Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.

Modül:Seçim sonuçları


21 Mayıs 2024
require('Module:No globals') local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame) local index, headings, showtotal = {}, {}, {} local cols, rounds = 0, 1 local winner, winner_votes = {0, 0}, {0, 0} local valid = {0, 0} local invalid = {tonumber(args.invalid) or 0, tonumber(args.invalid2) or 0} local totalvotes = {tonumber(args.totalvotes) or 0, tonumber(args.totalvotes2) or tonumber(args.totalvotes) or 0} local electorate = {tonumber(args.electorate) or 0, tonumber(args.electorate2) or tonumber(args.electorate) or 0} local turnout = {tonumber(args.turnout) or 0, tonumber(args.turnout2) or 0} local seats = 0, 0 local row, secondrow local tracking = local max_rows = 0 -- helper functions local lang = mw.getContentLanguage local function fmt(n) return n and tonumber(n) and lang:formatNum(tonumber(n)) or nil end local function pct(n,d) n, d = tonumber(n), tonumber(d) if n and d and d > 0 then return string.format('%.2f', n / d * 100) end return end local function tonumdash(s) if s then s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '&[MmNn][Dd][Aa][Ss][Hh];', '-') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '&[Mm][Ii][Nn][Uu][Ss];', '-') s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '[—–−]', '-') return tonumber(s) or 0 end end local function unlink(s) if s then s = s:match("^[^%[]-%[%[([^%]]-)|[^%]]-%]%].*$") or s s = s:match("^[^%[]-%[%[([^%]]-)%]%].*$") or s end return s end -- preprocess the input local stop_flag = false local i = 0 while stop_flag false do stop_flag true for kk 1, 20 do i i + 1 for k, key in ipairs({'cand', 'vp', 'party', 'sc', 'sw', 'seats', 'totalvotes'}) do if args[key .. i] then headings[key] true stop_flag false max_rows i > max_rows and i or max_rows end end if args['row' .. i] then stop_flag false max_rows i > max_rows and i or max_rows end if args['row' .. i] or args['cand' .. i] or args['party' .. i] then table.insert(index, i) if args['votes' .. i] then if tonumber(args['votes' .. i]) then showtotal.votes 1 end local votesi tonumber(args['votes' .. i]) or 0 args['votes' .. i] votesi if votesi > winner_votes[1] then winner[1] i winner_votes[1] votesi end valid[1] valid[1] + votesi end if args['votes' .. i .. '_2'] then rounds 2 if tonumber(args['votes' .. i .. '_2']) then showtotal.votes_2 1 end local votesi tonumber(args['votes' .. i .. '_2']) or 0 args['votes' .. i .. '_2'] votesi if votesi > winner_votes[2] then winner[2] i winner_votes[2] votesi end valid[2] valid[2] + votesi end if args['seats' .. i] then if tonumber(args['seats' .. i]) then showtotal.seats 1 end seats seats + (tonumber(args['seats' .. i]) or 0) end end end end local ovalid {valid[1], valid[2]} seats ((args['total_seats'] or ) 'TOTAL' and seats) or args['total_seats'] or seats if seats or args['total_sc'] or args['valid'] or ((rounds > 1) and args['valid2']) then max_rows = max_rows + 1 local i = max_rows table.insert(index,i) args['votes' .. i] = showtotal.votes and valid[1] or nil args['votes' .. i .. '_2'] = showtotal.votes_2 and valid[2] or nil args['colour' .. i] = 'inherit' args['color' .. i] = 'inherit' args['row' .. i] = 'Toplam' args['sw' .. i] = '–' args['seats' .. i] = showtotal.seats and seats or nil args['sc' .. i] = args['total_sc'] args['font-weight' .. i] = 'bold' args['class' .. i] = 'sortbottom' ovalid[1] = tonumber(args['valid']) or valid[1] ovalid[2] = tonumber(args['valid2']) or valid[2] end -- build the table local root = mw.html.create('table') root :addClass('wikitable sortable') :tag('caption') :wikitext(args.caption) local topcell = nil if args['image'] then topcell = root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :wikitext(args['image']) :css('text-align', 'center') end local rowspan = (rounds > 1) and 2 or nil row = root:tag('tr') if headings['cand'] then row :tag('th') :wikitext('Adaylık') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('colspan', 2) :attr('rowspan', rowspan) cols = cols + 2 if headings['vp'] then row :tag('th') :wikitext('Running