- for i if not r and codes[ 1 ] then r = codes[ 1 ] end end return r or favorites[ 1 ] end -- Multilingual.userLang Multilingual.userLangCode = function -- Guess a user language code -- Postcondition: -- Returns code of current best guess return User.self or favorites[ 1 ] end -- Multilingual.userLangCode Multilingual.wikibase = function ( all, about, attempt, frame ) -- Optimal translation of wikibase component -- Precondition: -- all -- string or table, object ID or entity -- about -- boolean, true "descriptions" or false "labels" -- attempt -- string or not, code of preferred language -- frame -- frame, if available -- Postcondition: -- Returns -- 1. string, with selected message -- 2. string, with language code, or not local s = type( all ) local object, r, r2 if s "table" then object all elseif s "string" then object = mw.wikibase.getEntity( all ) end if type( object ) "table" then if about and about ~ "labels" then s "descriptions" else s "labels" end object object[ s ] if type( object ) "table" then if object[ attempt ] then r = object[ attempt ].value r2 = attempt else local poly for k, v in pairs( object ) do poly = poly or { } poly[ k ] = v.value end -- for k, v if poly then r, r2 = Multilingual.i18n( poly, nil, frame ) end end end end return r or "", r2 end -- Multilingual.wikibase Failsafe.failsafe = function ( atleast ) -- Retrieve versioning and check for compliance -- Precondition: -- atleast -- string, with required version -- or wikidata|item|~|@ or false -- Postcondition: -- Returns string -- with queried version/item, also if problem -- false -- if appropriate -- 2020-08-17 local since = atleast local last = ( since "~" ) local linked ( since "@" ) local link = ( since "item" ) local r if last or link or linked or since "wikidata" then local item = Failsafe.item since = false if type( item ) "number" and item > 0 then local suited string.format( "Q%d", item ) if link then r suited else local entity mw.wikibase.getEntity( suited ) if type( entity ) "table" then local seek = Failsafe.serialProperty or "P348" local vsn = entity:formatPropertyValues( seek ) if type( vsn ) "table" and type( vsn.value ) "string" and vsn.value ~= "" then if last and vsn.value Failsafe.serial then r false elseif linked then if mw.title.getCurrentTitle.prefixedText mw.wikibase.getSitelink( suited ) then r = false else r = suited end else r = vsn.value end end end end end end if type( r ) == "nil" then if not since or since <= Failsafe.serial then r = Failsafe.serial else r = false end end return r end -- Failsafe.failsafe -- Export local p = { } p.fair = function ( frame ) -- Format language code -- 1 -- language code local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) return Multilingual.fair( s ) or "" end -- p.fair p.fallback = function ( frame ) -- Is another language suitable as replacement? -- 1 -- language version specifier to be supported -- 2 -- language specifier of a possible replacement local s1 = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) local s2 = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 2 ] or "" ) local r = Multilingual.fallback( s1, s2 ) if type( r ) == "table" then r = r[ 1 ] else r = r and "1" or "" end return r end -- p.fallback p.findCode = function ( frame ) -- Retrieve language code from language name -- 1 -- name in current project language local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) return Multilingual.findCode( s ) or "" end -- p.findCode p.fix = function ( frame ) local r = frame.args[ 1 ] if r then r = Multilingual.fix( mw.text.trim( r ) ) end return r or "" end -- p.fix p.format = function ( frame ) -- Format one or more languages -- 1 -- language list or item -- slang -- language of the answer, if not native -- * -- native -- ! -- current project -- any valid code -- shift -- capitalize, if "c"; downcase, if "d" -- capitalize first item only, if "f" -- link -- 1 -- link items -- scream -- category title in case of error -- split -- split pattern, if list expected -- separator -- list separator, else split -- start -- prepend first element, if any local r local link if == "1" then link = true end r = Multilingual.format( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args.slang, frame.args.shift, link, frame.args.scream, frame, frame.args.split, frame.args.separator, frame.args.start ) return r or "" end -- p.format p.getBase = function ( frame ) -- Retrieve base language from possibly combined ISO language code -- 1 -- code local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) return Multilingual.getBase( s ) or "" end -- p.getBase p.getName = function ( frame ) -- Retrieve language name from ISO language code -- 1 -- code -- 2 -- language to be used for the answer, if not native -- ! -- current project -- * -- native -- any valid code local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) local slang = frame.args[ 2 ] local r Multilingual.frame = frame if slang then slang = mw.text.trim( slang ) end r = Multilingual.getName( s, slang ) return r or "" end -- p.getName = function ( frame ) -- Translated system message -- 1 -- message ID -- lang -- language code -- $1, $2, ... -- parameters local sysMsg = frame.args[ 1 ] local r if sysMsg then sysMsg = mw.text.trim( sysMsg ) if sysMsg ~= "" then local n = 0 local slang = frame.args.lang local i, params, s if slang "" then slang false end for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do if type( k ) "string" then s = k:match( "^%$(%d+)$" ) if s then i = tonumber( s ) if i > n then n = i end end end end -- for k, v if n > 0 then local s params = { } for i = 1, n do s = frame.args[ "$" .. tostring( i ) ] or "" table.insert( params, s ) end -- for i end r = sysMsg, slang, params ) end end return r or "" end -- p.isLang = function ( frame ) -- Could this be an ISO language code? -- 1 -- code local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) local lucky, r = pcall( Multilingual.isLang, s ) return r and "1" or "" end -- p.isLang p.isLangWiki = function ( frame ) -- Could this be a Wiki language version? -- 1 -- code -- Returns non-empty, if possibly language version local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) local lucky, r = pcall( Multilingual.isLangWiki, s ) return r and "1" or "" end -- p.isLangWiki p.isRTL = function ( frame ) -- Check whether language is written right-to-left -- 1 -- string, with language code -- Returns non-empty, if right-to-left local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) return Multilingual.isRTL( s ) and "1" or "" end -- p.isRTL p.message = function ( frame ) -- Translation of text element return Multilingual.message( fold( frame ), frame ) end -- p.message p.sitelink = function ( frame ) -- Make link at local or other site with optimal linktext translation -- 1 -- item ID local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) local r if s:match( "^%d+$") then r = tonumber( s ) elseif s:match( "^Q%d+$") then r = s end if r then r = Multilingual.sitelink( r, frame ) end return r or s end -- p.sitelink p.tabData = function ( frame ) -- Retrieve best message text from Commons Data -- 1 -- page identification on Commons -- 2 -- keyword -- alt -- fallback text local suite = frame.args[ 1 ] local seek = frame.args[ 2 ] local salt = frame.args.alt local r = Multilingual.tabData( suite, seek, salt, frame ) return r end -- p.tabData p.userLang = function ( frame ) -- Which language does the current user prefer? -- 1 -- space separated list of available ISO 639 codes local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) return Multilingual.userLang( s, frame ) end -- p.userLang p.wikibase = function ( frame ) -- Optimal translation of wikibase component -- 1 -- object ID -- 2 -- 1 for "descriptions", 0 for "labels". -- or either "descriptions" or "labels" local r local s = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 1 ] or "" ) if s ~= "" then local s2 = mw.text.trim( frame.args[ 2 ] or "0" ) local slang = mw.text.trim( frame.args.lang or "" ) local large = ( s2 ~= "" and s2 ~= "0" ) if slang == "" then slang = false end r = Multilingual.wikibase( s, large, slang, frame ) end return r or "" end -- p.wikibase p.failsafe = function ( frame ) -- Versioning interface local s = type( frame ) local since if s "table" then since frame.args[ 1 ] elseif s "string" then since = frame end if since then since = mw.text.trim( since ) if since == "" then since = false end end return Failsafe.failsafe( since ) or "" end -- p.failsafe p.Multilingual = function return Multilingual end -- p.Multilingual return p

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