Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.

Modül:Spor tablosu


21 Mayıs 2024
-- Module to build tables for standings in Sports -- See documentation for details require('Modül:No globals') local p = {} -- Helper functions local function isnotblank(s) return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= end local function firstnonblank(s1,s2) if ( s1 and s1:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= ) then return s1 elseif ( s2 and s2:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= ) then return s2 end return nil end -- Main function function p.main(frame) -- Declare locals local Args = frame.args local Pargs = frame:getParent.args local ii_start, ii_end, N_rows_res = 0 local text_field_result local notes_exist = false local t = {} local t_footer = {} local t_return = {} local team_list = {} local jj, jjj -- Exit early if we are using section transclusion for a different section if( isnotblank(Pargs['transcludesection']) and isnotblank(Args['section']) ) then if( Pargs['transcludesection'] ~= Args['section'] ) then return end end -- Get the custom start point for the table (most will start by default at 1 local top_pos = tonumber(Args['highest_pos']) or 1 local N_teams = top_pos - 1 -- Default to 0 at start, but higher number needed to skip certain entries -- Load modules local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') -- Load style and (sub) modules local style_def = Args['style'] or 'WDL' -- Historically 'football' exists as style, this is now forwarded to WDL if style_def 'football' then style_def 'WDL' end local p_style require('Modül:Spor tablosu/'..style_def) local p_sub require('Modül:Spor tablosu/sub') local p_matches require('Modül:Spor sonuçları') -- Random value used for uniqueness math.randomseed( os.clock * 10^8 ) local rand_val math.random -- Declare colour scheme local result_col {} result_col {green1 '#B0EE90', green2 '#CCF9CC', green3 '#DDFCDD', green4 '#EEFFEE', green5 '#BBF3BB', blue1 '#BBF3FF', blue2 '#CCF9FF', blue3 '#DDFCFF', blue4 '#EEFFFF', yellow1 '#FFFFBB', yellow2 '#FFFFCC', yellow3 '#FFFFDD', yellow4 '#FFFFEE', red1 '#FFBBBB', red2 '#FFCCCC', red3 '#FFDDDD', red4 '#FFEEEE', black1 '#BBBBBB', black2 '#CCCCCC', black3 '#DDDDDD', black4 '#EEEEEE'} -- Declare results column header local results_header {} results_header {Q 'Eleme', QR 'Eleme veya küme düşme', P 'Yükselme', PQR 'Yükselme, eleme veya küme düşme', PR 'Yükselme veya küme düşme', R 'Küme düşme'} local results_defined false -- Check whether this would be needed -- Now define line for column header (either option or custom) local local_res_header results_header[Args['res_col_header']] or Args['res_col_header'] or -- Check whether it includes a note local res_head_note Args['note_header_res'] local res_head_note_text if res_head_note then notes_exist true res_head_note_text frame:expandTemplate{ title 'efn', args { group 'Table_notes', res_head_note} } end local results_header_txt '! scope "col" |'..local_res_header..res_head_note_text..'\n' -- Get status option local t_status p_style.status(Args) -- Alternative syntax for team list if Args['team_order'] and Args['team_order'] ~ then local tlist mw.text.split(Args['team_order'], '%s*[;,]%s*') for k, tname in ipairs(tlist) do if tname ~ then Args['team' .. k] tname end end end -- Read in number of consecutive teams (ignore entries after skipping a spot) while Args['team'..N_teams+1] ~ nil do N_teams N_teams+1 -- Sneakily add it twice to the team_list parameter, once for the actual -- ranking, the second for position lookup in sub-tables -- This is possible because Lua allows both numbers and strings as indices. team_list[N_teams] Args['team'..N_teams] -- i^th entry is team X team_list[Args['team'..N_teams]] N_teams -- team X entry is position i end -- Show all stats in table or just matches played and points local pld_pts_val firstnonblank(Pargs['only_pld_pts'], Args['only_pld_pts']) or 'no' local full_table local class_rules local hide_class_rules false -- True if par doesn't exist, false otherwise -- First convert to lower case if it is a string pld_pts_val string.lower(pld_pts_val) if yesno(pld_pts_val) then full_table false elseif pld_pts_val 'no_hide_class_rules' then full_table = true hide_class_rules = true else full_table = true end -- Show groups or note local show_groups_val = firstnonblank(Pargs['show_groups'], Args['show_groups']) or 'no' local group_col = false if yesno(show_groups_val) then group_col = true end -- Show match_table or not local show_matches_val = firstnonblank(Pargs['show_matches'], Args['show_matches']) or 'no' local match_table = false if yesno(show_matches_val) then match_table = true end -- Custom position column label or note local pos_label = Args['postitle'] or if pos_label then -- If empty (or undeclared) then default pos_label 'Sıra' end -- Get VTE button text (but only for non-empty text) local template_name Args['template_name'] or local VTE_text if template_name~ then VTE_text frame:expandTemplate{ title 'Dolçub', args { mini 1, style 'float:right', template_name} } end -- Write column headers t_return p_style.header(t,Args,p_sub,pos_label,group_col,VTE_text,full_table,results_header_txt) if match_table then -- Add empty column header t_return.count t_return.count+1 table.insert(t_return.tab_text,'! scope "row" class "unsortable" style "background-color:white;border-top:white;border-bottom:white;line-width:3pt;"| \n') -- Add rest of header t_return p_matches.header(t_return,Args,p_sub,N_teams,team_list) end t t_return.tab_text local N_cols t_return.count -- Determine what entries go into table -- Find out which team to show (if any) local ii_show team_list[firstnonblank(Pargs['showteam'] or Pargs['belirlitakım'], Args['showteam'] or Args['belirlitakım'])] -- nil if non-existant -- Start and end positions to show local n_to_show tonumber(Args['show_limit']) or N_teams -- Check for "legal value", if not legal (or non declared), then show all local check_n ((n_to_show> (N_teams-top_pos+1)) or (n_to_show< 1) or (n_to_show~ math.floor(n_to_show))) -- Also check whether there is a valid ii_show if check_n or (not ii_show) then ii_start top_pos ii_end N_teams else -- It's a proper integer between top_pos+1 and N_teams-1 -- If it is in the middle show the same number above and below -- If it is in the top or bottom, show the exact number -- How many to show on the side local n_show_side math.floor(n_to_show/2) if (ii_show-top_pos+1)< n_show_side then -- Top team ii_start top_pos ii_end top_pos+n_to_show-1 elseif ii_show> (N_teams+1-n_show_side) then -- Bottom team ii_start N_teams+1-n_to_show ii_end N_teams else -- Normal case ii_start ii_show-n_show_side ii_end ii_show+n_show_side end end -- For results column local new_res_ii ii_start -- Pre-check for existence of column for ii ii_start, ii_end do if Args['result'..ii] then results_defined true end end -- Remove results header if it is unused if full_table and not results_defined then -- First get it as one string, then use string replace to replace that header by empty string local t_str tostring(table.concat(t)) t_str mw.ustring.gsub( t_str, results_header_txt, ) N_cols N_cols-1 -- There is actually one column less t {} table.insert(t, t_str) end -- Write rows local team_name, team_code_ii, team_code_jj, pos_num, group_txt, note_local local note_string, note_local, note_local_num, note_id local note_id_list {} local hth_id_list {} for ii ii_start, ii_end do -- First get code team_code_ii team_list[ii] -- Now read values pos_num Args['pos_'..team_code_ii] or ii group_txt Args['group_'..team_code_ii] or ' ' team_name Args['name_'..team_code_ii] or team_code_ii note_local Args['note_'..team_code_ii] or nil -- Does it need a promotion/qualification/relegation tag local result_local Args['result_'..team_code_ii] or Args['result'..ii] or nil local bg_col nil -- Get local background colour if result_local then bg_col result_col[Args['col_'..result_local]] or Args['col_'..result_local] or 'white' bg_col 'background-color:'..bg_col..';' -- Full style tag end if not bg_col then bg_col 'background-color:transparent;' end -- Becomes default if undefined -- Bold this line or not local ii_fw ii ii_show and 'font-weight: bold;' or 'font-weight: normal;' -- Check whether there is a note or not, if so get text ready for it if note_local and full_table then -- Set global check for notes to true notes_exist = true -- There are now 3 options for notes -- 1) It is a full note -- 2) It is a referal to another note (i.e. it's just a team code; e.g. note_AAA=Text, note_BBB=AAA) in which the note for BBB should link to the same footnote as AAA, with -- 2a) The other linked note exist in the part of the table shown -- 2b) The part of the note does not exist in the part of the table shown if not Args['note_'..note_local] then -- Option 1 -- Now define the identifier for this note_id = '"table_note_'..team_code_ii..rand_val..'"' -- Add random end for unique ID if more tables are present on article (which might otherwise share an ID) note_id_list[team_code_ii] = note_id -- Call refn