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21 Mayıs 2024
-- vim: set noexpandtab ft=lua ts=4 sw=4: require('strict') local p = {} local debug = false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- module local variables and functions local wiki = { langcode = mw.language.getContentLanguage.code } -- internationalisation local i18n = { ["errors"] = { ["property-not-found"] = "Özellik bulunamadı.", ["entity-not-found"] = "Vikiveri varlığı bulunamadı.", ["unknown-claim-type"] = "Bilinmeyen talep türü.", ["unknown-entity-type"] = "Bilinmeyen varlık türü.", ["qualifier-not-found"] = "Niteleyici bulunamadı.", ["site-not-found"] = "Wikimedia projesi bulunamadı.", ["unknown-datetime-format"] = "Bilinmeyen datetime biçimi.", ["local-article-not-found"] = "Makale bu vikide henüz mevcut değil." }, ["datetime"] = { -- $1 is a placeholder for the actual number [0] = "$1 milyar yıl", -- precision: billion years [1] = "$100 milyon yıl", -- precision: hundred million years [2] = "$10 milyon yıl", -- precision: ten million years [3] = "$1 milyon yıl", -- precision: million years [4] = "$100.000 yıl", -- precision: hundred thousand years [5] = "$10.000 yıl", -- precision: ten thousand years [6] = "$1 milenyum", -- precision: millennium [7] = "$1 yüzyıl", -- precision: century [8] = "$1lar", -- precision: decade -- the following use the format of #time parser function [9] = "Y", -- precision: year, [10] = "F Y", -- precision: month [11] = "j F Y", -- precision: day [12] = "j F Y ga", -- precision: hour [13] = "j F Y g:ia", -- precision: minute [14] = "j F Y g:i:sa", -- precision: second ["beforenow"] = "$1 MÖ", -- how to format negative numbers for precisions 0 to 5 ["afternow"] = "$1 MS", -- how to format positive numbers for precisions 0 to 5 ["bc"] = '"MÖ" $1', -- how print negative years ["ad"] = "$1", -- how print positive years -- the following are for function getDateValue and getQualifierDateValue ["default-format"] = "dmy", -- default value of the #3 (getDateValue) or -- #4 (getQualifierDateValue) argument ["default-addon"] = "MÖ", -- default value of the #4 (getDateValue) or -- #5 (getQualifierDateValue) argument ["prefix-addon"] = false, -- set to true for languages put "BC" in front of the -- datetime string; or the addon will be suffixed ["addon-sep"] = " ", -- separator between datetime string and addon (or inverse) ["format"] = -- options of the 3rd argument { ["mdy"] = "F j, Y", ["my"] = "F Y", ["y"] = "Y", ["dmy"] = "j F Y", ["ymd"] = "Y-m-d", ["ym"] = "Y-m" } }, ["monolingualtext"] = , ["warnDump"] = "Kategori:Vikiveri modülünden çağrılan 'Döküm' işlevi", ["ordinal"] = { [1] = ".", [2] = ".", [3] = ".", ["default"] = "." } } if wiki.langcode ~= "en" then --require("Module:i18n").loadI18n("Module:Wikidata/i18n", i18n) -- got idea from w:Module:Wd local module_title; if ... == nil then module_title = mw.getCurrentFrame:getTitle else module_title = ... end require('Modül:i18n').loadI18n(module_title..'/i18n', i18n) end -- this function needs to be internationalised along with the above: -- takes cardinal numer as a numeric and returns the ordinal as a string -- we need three exceptions in English for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 21st, .. 31st, etc. local function makeOrdinal (cardinal) local ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal.default if cardinal % 10 1 then ordsuffix i18n.ordinal[1] elseif cardinal % 10 2 then ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal[2] elseif cardinal % 10 3 then ordsuffix i18n.ordinal[3] end -- In English, 1, 21, 31, etc. use 'st', but 11, 111, etc. use 'th' -- similarly for 12 and 13, etc. if (cardinal % 100 11) or (cardinal % 100 12) or (cardinal % 100 13) then ordsuffix = i18n.ordinal.default end return tostring(cardinal) .. ordsuffix end local function printError(code) return end local function parseDateFormat(f, timestamp, addon, prefix_addon, addon_sep) local year_suffix local tstr = "" local lang_obj = local f_parts = mw.text.split(f, 'Y', true) for idx, f_part in pairs(f_parts) do year_suffix = if string.match(f_part, "x[mijkot]$") then -- for non-Gregorian year f_part = f_part .. 