Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Modül:Televizyon reytingleri grafiği


21 Mayıs 2024
-- This module implements . local contrast_ratio = require('Modül:Color contrast')._ratio -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TVRG class -- The main class. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local TVRG = {} -- Convert HEX codes to RGB values function TVRG.hex2rgb(hex) hex = hex:gsub('#', ) if #hex == 3 then -- #000 format return tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,1)..hex:sub(1,1))/256, tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(2,2)..hex:sub(2,2))/256, tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,3)..hex:sub(3,3))/256 else -- #000000 format return tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,2))/256, tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,4))/256, tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(5,6))/256 end end -- Allow usages of cells function TVRG.NACell(frame,text) local cell = mw.html.create('td') local attrMatch = '([%a-]*)="([^"]*)"' infoParam = frame:expandTemplate{title='N/A',args={text}} -- Gather styles of and assign to node variable while true do local a,b = string.match(infoParam,attrMatch) if a nil or b nil then break end cell:attr(a,b) infoParam = string.gsub(infoParam,attrMatch,,1) end infoParam = string.gsub(infoParam,'%s*|%s*',,1) cell:wikitext(infoParam) return cell end -- Create the graph and table function,args) args = args or {} -- Variables local timeline = local longestseason = -1 local average = args.ortalama and 1 or 0 local season_title = args['sezon_başlığı'] or 'sezon' local root = mw.html.create('div') :attr('align', 'center') -- Create the timeline -- Number of actual viewer numbers local numberargs = 0 for k,v in pairs(args) do if not string.match(k,'[^%d]+') and not string.match(v,'[^%d\.]+') then numberargs = numberargs + 1 end end -- Determine number of seasons local num_seasons = -1 for k,v in pairs(args) do local thisseason = tonumber(string.sub(k,5)) if string.sub(k,1,4) 'renk' and thisseason > num_seasons then num_seasons thisseason end end -- Determine number of episodes local num_episodes -- Subtract averages if included (they should be equal to the number of seasons) if average 1 then num_episodes = numberargs-num_seasons else num_episodes = numberargs end -- Bar width local barwidth if num_episodes < 20 then barwidth = 8 elseif num_episodes >= 20 and num_episodes < 50 then barwidth = 7 elseif num_episodes >= 50 and num_episodes < 80 then barwidth = 6 elseif num_episodes >= 80 then barwidth = 5 end -- Graph width local graphwidth if args['çubuk_genişliği'] nil then if num_episodes < 20 then graphwidth num_episodes*13+98 elseif num_episodes > 20 and num_episodes < 50 then graphwidth num_episodes*12+98 elseif num_episodes > 50 and num_episodes < 80 then graphwidth num_episodes*11+98 elseif num_episodes > 80 then graphwidth num_episodes*10+98 end else if num_episodes < 20 then graphwidth num_episodes*(13+args['çubuk_genişliği']-barwidth)+98 elseif num_episodes > 20 and num_episodes < 50 then graphwidth num_episodes*(12+args['çubuk_genişliği']-barwidth)+98 elseif num_episodes > 50 and num_episodes < 80 then graphwidth num_episodes*(11+args['çubuk_genişliği']-barwidth)+98 elseif num_episodes > 80 then graphwidth num_episodes*(10+args['çubuk_genişliği']-barwidth)+98 end end -- Basis parameters timeline timeline .. "ImageSize width:" .. (args['genişlik'] or graphwidth) .. " height:" .. (args['yükseklik'] or 300) .. "\n" timeline timeline .. "PlotArea left:50 bottom:70 top:20 right:50\n" timeline timeline .. "AlignBars justify\n" timeline timeline .. "Colors \n" timeline timeline .. " id:gray value:gray(0.7)\n" -- Colour and legend variables local season 1 for season 1,num_seasons do local r,g,b TVRG.hex2rgb(args['renk' .. season] or '#006600') local GraphLegend season .. ". " .. season_title if args["sezon" .. season] then local legendKey string.sub(args["sezon" .. season], 0, 1) if type(tonumber(legendKey)) "number" then GraphLegend = args["sezon" .. season] .. ". " .. season_title else GraphLegend = args["sezon" .. season] end end timeline = timeline .. " id:season" .. season .. " value:rgb("..r..","..g..","..b..") " .. (args.hidelegend nil and "legend:" .. string.gsub(string.gsub(GraphLegend, ' ', '_'), "(.