Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Modül:Seri genel bakış


21 Mayıs 2024
-- Bu modül şablonunu sağlamaktadır. require('Modül:No globals') local yesno = require('Modül:Yesno') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Seri genel bakış biçimi -- Ana biçim. ---------------------------------m----------------------------------------------- local SeriesOverview = {} function SeriesOverview.cellspan(SeasonEntries, SeasonEntries_ordered, key, cell) local spanlength = 1 for i = cell+1, #SeasonEntries_ordered do local entry = SeasonEntries[SeasonEntries_ordered] -- Split season, then regular season if entry.baslaA then if not entry[key..'A'] then spanlength = spanlength + 1 else break end if not entry[key..'B'] then spanlength = spanlength + 1 else break end else if not entry[key] then spanlength = spanlength + 1 else break end end end return spanlength end function, args) args = args or {} local categories = local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle local allReleased = yesno(args.allreleased) -- Create series overview table local root = mw.html.create('table') local cellPadding = '0 8px' root :addClass('wikitable') :addClass('plainrowheaders') :css('text-align', 'center') -- Caption if args.caption then root:tag('caption'):wikitext(args.caption) end -- Sorting function local function series_sort(op1, op2) local n1,s1 = string.match(op1,"(%d+)(%a*)"); local n2,s2 = string.match(op2,"(%d+)(%a*)"); local n1N,n2N = tonumber(n1),tonumber(n2) if n1N n2N then return s1 < s2 else return n1N < n2N end end -- Allow usages of cells local function series_attributes(infoParam) local entries {} local infoCell mw.html.create('td') while true do local a,b string.match(infoParam,'(%a*) "([^"]*)"'); if a nil or b nil then break end infoCell:attr(a,b) infoParam string.gsub(infoParam,'(%a*) "([^"]*)"',,1) end infoParam string.gsub(infoParam,'%s*|%s*',,1) infoCell:wikitext(infoParam) return infoCell end -- Extract seasons info and place into a 3D array local SeasonEntries {}; for k,v in pairs(args) do local str, num, str2 string.match(k, '([^%d]*)(%d*)(%a*)') if num ~ then -- Special local special false if string.sub(str2,1,1) 'S' then special = true num = num .. str2 str2 = end -- Add to entries, create if necessary if not SeasonEntries[num] then SeasonEntries[num] = {} end SeasonEntries[num][str .. str2] = v if special then SeasonEntries[num]['special'] = 'y' end end end -- Order table by season number local SeasonEntries_ordered = {} for k in pairs(SeasonEntries) do table.insert(SeasonEntries_ordered, k) end table.sort(SeasonEntries_ordered,series_sort) local firstRow = SeasonEntries[SeasonEntries_ordered[1]] -- Colspan calculation for information cells (0 = no info set) local numInfoCells = 0; for i = string.byte('A'), string.byte('Z') do local param = 'ekstra' .. string.char(i) if args[param] then numInfoCells = numInfoCells + 1 end end -- Top info cell -- @ = string.char(64), A = string.char(65) local topInfoCell = args.ekstrabaslik and (numInfoCells > 0 and string.char(numInfoCells + (string.byte('A') - 1)) or 'A') or '@' -- Headers do local headerRow = root:tag('tr') headerRow :css('text-align', 'center') -- Networks are included if the very first entry sets the first network local setNetwork = firstRow.kanal or firstRow.kanalA local releasedBlurb = args.released and 'tarihi' or 'tarihi' -- Base series/season content on the format of the first date; Series = D M Y, Season = M D, Y local matchDMY = false local thisStart = firstRow.basla or firstRow.baslaA if string.match(thisStart:gsub(""," "), '(%d+)%s(%a+)%s(%d+)') then matchDMY = true end -- Season header headerRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', allReleased and numInfoCells 0 and 1 or 2) :attr('colspan', 2) :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext(args.sezonT or 'Sezon') -- Aux headers for i string.byte('A'), string.byte('Z') do local param 'fazla' .. string.char(i) if args[param] then headerRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :css('padding', cellPadding) :attr('rowspan', allReleased and numInfoCells 0 and 1 or 2) :wikitext(args[param]) end end -- Episodes header headerRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', allReleased and numInfoCells 0 and 1 or 2) :attr('colspan', 2) :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext('Bölümsayısı') -- Originally aired header headerRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', allReleased and numInfoCells > 0 and 2 or 1) :attr('colspan', setNetwork and 3 or 2) :wikitext('Orijinal yayın ' .. releasedBlurb) -- Network subheader for released series if setNetwork and allReleased then headerRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', allReleased and numInfoCells 0 and 1 or 2) :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext('Kanal') end -- Subheader row local subheaderRow = mw.html.create('tr') -- Info header if args.ekstrabaslik then headerRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('colspan', numInfoCells > 0 and numInfoCells or nil) :attr('rowspan', (allReleased and 1) or (numInfoCells > 0 and 1) or 2) :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext(args.ekstrabaslik) end if not allReleased then -- First aired subheader subheaderRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :wikitext('Başlangıç ' .. releasedBlurb) -- Last aired subheader subheaderRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :wikitext('Bitiş ' .. releasedBlurb) -- Network subheader for aired series if setNetwork then subheaderRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext('Kanal') end end -- Information subheaders, only if the infoheader doesn't span down (i.e. 2+ info cells set) if topInfoCell ~= 'A' then for i = string.byte('A'), string.byte(topInfoCell) do local param = 'ekstra' .. string.char(i) subheaderRow:tag('th') :attr('scope', 'col') :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext(args[param]) end end -- Check for scenarios with an empty subheaderRow if not allReleased or numInfoCells > 0 then root:node(subheaderRow); end end -- Season rows do -- One row entries, only categorized in the mainspace if title.namespace 0 and #SeasonEntries 1 then categories = categories .. 'Kategori:"Şablon:Seri genel bakış" şablonunu yalnızca bir satırlık kullanan maddeler' end for X = 1, #SeasonEntries_ordered do local season, entry = SeasonEntries_ordered[X], SeasonEntries[SeasonEntries_ordered[X]] local splitSeason = entry.baslaA -- New season row local seasonRow = root:tag('tr'); -- Dates local startDate = entry['basla'] local endDate = entry['bitis'] -- First season row -- Coloured cell seasonRow:tag('td') :attr('scope','row') :attr('rowspan', ((splitSeason and entry.renk) or (entry.renkA and entry.renkA entry.renkB)) and 2 or nil) :css('background',entry.renkA or entry.renk) :css('width','10px') -- Season number link seasonRow:tag('td') :attr('rowspan', splitSeason and 2 or nil) :attr('colspan', entry.special and not entry.bolum and 3 or 1) :wikitext( and .. (entry.linkT or season) .. '' or (entry.linkT or season)) -- Aux cells for i string.byte('A'), string.byte('Z') do local param 'fazla' .. string.char(i) if entry[param] or entry[param..'A'] then seasonRow:tag('td') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', SeriesOverview.cellspan(SeasonEntries, SeasonEntries_ordered, param, X)) :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext(entry[param] or entry[param .. 