'Y' elseif idx < #f_parts then -- supress leading zeros in year year_suffix = lang_obj:formatDate('Y', timestamp) year_suffix = string.gsub(year_suffix, '^0+', , 1) end tstr = tstr .. lang_obj:formatDate(f_part, timestamp) .. year_suffix end if addon ~= "" and prefix_addon then return addon .. addon_sep .. tstr elseif addon ~= "" then return tstr .. addon_sep .. addon else return tstr end end local function parseDateValue(timestamp, date_format, date_addon) local prefix_addon = i18n["datetime"]["prefix-addon"] local addon_sep = i18n["datetime"]["addon-sep"] local addon = "" -- check for negative date if string.sub(timestamp, 1, 1) == '-' then timestamp = '+' .. string.sub(timestamp, 2) addon = date_addon end local _date_format = i18n["datetime"]["format"][date_format] if _date_format ~= nil then return parseDateFormat(_date_format, timestamp, addon, prefix_addon, addon_sep) else return printError("unknown-datetime-format") end end -- This local function combines the year/month/day/BC/BCE handling of parseDateValue{} -- with the millennium/century/decade handling of formatDate local function parseDateFull(timestamp, precision, date_format, date_addon) local prefix_addon = i18n["datetime"]["prefix-addon"] local addon_sep = i18n["datetime"]["addon-sep"] local addon = "" -- check for negative date if string.sub(timestamp, 1, 1) '-' then timestamp '+' .. string.sub(timestamp, 2) addon date_addon end -- get the next four characters after the + (should be the year now in all cases) -- ok, so this is dirty, but let's get it working first local intyear tonumber(string.sub(timestamp, 2, 5)) if intyear 0 and precision <= 9 then return "" end -- precision is 10000 years or more if precision <= 5 then local factor = 10 ^ ((5 - precision) + 4) local y2 = math.ceil(math.abs(intyear) / factor) local relative = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[precision], "$1", tostring(y2)) if addon ~= "" then -- negative date relative = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.beforenow, "$1", relative) else relative = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.afternow, "$1", relative) end return relative end -- precision is decades (8), centuries (7) and millennia (6) local era, card if precision 6 then card math.floor((intyear - 1) / 1000) + 1 era mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[6], "$1", makeOrdinal(card)) end if precision 7 then card = math.floor((intyear - 1) / 100) + 1 era = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[7], "$1", makeOrdinal(card)) end if precision 8 then era mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[8], "$1", tostring(math.floor(math.abs(intyear) / 10) * 10)) end if era then if addon ~ "" then era mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.bc, '"', ""), "$1", era) else era mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(, '"', ""), "$1", era) end return era end local _date_format i18n["datetime"]["format"][date_format] if _date_format ~ nil then -- check for precision is year and override supplied date_format if precision 9 then _date_format = i18n["datetime"][9] end return parseDateFormat(_date_format, timestamp, addon, prefix_addon, addon_sep) else return printError("unknown-datetime-format") end end -- the "qualifiers" and "snaks" field have a respective "qualifiers-order" and "snaks-order" field -- use these as the second parameter and this function instead of the built-in "pairs" function -- to iterate over all qualifiers and snaks in the intended order. local function orderedpairs(array, order) if not order then return pairs(array) end -- return iterator function local i = 0 return function i = i + 1 if order then return order, array[order] end end end -- precision: 0 - billion years, 1 - hundred million years, ..., 6 - millennia, 7 - century, 8 - decade, 9 - year, 10 - month, 11 - day, 12 - hour, 13 - minute, 14 - second local function normalizeDate(date) date = mw.text.trim(date, "+") -- extract year local yearstr = mw.ustring.match(date, "^-?