Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Modül:Teknik direktörler


21 Mayıs 2024
-- Implement Şablon:Teknik direktörler to avoid articles being -- added to Category:Pages where template include size is exceeded -- when the template is used many times. local function clean(text, default) -- Return text, if not empty, after trimming leading/trailing whitespace. -- Otherwise return default which is nil unless set by caller. if text then text = text:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") text = string.gsub(text, "", "") if text ~= then return text end end return default end local function yes(parameter) -- Return true if parameter should be interpreted as "yes". -- Do not want to accept mixed upper/lowercase. return ({ Y = true, y = true, yes = true, T = true, ['true'] = true })[parameter] end local function collection -- Return a table to hold items. return { n = 0, add = function (self, item) self.n = self.n + 1 self[self.n] = item end, addif = function (self, item, fmt) if item then self.n = self.n + 1 self[self.n] = fmt and string.format(fmt, item) or item end end, join = function (self, sep) return table.concat(self, sep) end, } end local function message(msg, caller, nocat) -- Return formatted message text for an error. -- Can append "#FormattingError" to URL of a page with a problem to find it. -- If given, caller is the title of the navbox which has the error. local anchor = local category if not nocat and mw.title.getCurrentTitle:inNamespaces(0, 10) then -- Category only in namespaces: 0=article, 10=template. category = 'Kategori:Futbol şablonu hataları' else category = end return anchor .. .. category .. '\n' end local function make_entry(name, from, to, islast) local result = '*' return result end local function make_list(text, note, dissolved) -- Return a list of formatted items. -- Input is a string of multiple lines, one item per line. -- Each item is 'NAME FROM to TO' or 'NAME FROM', where -- NAME = manager name (any text) -- FROM = four digits (from year) -- TO = 1, 2, 3 or 4 digits (to year), or empty -- Alternatively, an item can use syntax (TEXT is any text, possibly empty): -- NAME from=TEXT -- NAME from=TEXT to=TEXT -- The code detects the end of NAME from the start of FROM. -- A dash is added to the last line (to show the manager is continuing) if -- no 'to' year is given, but no dash is added if the club is dissolved. text = text or if text:find('<span class=', 1, true) then -- To allow a transition period where some navboxes use the old syntax, the -- given text is used if it appears to have come from the old subtemplates. return text end -- Get the non-blank lines first so can tell when am processing the last line. -- Each line is left- and right-trimmed. local lines = collection for line in string.gmatch(text .. '\n', '[\t ]*(.-)[\t\r ]*\n') do if line ~= then lines:add(line) end end if lines.n <= 0 then return end local ilast = dissolved and -1 or lines.n local entries = collection entries:add(' ' .. (managerlist and ( .. mgr .. '') or mgr) end local function _main(args) -- Return wikitext for a navbox. -- Code does not do much checking of inputs but will throw an error -- if input is found to be invalid. local style = arg_style(args.arkaplan, args['yazı_rengi'], args.kenar_rengi) local dissolved = args.feshedildi if dissolved then -- May be a number of two or more digits (year club was dissolved; compatible -- with ), or an alias for 'yes'. dissolved = dissolved:match('^%d%d+$') and true or yes(args.feshedildi) end local navargs = { ['gövdesınıfı'] = 'vcard', ad = clean(, durum = clean(args.durum, 'autocollapse'), ['başlıkbiçimi'] = style, ['başlık'] = arg_title(args['başlık'], args['takım_adı'], args.menajer_listesi, args['yazı_rengi'], args.amerikan_ingilizcesi), ['listesınıfı'] = 'hlist', liste1 = make_list(clean(args.liste), clean(args.notlar), dissolved), ['altbiçim'] = style, alt = clean(args.alt), } local navbox = require('Modül:Dolaşım')._navbox return navbox(navargs) end local function main(frame) -- Return wikitext for a navbox or an error message. local args = frame:getParent.args -- Read arguments in order of output (Module:Navbox says this puts -- reference numbers in the right order). local _ _ = args['başlık'] _ = args.liste _ = args.alt local success, result = pcall(_main, args) if success then return result end return message(result, clean(, clean(args.katyok)) end return { main = main, _main = _main }

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
