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21 Mayıs 2024
--[==[ This module is a Lua implementation of the old template. As of February 2019 it is used on nearly 7,900,000 articles. -- Please take care when updating it! It outputs two functions: p.portal, which generates a list of portals, and p.image, which -- produces the image name for an individual portal. -- The portal image data is kept in submodules of Modül:Portal/görseller, listed below: -- Modül:Portal/görseller/a - for portal names beginning with "A". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/b - for portal names beginning with "B". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/c - for portal names beginning with "C". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/d - for portal names beginning with "D". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/e - for portal names beginning with "E". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/f - for portal names beginning with "F". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/g - for portal names beginning with "G". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/h - for portal names beginning with "H". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/ı - for portal names beginning with "I". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/i - for portal names beginning with "İ". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/j - for portal names beginning with "J". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/k - for portal names beginning with "K". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/l - for portal names beginning with "L". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/m - for portal names beginning with "M". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/n - for portal names beginning with "N". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/o - for portal names beginning with "O". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/p - for portal names beginning with "P". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/r - for portal names beginning with "R". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/s - for portal names beginning with "S". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/t - for portal names beginning with "T". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/u - for portal names beginning with "U". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/v - for portal names beginning with "V". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/y - for portal names beginning with "Y". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/z - for portal names beginning with "Z". -- Modül:Portal/görseller/diğer - for portal names beginning with any other letters. This includes numbers, -- letters with diacritics, and letters in non-Latin alphabets. -- Modül:Portal/görseller/karşılıklar - for adding aliases for existing portal names. Use this page for variations -- in spelling and diacritics, etc., no matter what letter the portal begins with. -- -- The images data pages are separated by the first letter to reduce server load when images are added, changed, or removed. -- Previously all the images were on one data page at Modül:Portal/görseller, but this had the disadvantage that all -- 5,000,000 pages using this module needed to be refreshed every time an image was added or removed. ]==] local p = {} local trackingEnabled = true -- Check whether to do tracking in this namespace -- Returns true unless the page is one of the banned namespaces local function checkTrackingNamespace local thisPage = mw.title.getCurrentTitle if (thisPage.namespace 1) -- Talk or (thisPage.namespace 2) -- User or (thisPage.namespace 3) -- User talk or (thisPage.namespace 5) -- Wikipedia talk or (thisPage.namespace 7) -- File talk or (thisPage.namespace 11) -- Template talk or (thisPage.namespace 15) -- Category talk or (thisPage.namespace 101) -- Portal talk or (thisPage.namespace 109) -- Book talk or (thisPage.namespace 118) -- Draft or (thisPage.namespace 119) -- Draft talk or (thisPage.namespace 829) -- Module talk then return false end return true end -- Check whether to do tracking on this pagename -- Returns false if the page title matches one of the banned strings -- Otherwise returns true local function checkTrackingPagename local thisPage = mw.title.getCurrentTitle local thisPageLC = mw.ustring.lower(thisPage.text) if (string.match(thisPageLC, "/arşiv") ~= nil) then return false end if (string.match(thisPageLC, "/belge") ~= nil) then return false end if (string.match(thisPageLC, "/deneme") ~= nil) then return false end return true end local function matchImagePage(s) -- Finds the appropriate image subpage given a lower-case -- portal name plus the first letter of that portal name. if type(s) ~= 'string' or #s < 1 then return end local firstLetter = mw.ustring.sub(s, 1, 1) local imagePage if mw.ustring.find(firstLetter, '^[a-z]') then imagePage = 'Modül:Portal/görseller/' .. firstLetter else imagePage = 'Modül:Portal/görseller/diğer' end return mw.loadData(imagePage) end local function getAlias(s) -- Gets an alias from the image alias data page. local aliasData = mw.loadData('Modül:Portal/görseller/karşılıklar') for portal, aliases in pairs(aliasData) do for _, alias in ipairs(aliases) do if alias == s then return portal end end end end local function getImageName(s) -- Gets the image name for a given string. local default = 'Portal-puzzle.svg|link=|alt=' if type(s) ~= 'string' or #s < 1 then return default end s = mw.ustring.lower(s) return matchImagePage(s) or matchImagePage(getAlias(s)) or default end local function checkPortalExists(portal) return not (mw.title.makeTitle(100, portal).id == 0) end function p._portal(portals, args) -- This function builds the portal box used by the template. local root = mw.html.create('div') :attr('role', 'navigation') :attr('aria-label', 'Portals') :addClass('noprint portal plainlist') :addClass(args.sol and 'tleft' or 'tright') :css('margin', args["girinti"] or (args.sol 'evet' and '0.5em 1em 0.5em 0') or '0.5em 0 0.5em 1em') :css('border', 'solid #aaa 1px') :newline -- Tracking is on by default. -- It is disabled if any of the following is true -- 1/ the parameter "tracking" is set to 'no, 'n', or 'false' -- 2/ the current page fails the namespace tests in checkTrackingNamespace -- 3/ the current page fails the pagename tests in checkTrackingPagename if (args.izleme 'hayır') or (args.izleme 'h') or (args.izleme 'olumsuz') then trackingEnabled = false end if (checkTrackingNamespace false) then trackingEnabled false end if (checkTrackingPagename false) then trackingEnabled = false end -- If no portals have been specified, display an error and add the page to a tracking category. if not portals[1] then if (args.enazyok 'evet') or (args.enazyok 'e') or (args.enazyok 'olumlu') then -- if enazyok as been set to yes (or similar), omit the warning else