%d+") local year = tonumber(yearstr) -- remove leading zeros of year return year .. mw.ustring.sub(date, #yearstr + 1), year end local function formatDate(date, precision, timezone) precision = precision or 11 local date, year = normalizeDate(date) if year 0 and precision < 9 then return "" end -- precision is 10000 years or more if precision < 5 then local factor 10 ^ ((5 - precision) + 4) local y2 math.ceil(math.abs(year) / factor) local relative mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[precision], "$1", tostring(y2)) if year < 0 then relative mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.beforenow, "$1", relative) else relative mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.afternow, "$1", relative) end return relative end -- precision is decades, centuries and millennia local era if precision 6 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[6], "$1", tostring(math.floor((math.abs(year) - 1) / 1000) + 1)) end if precision 7 then era mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[7], "$1", tostring(math.floor((math.abs(year) - 1) / 100) + 1)) end if precision 8 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime[8], "$1", tostring(math.floor(math.abs(year) / 10) * 10)) end if era then if year < 0 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.bc, '"', ""), "$1", era) elseif year > 0 then era = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(, '"', ""), "$1", era) end return era end -- precision is year if precision 9 then return year end -- precision is less than years if precision > 9 then --[[ the following code replaces the UTC suffix with the given negated timezone to convert the global time to the given local time timezone tonumber(timezone) if timezone and timezone ~ 0 then timezone -timezone timezone string.format("%.2d%.2d", timezone / 60, timezone % 60) if timezone[1] ~ '-' then timezone "+" .. timezone end date mw.text.trim(date, "Z") .. " " .. timezone end ]]-- local formatstr i18n.datetime[precision] if year 0 then formatstr = mw.ustring.gsub(formatstr, i18n.datetime[9], "") elseif year < 0 then -- Mediawiki formatDate doesn't support negative years date = mw.ustring.sub(date, 2) formatstr = mw.ustring.gsub(formatstr, i18n.datetime[9], mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.datetime.bc, "$1", i18n.datetime[9])) elseif year > 0 and ~= "$1" then formatstr = mw.ustring.gsub(formatstr, i18n.datetime[9], mw.ustring.gsub(, "$1", i18n.datetime[9])) end return, date) end end local function printDatavalueEntity(data, parameter) -- data fields: entity-type [string], numeric-id [int, Wikidata id] local id if data["entity-type"] "item" then id "Q" .. data["numeric-id"] elseif data["entity-type"] "property" then id = "P" .. data["numeric-id"] else return printError("unknown-entity-type") end if parameter then if parameter == "link" then local linkTarget = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(id) local linkName = mw.wikibase.getLabel(id) if linkTarget then -- if there is a local Wikipedia article link to it using the label or the article title return "" .. (linkName or linkTarget) .. "" else -- if there is no local Wikipedia article output the label or link to the Wikidata object to let the user input a proper label if linkName then return linkName else return "" .. id .. "" end end else return data[parameter] end else return mw.wikibase.getLabel(id) or id end end local function printDatavalueTime(data, parameter) -- data fields: time [ISO 8601 time], timezone [int in minutes], before [int], after [int], precision [int], calendarmodel [wikidata URI] -- precision: 0 - billion years, 1 - hundred million years, ..., 6 - millennia, 7 - century, 8 - decade, 9 - year, 10 - month, 11 - day, 12 - hour, 13 - minute, 14 - second -- calendarmodel: e.g. for the proleptic Gregorian calendar or for the Julian calendar] if parameter then if parameter "calendarmodel" then data.calendarmodel mw.ustring.match(data.calendarmodel, "Q%d+") -- extract entity id from the calendar model URI elseif parameter "time" then data.time = normalizeDate(data.time) end return data[parameter] else return formatDate(data.time, data.precision, data.timezone) end end local function