-)", '%1') or ) .. "\n" season season + 1 end -- Determine maximum viewer figure local maxviewers -1 local multiple 'milyon' for k,v in pairs(args) do local num tonumber(v) if tonumber(k) ~ nil and num ~ nil and num > maxviewers then maxviewers num end end if maxviewers < 1.5 then multiple 'bin' maxviewers maxviewers*1000 for k, v in pairs(args) do local num tonumber(v) if tonumber(k) ~ nil and num ~ nil then args[k] tostring(num*1000) end end end -- Further parameters, with rounded-up viewer figures as maximum period timeline timeline .. "DateFormat x.y\n" timeline timeline .. "Period from:0 till:" .. math.ceil(maxviewers) .. "\n" timeline timeline .. "TimeAxis orientation:vertical\n" timeline timeline .. "ScaleMajor gridcolor:gray increment:" .. 10^math.ceil(math.log10(maxviewers)-math.log10(15)) .. " start:0\n" timeline timeline .. (args.hidelegend nil and "Legend = orientation:horizontal\n" or "") -- Interval parameter set to prevent overlapping bars local bar = 1 if args['aralıklar'] then timeline = timeline .. "BarData =\n" for k,v in pairs(args) do if string.lower(v) 'n/a' then v end if tonumber(k) ~ nil and (tonumber(v) ~ nil or v ) and (average 0 or (average 1 and args[k+1] ~= '-' and args[k+1] ~= nil)) then timeline = timeline .. " bar:"" text:"..((bar 1 or bar % args['aralıklar'] 0) and bar or ).."\n" bar = bar + 1 end end end -- Plot data timeline = timeline .. "PlotData =\n" timeline = timeline .. " width:" .. (args['çubuk_genişliği'] or barwidth) .. "\n" -- Add bars to timeline, one per viewer figure local bar = 1 local season = 0 local thisseason = 0 for k,v in pairs(args) do if string.lower(v) 'n/a' then v end if tonumber(k) ~ nil then if v '-' then -- Hyphen means new season, so change season colour season = season + 1 -- Determine highest number of episodes in a season if thisseason > longestseason then longestseason = thisseason end thisseason = 0 elseif average 0 or (average 1 and args[k+1] ~= '-' and args[k+1] ~= nil) then -- Include white/black bar to act as border local black_cr = contrast_ratio{args['renk' .. season], 'black', ['error'] = 0} local white_cr = contrast_ratio{'white', args['renk' .. season], ['error'] = 0} local bgrnd_cr = (black_cr > white_cr and 'black' or 'gray') timeline = timeline .. " mark:(line," .. bgrnd_cr .. ")\n" timeline = timeline .. " color:" .. bgrnd_cr .. "\n" timeline = timeline .. " bar:" .. bar .. " width:" .. ((args['çubuk_genişliği'] or barwidth)+2) .. " from:start till:" .. (v ~= and v or 'start') .. "\n" -- Include bar for viewer figure, do not include if averages are included and the next parameter is a new season marker timeline = timeline .. " color:season" .. season .. "\n" timeline = timeline .. " bar:" .. bar .. " from:start till:" .. (v ~= and v or 'start') .. "\n" -- Increment tracking variables thisseason = thisseason + 1 bar = bar + 1 end end end -- Determine highest number of episodes in a season after final season's bars if thisseason > longestseason then longestseason = thisseason end -- Axis labels local countryDisplayUS, countryDisplayUK, countryDisplayOther if args['ülke'] ~= nil and args['ülke'] ~= then if args['ülke'] "A.B.D." or args['ülke'] "ABD" or args['ülke'] "Amerika Birleşik Devletleri" then countryDisplayUS 'B.D.' elseif args['ülke'] "B.K." or args['ülke'] "BK" or args['ülke'] "Birleşik Krallık" then countryDisplayUK = 'B.K.' else countryDisplayOther = args['ülke'] end end timeline = timeline .. "TextData =\n" timeline = timeline .. " pos:(" .. ((args['genişlik'] or