mate') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', rowspan) cols = cols + 1 end if headings['party'] then row :tag('th') :wikitext('Parti') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', rowspan) cols = cols + 1 end else row :tag('th') :wikitext(headings['party'] and 'Parti' or ) :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('colspan', 2) :attr('rowspan', rowspan) cols = cols + 2 end if rounds > 1 then row :tag('th') :wikitext(args.firstround or 'İlk tur') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('colspan', 2) :tag('th') :wikitext(args.secondround or 'İkinci tur') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('colspan', 2) secondrow = root:tag('tr') else secondrow = row end for k=1,rounds do secondrow :tag('th') :wikitext('Oy') :attr('scope', 'col') :tag('th') :wikitext('%') :attr('scope', 'col') cols = cols + 2 end if headings['sw'] then row :tag('th') :wikitext('+/–') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', rowspan) cols = cols + 1 end if headings['seats'] then row :tag('th') :wikitext('Sandalye') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', rowspan) cols = cols + 1 end if headings['sc'] then row :tag('th') :wikitext(headings['seats'] and '+/–' or 'Seats') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', rowspan) cols = cols + 1 end if topcell then topcell:attr('colspan', cols) end local cs = cols - 2*rounds - (headings['sw'] and 1 or 0) - (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) - (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) local rsuff = (rounds > 1) and {, '_2'} or {} for i, v in ipairs(index) do row = root:tag('tr') :addClass(args['class' .. v]) :css('font-weight', args['font-weight' .. v]) -- determine the color local color = args['colour' .. v] or args['color' .. v] or nil if color == nil then local party = unlink(args['party' .. v]) or if party ~= and'Şablon:' .. party .. '/meta/color').exists then color = frame:expandTemplate{title = party .. '/meta/color'} end end if args['row' .. v] then row :tag('td') :wikitext(args['row' .. v]) :attr('colspan', cs) else -- create the empty color cell row :tag('td') :css('background-color', color) -- add the rest of the row if headings['cand'] then row :tag('td') :wikitext(args['cand' .. v]) if headings['vp'] then row :tag('td') :wikitext(args['vp' .. v]) end end if headings['party'] then row :tag('td') :wikitext(args['party' .. v]) end end for kk, suf in ipairs(rsuff) do if(args['votes' .. v .. suf]) then row:tag('td') :css('text-align', 'right') :wikitext(fmt(args['votes' .. v .. suf])) row:tag('td') :css('text-align', 'right') :wikitext(pct(args['votes' .. v .. suf], valid[kk])) elseif headings['sw'] then row:tag('td'):attr('colspan', 3) else row:tag('td'):attr('colspan', 2) end end if headings['sw'] and (args['votes' .. v]) then row :tag('td') :css('text-align', 'right') :wikitext(args['sw' .. v]) end if headings['seats'] and (args['seats' .. v]) then row :tag('td') :css('text-align', 'right') :wikitext(fmt(args['seats' .. v])) elseif headings['seats'] then row :tag('td') :css('text-align', 'right') :wikitext('–') end if headings['sc'] and (args['seats' .. v]) then row :tag('td') :css('text-align', 'right') :wikitext(args['sc' .. v]) elseif headings['sc'] then row :tag('td') :css('text-align', 'right') :wikitext('–') end end -- separating line row = root :tag('tr') :addClass('sortbottom') row :tag('td') :css('background', '#eaecf0') :attr('colspan', cols) -- valid votes if args['invalid'] then row = root :tag('tr') :addClass('sortbottom') :css('text-align', 'right') row :tag('th') :wikitext('Geçerli oy') :attr('scope', 'row') :attr('colspan', cs) :css('text-align', 'left') :css('font-weight', 'normal') :css('background', 'inherit') for k=1,rounds do row :tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(ovalid[k])) :tag('td') :wikitext(pct(ovalid[k], ovalid[k] + invalid[k])) end if args['invalidsw'] then row:tag('td') :wikitext(args['validsw']) local cspan = (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) if headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end