printDatavalueMonolingualText(data, parameter) -- data fields: language [string], text [string] if parameter then return data[parameter] else local result = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(i18n.monolingualtext, "%%language", data["language"]), "%%text", data["text"]) return result end end local function findClaims(entity, property) if not property or not entity or not then return end if mw.ustring.match(property, "^P%d+$") then -- if the property is given by an id (P..) access the claim list by this id return[property] else property = mw.wikibase.resolvePropertyId(property) if not property then return end return[property] end end local function getSnakValue(snak, parameter) if snak.snaktype "value" then -- call the respective snak parser if snak.datavalue.type "string" then return snak.datavalue.value elseif snak.datavalue.type "globecoordinate" then return printDatavalueCoordinate(snak.datavalue.value, parameter) elseif snak.datavalue.type "quantity" then return printDatavalueQuantity(snak.datavalue.value, parameter) elseif snak.datavalue.type "time" then return printDatavalueTime(snak.datavalue.value, parameter) elseif snak.datavalue.type "wikibase-entityid" then return printDatavalueEntity(snak.datavalue.value, parameter) elseif snak.datavalue.type == "monolingualtext" then return printDatavalueMonolingualText(snak.datavalue.value, parameter) end end return mw.wikibase.renderSnak(snak) end local function getQualifierSnak(claim, qualifierId) -- a "snak" is Wikidata terminology for a typed key/value pair -- a claim consists of a main snak holding the main information of this claim, -- as well as a list of attribute snaks and a list of references snaks if qualifierId then -- search the attribute snak with the given qualifier as key if claim.qualifiers then local qualifier = claim.qualifiers[qualifierId] if qualifier then return qualifier[1] end end return nil, printError("qualifier-not-found") else -- otherwise return the main snak return claim.mainsnak end end local function getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameter) local error local snak snak, error = getQualifierSnak(claim, qualifierId) if snak then return getSnakValue(snak, parameter) else return nil, error end end local function getReferences(frame, claim) local result = "" -- traverse through all references for ref in pairs(claim.references or {}) do local refparts -- traverse through all parts of the current reference for snakkey, snakval in orderedpairs(claim.references[ref].snaks or {}, claim.references[ref]["snaks-order"]) do if refparts then refparts = refparts .. ", " else refparts = "" end -- output the label of the property of the reference part, e.g. "imported from" for P143 refparts = refparts .. tostring(mw.wikibase.getLabel(snakkey)) .. ": " -- output all values of this reference part, e.g. "German Wikipedia" and "English Wikipedia" if the referenced claim was imported from both sites for snakidx = 1, #snakval do if snakidx > 1 then refparts = refparts .. ", " end refparts = refparts .. getSnakValue(snakval[snakidx]) end end if refparts then result = result .. frame:extensionTag("ref", refparts) end end return result end local function parseInput(frame) local qid = frame.args.qid if qid and (#qid == 0) then qid = nil end local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") local input_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") if input_parm ~= "FETCH_WIKIDATA" then return false, input_parm, nil, nil end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid) local claims if entity and then claims =[propertyID] if not claims then return false, "", nil, nil end else return false, "", nil, nil end return true, entity, claims, propertyID end local function isType(claims, type) return claims[1] and claims[1].mainsnak.snaktype "value" and claims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.type type end local function getValue(entity, claims, propertyID, delim, labelHook) if labelHook == nil then labelHook = function (qnumber) return nil; end end if isType(claims, "wikibase-entityid") then local out = {} for k, v in pairs(claims) do