template note_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', name=note_id, note_local} } else -- Option 2 -- It is option 2a in either one if either the main note is inside the sub-table -- or another ref to that note is inside the sub-table -- Basically when it either has been defined, or the main link will be in the table note_local_num = team_list[note_local] if note_id_list[note_local] or ((note_local_num >= ii_start) and (note_local_num <= ii_end)) then -- Option 2a note_id = '"table_note_'..note_local..rand_val..'"' note_string = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'ref', args = { group = 'lower-alpha', name = note_id} } else -- Option 2b -- Now define the identifier for this note_id = '"table_note_'..note_local..rand_val..'"' -- Add random end for unique ID note_id_list[note_local] = note_id -- Call refn template note_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', name=note_id, Args['note_'..note_local]} } end end else note_string = ; end -- Insert status when needed local status_string = local status_local = Args['status_'..team_code_ii] local status_let_first = true local curr_letter -- Only if it is defined if status_local then -- Take it letter by letter for jjj = 1,mw.ustring.len(status_local) do curr_letter = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(status_local,jjj,jjj)) -- See whether it exist if t_status.code[curr_letter] then -- Depending on whether it is the first letter of not if status_let_first then status_string = curr_letter t_status.called[curr_letter] = true status_let_first = false else status_string = status_string..', '..curr_letter t_status.called[curr_letter] = true end end end -- Only add brackets/dash and bolding if it exist if not status_let_first then if t_status.position 'before' then status_string ' ' else status_string ' ' end end end -- Now build the rows table.insert(t,'|- \n') -- New row table.insert(t,'! scope "row" style "text-align: center;'..ii_fw..bg_col..'"| '..pos_num..'\n') -- Position number if full_table and group_col then table.insert(t,'| style "'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..group_txt..'\n') -- Group number/name end -- Build the team string order based on status position local team_string if t_status.position 'before' then team_string = status_string..team_name..note_string else team_string = team_name..note_string..status_string end table.insert(t,'| style="text-align: left; white-space:nowrap;'..ii_fw..bg_col..'"| '..team_string..'\n')-- Takım (with possible note) -- Call to subfunction t_return = p_style.row(frame,t,Args,p_sub,notes_exist,hth_id_list,full_table,rand_val,team_list,team_code_ii,ii_start,ii_end,ii_fw,bg_col,N_teams,ii,ii_show) t = t_return.t notes_exist = t_return.notes_exist hth_id_list = t_return.hth_id_list -- Now check what needs to be added inside the results column if full_table then local res_jjj if ii new_res_ii then -- First check how many rows you need for this N_rows_res 1 jjj ii+1 result_local Args['result_'..team_code_ii] or Args['result'..ii] or local cont_loop true while (jjj< ii_end) and cont_loop do if Args['split'..tostring(jjj-1)] then cont_loop false new_res_ii jjj else res_jjj Args['result'..jjj] or if result_local res_jjj then N_rows_res = N_rows_res+1 else cont_loop = false new_res_ii = jjj end end jjj = jjj+1 end -- Now create this field (reuse ii_fw and bg_col) -- Bold (if in range) or not if ii_show and (ii_show>=ii) and (ii_show<=(ii+N_rows_res-1)) then ii_fw = 'font-weight: bold;' else ii_fw = 'font-weight: normal;' end -- Get background colour bg_col = nil if Args['result_'..team_code_ii] or Args['result'..ii] then bg_col = result_col[Args['col_'..result_local]] or Args['col_'..result_local] or 'white' bg_col = 'background-color:'..bg_col..';' -- Full style tag end if not bg_col then bg_col = 'background-color:transparent;' end -- Becomes default if undefined -- Check for notes local note_res_string, note_ref, note_text if Args['note_res_'..result_local] then notes_exist = true local note_res_local = Args['note_res_'..result_local] if not Args['note_res_'..note_res_local] then -- It does not point to another result note note_ref = 'res_'..result_local note_id = '"table_note_res_'..result_local..rand_val..'"' -- Identifier note_text = note_res_local else -- It does point to another result note note_ref = 'res_'..note_res_local note_id = '"table_note_res_'..note_res_local..rand_val..'"' -- Identifier note_text = Args['note_res_'..note_res_local] end -- Check whether it is already printed if not note_id_list[note_ref] then -- Print it note_id_list[note_ref] = note_id note_res_string = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'efn', args = { group='Table_notes', name=note_id, note_text} } else -- Refer to it note_res_string = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'ref', args = { group = 'lower-alpha', name = note_id} } end else note_res_string = end -- Get text local text_result = Args['text_'..result_local] or text_field_result = '| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" rowspan="'..tostring(N_rows_res)..'" |'..text_result..note_res_string..'