elseif headings['sw'] or headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['sw'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end -- invalid votes row = root:tag('tr') :addClass('sortbottom') :css('text-align', 'right') if args['blank'] then row :tag('th') :wikitext('Geçersiz oy') :attr('scope', 'row') :attr('colspan', cs) :css('text-align', 'left') :css('font-weight', 'normal') :css('background', 'inherit') else row :tag('th') :wikitext('Geçersiz/boş oy') :attr('scope', 'row') :attr('colspan', cs) :css('text-align', 'left') :css('font-weight', 'normal') :css('background', 'inherit') end for k=1,rounds do row :tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(invalid[k])) :tag('td') :wikitext(pct(invalid[k], ovalid[k] + invalid[k])) end if args['invalidsw'] then row:tag('td') :wikitext(args['invalidsw']) if headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end elseif headings['sw'] or headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['sw'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end -- total row = root:tag('tr') :addClass('sortbottom') :css('font-weight', 'bold') :css('text-align', 'right') row :tag('th') :wikitext('Toplam oy') :attr('scope', 'row') :attr('colspan', cs) :css('text-align', 'left') :css('background', 'inherit') for k=1,rounds do row :tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(ovalid[k] + invalid[k])) :tag('td') :wikitext(pct(1,1)) end if args['invalidsw'] then row:tag('td') :wikitext('–') if headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end elseif headings['sw'] or headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['sw'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end end if args['totalvotes'] then row = root:tag('tr') :addClass('sortbottom') :css('font-weight', 'bold') :css('text-align', 'right') row :tag('th') :wikitext('Toplam oy') :attr('scope', 'row') :attr('colspan', cs) :css('text-align', 'left') :css('background', 'inherit') for k=1,rounds do row :tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(totalvotes[k])) :tag('td') :wikitext('–') end if headings['sw'] or headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['sw'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end end -- registered if args['electorate'] or args['turnout'] then row = root:tag('tr') :addClass('sortbottom') :css('text-align', 'right') row :tag('th') :wikitext('Kayıtlı seçmen/katılım') :attr('scope', 'row') :attr('colspan', cs) :css('text-align', 'left') :css('font-weight', 'normal') :css('background', 'inherit') if args['electorate'] and args['turnout'] then for k=1,rounds do row:tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(electorate[k])) row:tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(turnout[k])) end elseif args['turnout'] then for k=1,rounds do row:tag('td') row:tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(turnout[k])) end elseif args['invalid'] then for k=1,rounds do row:tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(electorate[k])) row:tag('td') :wikitext(pct(ovalid[k] + invalid[k], electorate[k])) end elseif args['totalvotes'] then for k=1,rounds do row:tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(electorate[k])) row:tag('td') :wikitext(pct(totalvotes[k], electorate[k])) end else for k=1,rounds do row:tag('td') :wikitext(fmt(electorate[k])) row:tag('td') :wikitext('–') end end if args['turnoutsw'] then row:tag('td') :wikitext(args['turnoutsw']) if headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end elseif headings['sw'] or headings['seats'] or headings['sc'] then local cspan = (headings['sw'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['seats'] and 1 or 0) + (headings['sc'] and 1 or 0) row :tag('td') :attr('colspan', cspan > 1 and cspan or nil) end end row = root:tag('tr') :addClass('sortbottom') :css('text-align', 'right') row:tag('td') :wikitext('Kaynak: ', args.source) :attr('colspan', cols) :css('text-align', 'left') return tostring(root) .. tracking end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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