local qnumber = "Q" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qnumber) local label = labelHook(qnumber) or mw.wikibase.getLabel(qnumber) or qnumber if sitelink then out[#out + 1] = "" .. label .. "" else out[#out + 1] = "" .. label .. "" end end return table.concat(out, delim) else -- just return best values return entity:formatPropertyValues(propertyID).value end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- module global functions if debug then function p.inspectI18n(frame) local val = i18n for _, key in pairs(frame.args) do key = mw.text.trim(key) val = val[key] end return val end end function p.descriptionIn(frame) local langcode = frame.args[1] local id = frame.args[2] -- verilen dilde veya bu Vikipedi sitesinin varsayılan dilinde bir Vikiveri varlığının açıklamasını döndürür return mw.wikibase.getEntity(id):getDescription(langcode or wiki.langcode) end function p.labelIn(frame) local langcode = frame.args[1] local id = frame.args[2] -- verilen dilde veya bu Vikipedi sitesinin varsayılan dilinde bir Vikiveri varlığının etiketini döndürür return mw.wikibase.getEntity(id):getLabel(langcode or wiki.langcode) end -- Bir değeri almak veya birden fazla değer varsa virgülle ayrılmış bir liste almak için kullanılır p.getValue = function(frame) local delimdefault = ", " -- **internationalise later** local delim = frame.args.delimiter or "" delim = string.gsub(delim, '"', '') if #delim == 0 then delim = delimdefault end local go, errorOrentity, claims, propertyID = parseInput(frame) if not go then return errorOrentity end return getValue(errorOrentity, claims, propertyID, delim) end -- Yukarıdakiyle aynı, ancak mevcutsa etiket için kısa ad özelliğini kullanır. p.getValueShortName = function(frame) local go, errorOrentity, claims, propertyID = parseInput(frame) if not go then return errorOrentity end local entity = errorOrentity -- if wiki-linked value output as link if possible local function labelHook (qnumber) local label local claimEntity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qnumber) if claimEntity ~= nil then if then for k2, v2 in pairs( do if v2.mainsnak.datavalue.value.language "en" then label v2.mainsnak.datavalue.value.text end end end end if label nil or label == "" then return nil end return label end return getValue(errorOrentity, claims, propertyID, ", ", labelHook); end -- This is used to get a value, or a comma separated list of them if multiple values exist -- from an arbitrary entry by using its QID. -- Use : -- E.g.: - to fetch value of 'spouse' (P26) from 'Richard Burton' (Q151973) -- Please use sparingly - this is an *expensive call*. p.getValueFromID = function(frame) local itemID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") local input_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[3] or "") if input_parm == "FETCH_WIKIDATA" then local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(itemID) local claims if entity and then claims =[propertyID] end if claims then return getValue(entity, claims, propertyID, ", ") else return "" end else return input_parm end end local function getQualifier(frame, outputHook) local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") local qualifierID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") local input_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[3] or "") if input_parm "FETCH_WIKIDATA" then local entity mw.wikibase.getEntity if[propertyID] ~ nil then local out {} for k, v in pairs([propertyID]) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v.qualifiers[qualifierID]) do if v2.snaktype 'value' then out[#out + 1] = outputHook(v2); end end end return table.concat(out, ", "), true else return "", false end else return input_parm, false end end p.getQualifierValue = function(frame) local function outputValue(value) local qnumber = "Q" .. value.