'A']) end end -- Episodes if entry.bolum then seasonRow:tag('td') :attr('colspan', splitSeason and 1 or 2) :attr('rowspan', splitSeason and 2 or nil) :wikitext(entry.bolum) elseif not entry.special then local infoCell series_attributes( frame:expandTemplate{title 'N/A',args {'TBA'}} ) infoCell :attr('colspan', splitSeason and 1 or 2) :attr('rowspan', splitSeason and 2 or nil) seasonRow:node(infoCell); end -- Episodes for first half of split season if splitSeason then if entry.bolumA then seasonRow:tag('td') :wikitext(entry.bolumA or frame:expandTemplate{title 'TableTBA'}) else local infoCell series_attributes( frame:expandTemplate{title 'N/A',args {'TBA'}} ) seasonRow:node(infoCell); end end -- Start date if entry.baslaA or startDate then seasonRow:tag('td') :attr('colspan', ((not entry.special and endDate 'basla') or (entry.special and not endDate)) and 2 or 1) :css('padding',cellPadding) :wikitext(entry.baslaA or startDate) else local infoCell = series_attributes( frame:expandTemplate{title='N/A',args={'TBA'}}) infoCell:css('padding',cellPadding) seasonRow:node(infoCell); if title.namespace 0 then categories categories .. 'Kategori:"Şablon:Seri genel bakış" şablonunu boş başlangıç zamanı ile kullanan maddeler' end end -- End date if not allReleased and endDate ~ 'basla' and ((entry.special and endDate) or not entry.special) then if entry.bitisA or endDate then seasonRow:tag('td') :css('padding',cellPadding) :wikitext(entry.bitisA or endDate) else local infoCell series_attributes( frame:expandTemplate{title 'N/A',args {'TBA'}} ) infoCell:css('padding',cellPadding) seasonRow:node(infoCell); end end -- Network if entry.kanal or entry.kanalA then seasonRow:tag('td') :attr('rowspan', SeriesOverview.cellspan(SeasonEntries, SeasonEntries_ordered, 'kanal', X)) :wikitext(entry.kanalA or entry.kanal) end -- Information for i string.byte('A'), string.byte(topInfoCell) do local param 'ekstra' .. string.char(i) local infoParam entry[param .. 'A'] or entry[param] if infoParam then -- Cells with already expanded if string.sub(infoParam,1,5) 'style' then local infoCell = series_attributes(infoParam) infoCell:attr('rowspan', (splitSeason and entry[param]) and 2 or nil) seasonRow:node(infoCell); else -- Unstyled content info cell seasonRow:tag('td') :wikitext(infoParam) :attr('rowspan', (splitSeason and entry[param]) and 2 or nil) end else local infoCell = series_attributes( frame:expandTemplate{title='N/A',args={'TBA'}} ) infoCell:attr('rowspan', (splitSeason and entry[param]) and 2 or nil) seasonRow:node(infoCell); end end -- Second season row for split seasons if splitSeason then -- Second row local seasonRowB = root:tag('tr'); -- Coloured cell if not entry.renk and entry.renkB and entry.renkA ~= entry.renkB then seasonRowB:tag('td') :attr('scope','row') :css('background',entry.renkB) :css('width','10px') end -- Aux cells for i = string.byte('A'), string.byte('Z') do local param = 'fazla' .. string.char(i) if entry[param..'B'] then seasonRowB:tag('td') :attr('scope', 'col') :attr('rowspan', SeriesOverview.cellspan(SeasonEntries, SeasonEntries_ordered, param, X)) :css('padding', cellPadding) :wikitext(entry[param .. 'B']) end end -- Episodes for first half of split season seasonRowB:tag('td') :wikitext(entry.bolumB or frame:expandTemplate{title='TableTBA'}) -- Start date seasonRowB:tag('td') :attr('colspan',entry.bitisB == 'basla' and 2 or 1) :css('padding',cellPadding) :wikitext(entry.baslaB) -- End date if not allReleased and entry.bitisB ~= 'basla' then if entry.bitisB then seasonRowB:tag('td') :css('padding',cellPadding) :wikitext(entry.bitisB) else local infoCell = series_attributes( frame:expandTemplate{title='N/A',args={'TBA'}} ) infoCell:css('padding',cellPadding) seasonRowB:node(infoCell); end end -- Network if entry.kanalB then seasonRowB:tag('td') :attr('rowspan', SeriesOverview.cellspan(SeasonEntries, SeasonEntries_ordered, 'kanal', X)) :wikitext(entry.kanalB) end -- Information for i = string.byte('A'), string.byte('Z') do local param = 'ekstra' .. string.char(i) if entry[param .. 'B'] then seasonRowB:tag('td') :wikitext(entry[param .. 'B']) end end end -- End 'if' splitSeason end -- End 'for' SeasonEntries_ordered end -- End 'do' season rows return tostring(root) .. categories end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = require('Modül:Arguments').getArgs(frame, { wrappers = 'Şablon:Seri genel bakış' }) return, args) end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
