Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.



21 Mayıs 2024
require('Module:No globals'); local p = {} local error_msg = ''; -- data for various rankings held in module subpages, e.g. "Module:SportsRankings/data/FIFA World Rankings" local data = {} --[[ parameters containing data help in three tables data.source = {} -- parameters for using in cite web (title, url, website) data.updated = {} -- date of latest update (month, day, year) data.rankings = {} -- the rankings list (country code, ranking, movement) data.alias = {} -- alias list (country code, country name [=key]) --]] local templateArgs = {} -- contains arguments from template involking module local function getArgs(frame) local parents = mw.getCurrentFrame:getParent for k,v in pairs(parents.args) do --check content if v and v ~= "" then templateArgs[k]=v --parents.args[k] end end for k,v in pairs(frame.args) do --check content if v and v ~= "" then templateArgs[k]=v --parents.args[k] end end -- allow empty caption to blank default if parents.args['caption'] then templateArgs['caption'] = parents.args['caption'] end end local function loadData(frame) local source = frame.args[1] -- source of rankings e.g. FIFA World Rankings data = require('Modül:SporSıralaması/veri/'.. source); end local function getDate(option) local dateTable = data.updated -- there must be date table (data.updated) -- TODO add a warning and/or category if option == "LAST" then local lastDateTable = data.previous if lastDateTable then -- there might not be a previous data table (data.previous) dateTable = lastDateTable else return "No previous date available (data.updated missing)" end end if templateArgs['mdy'] and templateArgs['mdy'] ~= "" then return dateTable['month'] .. " " .. dateTable['day'] .. ", " .. dateTable['year'] else return dateTable['day'] .. " " .. dateTable['month'] .. " " .. dateTable['year'] end end local function addCiteWeb(frame) -- use cite web template return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'cite web' , args = { url = data.source['url'], --"", title = data.source['title'], -- "FIFA Dünya Sıralaması", website = data.source['website'], --"FIFA", ['date'] = getDate, ['access-date'] = getDate }} end local function addReference(frame) local text = "" if data.source['text'] then text = data.source['text'] end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'refn' , args = { name=frame.args[1], --ranking used, e.g. "FIFA World Rankings", text .. addCiteWeb(frame) }} end -- movement |date function p.main(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) local outputString = "" local validCode = false local country = templateArgs[2] -- country name or county code passed as parameter local rank, move if string.len( country) 3 then -- if we have a three letter country code for _,u in pairs(data.alias) do -- run through alias list { 3-letter code, country name } if u[1] country then -- if code = passed parameter country = u[2] -- set country name as key for ranking table validCode = true break end end -- if no match of code to country name, set category if not validCode then outputString="" .. outputString end end for _,v in pairs(data.rankings) do if v[1] country then rank v[2] -- get rank move v[3] -- get move from last ranking break end end if not rank then -- no ranking found (do we want a tracking for no rank found?) rank 'NR' --outputString "" .. outputString --outputString "" .. outputString end if rank ~ 'NR' then outputString outputString .. ' ' .. rank .. ' ' if move < 0 and math.abs( move ) math.abs( rank ) then -- new teams in ranking: move = -ranking outputString = outputString .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'new entry' } elseif move == 0 then -- if no change in ranking outputString = outputString .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'steady' } elseif move < 0 then -- if ranking down outputString = outputString .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'decrease' } .. ' ' .. math.abs(move) elseif move > 0 then -- if ranking up outputString = outputString .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'increase' } .. ' ' .. move end else outputString = outputString .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Abbr', args = { "SR", "Sıralanmamış"} } -- end outputString = outputString .. ' ' outputString = outputString .. addReference(frame) return outputString end --ranking|first|last the ranking to use, fist and last in table other parameters: |style= -- CSS styling |headerN= footerN= -- displays header and footer rows with additional information |caption= -- value of caption to display -- by default it generates a caption -- this can be suppressed with empty |caption= local function table(frame, ranking, first,last) local styleString = "" if templateArgs['style'] and templateArgs['style'] ~= "" then styleString = templateArgs['style'] end local sublist2 = { "ENG", "SCO", "WAL", "IRE", "NIR", "FRA", "England", "France", "Germany" } local sublist3 = { "AFG","AUS","BAN","BHR","BHU","BRU","CAM","CHN","GUM","HKG","IDN","IND","IRN","IRQ","JOR", "JPN","KGZ","KOR","KSA","KUW","LAO","LIB","MAC","MAS","MDV","MNG","MYA","NEP","OMA","PAK", "PHI","PLE","PRK","QAT","SIN","SRI","SYR","THA","TJK","TKM","TLS","TPE","UAE","UZB","VIE", "YEM" } local lastRank = 0 local selectCount = 0 local selectData = nil local selectList = nil if templateArgs['select'] then if data.confederation[templateArgs['select']] then selectList = templateArgs['select'] selectData = data.confederation[selectList] selectCount = 1 end end -- column header customisation local rankHeader = templateArgs['rank_header'] or "Sıra" local selectionHeader = templateArgs['selection_header'] or selectList or "Sıra" local teamHeader = templateArgs['team_header'] or "Takım" local pointsHeader = templateArgs['points_header'] or "Puan" local changeHeader = templateArgs['change_header'] or "Değişim" --start table local outputString = '" return outputString end function p.replaceKeywords(keyword) keyword = string.gsub( keyword, "INSERT_UPDATE_DATE", getDate) keyword = string.gsub( keyword, "INSERT_LAST_DATE", getDate("LAST")) keyword = string.gsub( keyword, "INSERT_REFERENCE", addReference(mw.getCurrentFrame)) return keyword end --ranking= -- ranking to display (e.g. FIFA World Rankings) |first= |last= -- first and last ranking to display (defaults 1-10) function p.list(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) local ranking = frame.args[1] local first, last = 1,10 first = tonumber(frame.args['2']) last = tonumber(frame.args['3']) return table(frame, ranking, first, last) end --ranking |country |span -- ranking - the ranking to display (e.g. FIFA World Rankings) -- country - country table is centred around -- span= - rows to display above and below country function p.list2(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) local ranking = frame.args[1] local first, last = 1,10 local country = frame.args[2] -- name or code of country to center table around local span = frame.args[3] or 2 -- number of rows to display above and below country (default:2) if string.len(country) 3 then -- if three letter country code for _,u in pairs(data.alias) do if u[1] country then country = u[2] -- if country code then use country name break end end end for k,v in pairs(data.rankings) do -- find position of country in rankings if v[1] == country then first = v[2]-span last = v[2]+span end end return table(frame, ranking, first, last) end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