root:wikitext end if (trackingEnabled) then root:wikitext('Kategori:Parametresiz portal şablonları') end return tostring(root) end -- scan for nonexistent portals, if they exist remove them from the portals table. If kırmızı evet, then don't remove local portallen #portals -- traverse the list backwards to ensure that no portals are missed (table.remove also moves down the portals in the list, so that the next portal isn't checked if going fowards. -- going backwards allows us to circumvent this issue for i portallen,1,-1 do -- the use of pcall here catches any errors that may occour when attempting to locate pages when the page name is invalid -- if pcall returns true, then rerun the function to find if the page exists if not pcall(checkPortalExists, portals) or not checkPortalExists(portals) then -- Getting here means a redlinked portal has been found if (args["kırmızı"] 'evet') or (args["kırmızı"] 'e') or (args["kırmızı"] 'göster') or (args["kırmızı"] 'içer') then -- if kırmızı as been set to yes (or similar), add the cleanup category and then break the loop before the portal is removed from the list if (trackingEnabled) then root:wikitext('Kategori:Kırmızı bağlantı içeren portal şablonları') end break end -- remove the portal (this does not happen if kırmızı evet) table.remove(portals,i) end end -- if the length of the table is different, then rows were removed from the table, so portals were removed. If this is the case add the cleanup category if not (portallen #portals) then if (trackingEnabled) then if #portals 0 then return 'Kategori:Kırmızı bağlantı içeren portal şablonları' else root:wikitext('Kategori:Kırmızı bağlantı içeren portal şablonları') end end end -- Start the list. This corresponds to the start of the wikitext table in the old Template:Portal. local listroot root:tag('ul') :css('display', 'table') :css('box-sizing', 'border-box') :css('padding', '0.1em') :css('max-width', '175px') :css('width', type(args.boyut) 'string' and (args.boyut .. 'px') or nil) :css('background', '#f9f9f9') :css('font-size', '85%') :css('line-height', '110%') :css('font-style', 'italic') :css('font-weight', 'bold') -- Display the portals specified in the positional arguments. for _, portal in ipairs(portals) do local image = getImageName(portal) -- Generate the html for the image and the portal name. listroot :newline :tag('li') :css('display', 'table-row') :tag('span') :css('display', 'table-cell') :css('padding', '0.2em') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext(string.format('32x28px|class=noviewer', image)) :done :tag('span') :css('display', 'table-cell') :css('padding', '0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em') :css('vertical-align', 'middle') :wikitext(string.format('%s%sportali', portal, portal, args['atla'] and or ' ')) end return tostring(root) end function p._image(portals) -- Wrapper function to allow getImageName to be accessed through #invoke. local name = getImageName(portals[1]) return name:match('^(.-)|') or name -- FIXME: use a more elegant way to separate borders etc. from the image name end local function getAllImageTables -- Returns an array containing all image subpages (minus aliases) as loaded by mw.loadData. local images = {} for i, subpage in ipairs{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'y', 'z', 'diğer'} do images = mw.loadData('Modül:Portal/görseller/' .. subpage) end return images end function p._displayAll(portals, args) -- This function displays all portals that have portal images. This function is for maintenance purposes and should not be used in -- articles, for two reasons: 1) there are over 1500 portals with portal images, and 2) the module doesn't record how the portal -- names are capitalized, so the portal links may be broken. local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage local count = 1 for _, imageTable in ipairs(getAllImageTables) do for portal in pairs(imageTable) do portals[count] = lang:ucfirst(portal) count = count + 1 end end return p._portal(portals, args) end function p._imageDupes -- This function searches the image subpages to find duplicate images. If duplicate images exist, it is not necessarily a bad thing, -- as different portals might just happen to choose the same image. However, this function is helpful in identifying images that -- should be moved to a portal alias for ease of maintenance. local exists, dupes = {}, {} for _, imageTable in ipairs(getAllImageTables) do for portal, image in pairs(imageTable) do if not exists[image] then exists[image] = portal else table.insert(dupes, string.format('The image "%s" is used for both portals "%s" and "%s".', image, image, exists[image], portal)) end end end if #dupes < 1 then return 'Yinelenen görsel bulunamadı.' else return 'The following duplicate images were found:\n* ' .. table.concat(dupes, '\n* ') end end local function processPortalArgs(args) -- This function processes a table of arguments and returns two tables: an array of portal names for processing by ipairs, and a table of -- the named arguments that specify style options, etc. We need to use ipairs because we want to list all the portals in the order -- they were passed to the template, but we also want to be able to deal with positional arguments passed explicitly, for example -- . The behaviour of ipairs is undefined if nil values are present, so we need to make sure they are all removed. args = type(args) 'table' and args or {} local portals {} local namedArgs {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) 'number' and type(v) == 'string' then -- Make sure we have no non-string portal names. table.insert(portals, k) elseif type(k) ~= 'number' then namedArgs[k] = v end end table.sort(portals) for i, v in ipairs(portals) do portals = args[v] end return portals, namedArgs end local function makeWrapper(funcName) -- Processes external arguments and sends them to the other functions. return function (frame) -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking -- template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist. Otherwise -- assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console -- or from another Lua module. local origArgs if type(frame.getParent) 'function' then origArgs frame:getParent.args for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do origArgs frame.args break end else origArgs frame end -- Trim whitespace and remove blank arguments. local args {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do if type(v) 'string' then v = mw.text.trim(v) end if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end return p[funcName](processPortalArgs(args)) -- passes two tables to func: an array of portal names, and a table of named arguments. end end for _, funcName in ipairs{'portal', 'image', 'imageDupes', 'displayAll'} do p[funcName] = makeWrapper('_' .. funcName) end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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