\n' -- See whether it is needed (only when blank for all entries) if results_defined then table.insert(t,text_field_result) end end end -- Insert match row if needed if match_table then -- Add empty cell table.insert(t,'| style="background-color:white;border-top:white;border-bottom:white;"| \n') -- Now include note to match results if needed for jj=top_pos,N_teams do team_code_jj = team_list[jj] if ii jj then -- Nothing else local match_note Args['match_'..team_code_ii..'_'..team_code_jj..'_note'] if match_note then notes_exist true -- Only when it exist -- First check for existence of reference for note if not Args['note_'..match_note] then -- It's the entry note_string frame:expandTemplate{ title 'efn', args { group 'Table_notes', match_note} } else -- Check for existence elsewhere note_local_num team_list[match_note] if note_id_list[match_note] or ((note_local_num > ii_start) and (note_local_num < ii_end)) then -- It exists note_string frame:extensionTag{ name 'ref', args { group 'lower-alpha', name note_id} } else -- Now define the identifier for this note_id '"table_note_'..match_note..rand_val..'"' -- Add random end for unique ID note_id_list[match_note] note_id -- Call refn template note_string frame:expandTemplate{ title 'efn', args { group 'Table_notes', name note_id, Args['note_'..match_note]} } end end -- Now append this to the match result string Args['match_'..team_code_ii..'_'..team_code_jj] Args['match_'..team_code_ii..'_'..team_code_jj]..note_string end end end -- Add rest of match row t p_matches.row(t,Args,N_teams,team_list,ii,ii_show) end -- Now, if needed, insert a split (solid line to indicate split in standings, but only when it is not at the last shown position) if Args['split'..ii] and (ii<ii_end) then -- Base size on N_cols (it needs 2*N_cols |) table.insert(t,'|- style "background-color:'..result_col['black1']..'; line-height:3pt;"\n') table.insert(t,string.rep('|',2*N_cols)..'\n') end end -- Close table table.insert(t, '|}\n') -- Get info for footer local update Args['update'] or 'bilinmeyen' local start_date Args['start_date'] or 'bilinmeyen' local source Args['source'] or nil local class_rules Args['class_rules'] or nil -- Create footer text -- Date updating local matches_text Args['matches_text'] or 'maç(lar)' if (string.lower(update) 'complete' or update ) then -- Do nothing elseif string.lower(update) 'future' then -- Future start date table.insert(t_footer,'İlk '..matches_text.. ' ' ..start_date..' tarihinde oynanacak. ') else table.insert(t_footer,..update.. ' tarihine kadar oynanan maçlara göre güncellenmiştir. ') end if not(source nil or source ) then table.insert(t_footer,'Kaynak: '..source) end if class_rules and full_table and (not hide_class_rules) then table.insert(t_footer,'Sıralama kuralları: '..class_rules) end -- Now for the named status local status_exist = false local status_string = local curr_letter for jjj = 1,mw.ustring.len(t_status.letters) do curr_letter = mw.ustring.upper(mw.ustring.sub(t_status.letters,jjj,jjj)) if t_status.called[curr_letter] then if t_status.position == 'before' then status_string = status_string..' '..t_status.code[curr_letter]..'; ' else status_string = status_string..' '..t_status.code[curr_letter]..'; ' end status_exist = true end end -- Now end it with a point instead (if it contains entries the '; ' needs to be removed) if status_exist then status_string =,1,mw.ustring.len(status_string)-2)..'.' table.insert(t_footer,status_string) end -- Add notes (if applicable) if notes_exist then table.insert(t_footer,'Notlar:') -- As reflist size text t_footer = t_footer = t_footer..frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'notelist', args = { group='Table_notes'} } else -- As reflist size text t_footer = '' end -- Add footer to main text table table.insert(t,t_footer) return table.concat(t) end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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