graphwidth)/2-18) .. ",45) textcolor:black fontsize:S text:Bölüm\n" timeline = timeline .. " pos:(10," .. ((args['yükseklik'] or 300)-10) .. ") textcolor:black fontsize:S text:" .. ((countryDisplayUS or countryDisplayUK or countryDisplayOther) or "") .. ((countryDisplayUS or countryDisplayUK or countryDisplayOther) and " i" or "İ") .. "zleyicileri (" .. multiple .. ")\n" -- If there's a title, add it with the viewers caption, else just display the viewers caption by itself if args['başlık'] ~= nil and args['başlık'] ~= then root:wikitext("" .. args['başlık'] .. "" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'hsp' } .. ": " .. ((countryDisplayUS or countryDisplayUK or countryDisplayOther) or "") .. ((countryDisplayUS or countryDisplayUK or countryDisplayOther) and " b" or "B") .. "ölüm başı izleyicileri (" .. multiple .. ")") else root:wikitext("bölüm başı izleyici sayısı (" .. multiple .. ")") end -- Add timeline to div if args['grafik_yok'] nil then root:node(frame:extensionTag('timeline', timeline)) end -- Create ratings table if args['tablo_yok'] nil then local rtable = mw.html.create('table') :addClass('wikitable') :css('text-align', 'center') -- Create headers rows local row = rtable:tag('tr') row:tag('th'):wikitext(season_title) :attr('colspan','2') :attr('rowspan','2') :css('padding-left', '.8em') :css('padding-right', '.8em') row:tag('th') :attr('colspan',longestseason) :wikitext("Bölüm numarası") :css('padding-left', '.8em') :css('padding-right', '.8em') -- Average column if average 1 then row:tag('th') :attr('scope','col') :attr('rowspan','2') :wikitext("Ortalama") :css('padding-left', '.8em') :css('padding-right', '.8em') end local row rtable:tag('tr') for i 1,longestseason do row:tag('th') :attr('scope','col') :wikitext(i) end local season 1 local thisseason 0 -- Create table rows and cells for k,v in pairs(args) do if tonumber(k) ~ nil then -- New season marker, or final episode rating if v '-' or (average 1 and args[k+1] nil) then if season > 1 then -- Spanning empty cells with if thisseason < longestseason then row:node(TVRG.NACell(frame,"N/A"):attr('colspan',longestseason-thisseason)) end if average 1 then -- If averages included, then set the averages cell with value or TBD if v ~ then row:tag('td'):wikitext(args[k+1] ~ nil and args[k-1] or v) else row:node(TVRG.NACell(frame,"TBD")) end thisseason thisseason + 1 end end -- New season marker if v '-' then -- New row with default or preset caption row = rtable:tag('tr') row:tag('th') :css('background-color', args['renk' .. season]) :css('width','10px') row:tag('th') :attr('scope','row') :wikitext(args["sezon" .. season] and args["sezon" .. season] or season) thisseason = 0 season = season + 1 end elseif average 0 or (average 1 and args[k+1] ~= '-' and args[k+1] ~= nil) then -- Viewer figures, either as a number or TBD if string.lower(v) 'n/a' then row:node(TVRG.NACell(frame,"N/A")) elseif v ~ '' then row:tag('td'):wikitext(v) :css('width', '35px') else row:node(TVRG.NACell(frame,"TBD")) end thisseason thisseason + 1 end end end -- Finish by checking if final row needs cells if average 0 and thisseason < longestseason then row:node(TVRG.NACell(frame,"N/A"):attr('colspan',longestseason-thisseason)) end -- Add table to div root and return root:node(rtable) end local span = mw.html.create( 'span' ) span:css( 'color', 'red' ) :wikitext(frame:expandTemplate{ title='Kaynak belirt', args={} }) if countryDisplayUS then root:wikitext("" .. (args['kaynaklar'] or tostring(span))) elseif countryDisplayUK then root:wikitext("" .. (args['kaynaklar'] or tostring(span))) else root:wikitext("" .. (args['kaynaklar'] or tostring(span))) end return tostring(root) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = require('Modül:Arguments').getArgs(frame, { removeBlanks = false, wrappers = 'Şablon:Televizyon reytingleri grafiği' }) return,args) end return p

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