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] if (mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qnumber)) then return "" .. mw.wikibase.getSitelink(qnumber) .. "" else return "" ..qnumber .. "" end end return (getQualifier(frame, outputValue)) end -- This is used to get a value like 'male' (for property p21) which won't be linked and numbers without the thousand separators p.getRawValue = function(frame) local propertyID = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") local input_parm = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or "") if input_parm "FETCH_WIKIDATA" then local entity mw.wikibase.getEntityObject local claims if entity and then claims[propertyID] end if claims then local result entity:formatPropertyValues(propertyID, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks).value -- if number type: remove thousand separators, bounds and units if (claims[1] and claims[1].mainsnak.snaktype "value" and claims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.type == "quantity") then result = mw.ustring.gsub(result, "(%d),(%d)", "%1%2") result = mw.ustring.gsub(result, "(%d)±.*", "%1") end return result else return "" end else return input_parm end end -- getRawValue tarafından döndürülen sayısal değer için birim adını almak amacıyla kullanılır p.getUnits = function(frame) local go, errorOrentity, claims, propertyID = parseInput(frame) if not go then return errorOrentity end local entity = errorOrentity local result = entity:formatPropertyValues(propertyID, mw.wikibase.entity.claimRanks).value if isType(claims, "quantity") then result = mw.ustring.sub(result, mw.ustring.find(result, " ")+1, -1) end return result end -- getRawValue tarafından döndürülen sayısal değerle kullanmak üzere birimin QID'sini almak için kullanılır p.getUnitID = function(frame) local go, errorOrentity, claims = parseInput(frame) if not go then return errorOrentity end local entity = errorOrentity local result if isType(claims, "quantity") then -- get the url for the unit entry on Wikidata: result = claims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.unit -- and just reurn the last bit from "Q" to the end (which is the QID): result = mw.ustring.sub(result, mw.ustring.find(result, "Q"), -1) end return result end p.getRawQualifierValue = function(frame) local function outputHook(value) if value.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] then return mw.wikibase.getLabel("Q" .. value.datavalue.value["numeric-id"]) else return value.datavalue.value end end local ret, gotData = getQualifier(frame, outputHook) if gotData then ret = string.upper(string.sub(ret, 1, 1)) .. string.sub(ret, 2) end return ret end -- Bu, doğum tarihi (P569) vb. için bağlantı yapılmayacak bir tarih değeri almak amacıyla kullanılır -- Tarihler ve saatler ISO 8601 formatında saklanır (bir bakıma). -- Şu an için yerel formatDate(date, precision, timezone) işlevi zaman dilimini işlemez -- Bu yüzden aşağıda formatDate çağrısında sadece "Z" değeri sağlanacak: p.getDateValue = function(frame) local date_format = mw.text.trim(frame.args[3] or i18n["datetime"]["default-format"]) local date_addon = mw.text.trim(frame.args[4] or i18n["datetime"]["default-addon"]) local go, errorOrentity, claims = parseInput(frame) if not go then return errorOrentity end local entity = errorOrentity local out = {} for k, v in pairs(claims) do if v.mainsnak.datavalue.type == 'time' then local timestamp = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.time local dateprecision = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value.precision -- Bir yıl şu şekilde saklanabilir: "+1872-00-00T00:00:00Z", -- burada işlenirken sanki "+1872-01-01T00:00:00Z"'nin bir gün öncesi gibi işlenir, -- ve bu 1871'in son günüdür, bu yüzden yıl yanlış olur. -- Bu nedenle ay 0, gün 0 zaman damgasını 1 Ocak olarak düzeltin: timestamp = timestamp:gsub("%-00%-00T", "-01-01T") out[#out + 1] = parseDateFull(timestamp, dateprecision, date_format, date_addon) end end return table.concat(out, ", ") end p.getQualifierDateValue = function(frame) local date_format = mw.text.trim(frame.args[4] or i18n["datetime"]["default-format"]) local date_addon = mw.text.trim(frame.args[5] or i18n["datetime"]["default-addon"]) local function outputHook(value) local timestamp = value.datavalue.value.time return parseDateValue(timestamp, date_format, date_addon) end return (getQualifier(frame, outputHook)) end -- Bu, belirli bir özelliğe sahip tüm resimleri almak için kullanılır, örneğin resim (P18), Gene Atlas Resmi (P692), vb. -- Parametreler | propertyID | value / FETCH_WIKIDATA / nil | ayraç (varsayılan=boşluk) | boyut (varsayılan=frameless) -- Her resim için seçilebilir boyut ve ayraçla standart wiki-işaretleme boyut döndürür -- örneğin -- örneğin -- Eğer seçilen bir özellik "commonsMedia" türünde değilse, boş metin döndürür. p.getImages = function(frame) local sep = mw.text.trim(frame.args[3] or " ") local imgsize = mw.text.trim(frame.args[4] or "frameless") local go, errorOrentity, claims = parseInput(frame) if not go then return errorOrentity end local entity = errorOrentity if (claims[1] and claims[1].mainsnak.datatype == "commonsMedia") then local out = {} for k, v in pairs(claims) do local filename = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value out[#out + 1] = "" .. imgsize .. "" end return table.concat(out, sep) else return "" end end -- Bu, 'A01.1.00.005' gibi TA98 (Terminologia Anatomica ilk baskı 1998) değerlerini almak için kullanılır (özellik P1323) -- daha sonra bağlantısına bağlanır. -- doğrudan snakları kullanmak yerine yeni mw.wikibase çağrılarını kullanır -- formatPropertyValues, P1323 değerlerini ", " ile birleştirilmiş bir tablo olarak döndürdüğünden, döndürülen dizeyi oluşturmak için bunların bir tabloya ayrılması gerekmektedir p.getTAValue = function(frame) local ent = mw.wikibase.getEntity local props = ent:formatPropertyValues('P1323') local out = {} local t = {} for k, v in pairs(props) do if k 'value' then t mw.text.split( v, ", ") for k2, v2 in pairs(t) do out[#out + 1] ".. string.sub(v2, 2) .. "%20Entity%20TA98%20EN.htm " .. v2 .. "" end end end local ret table.concat(out, " ") if #ret 0 then ret = "Invalid TA" end return ret end --This is used to return an image legend from Wikidata image is property P18 image legend is property P2096 Call as Returns PARAMETER, unless it is equal to "FETCH_WIKIDATA", from Item QID (expensive call) If QID is omitted or blank, the current article is used (not an expensive call) If lang is omitted, it uses the local wiki language, otherwise it uses the provided ISO-639 language code ISO-639: Ranks are: 'preferred' > 'normal' This returns the label from the first image with 'preferred' rank Or the label from the first image with 'normal' rank if preferred returns nothing Ranks: p.getImageLegend = function(frame) -- look for named parameter id; if it's blank make it nil local id = if id and (#id 0) then id nil end -- look for named parameter lang -- it should contain a two-character ISO-639 language code -- if it's blank fetch the language of the local wiki local lang frame.args.lang if (not lang) or (#lang < 2) then lang mw.language.getContentLanguage.code end -- first unnamed parameter is the local parameter, if supplied local input_parm mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or "") if input_parm "FETCH_WIKIDATA" then local ent = mw.wikibase.getEntity(id) local imgs if ent and then imgs = end local imglbl if imgs then -- look for an image with 'preferred' rank for k1, v1 in pairs(imgs) do if v1.rank "preferred" and v1.qualifiers and v1.qualifiers.P2096 then local imglbls v1.qualifiers.P2096 for k2, v2 in pairs(imglbls) do if v2.datavalue.value.language lang then imglbl = v2.datavalue.value.text break end end end end -- if we don't find one, look for an image with 'normal' rank if (not imglbl) then for k1, v1 in pairs(imgs) do if v1.rank "normal" and v1.qualifiers and v1.qualifiers.P2096 then local imglbls v1.qualifiers.P2096 for k2, v2 in pairs(imglbls) do if v2.datavalue.value.language lang then imglbl = v2.datavalue.value.text break end end end end end end return imglbl else return input_parm end end -- This is used to get the QIDs of all of the values of a property, as a comma separated list if multiple values exist -- Usage: -- Usage: p.getPropertyIDs = function(frame) local go, errorOrentity, propclaims = parseInput(frame) if not go then return errorOrentity end local entity = errorOrentity -- if wiki-linked value collect the QID in a table if (propclaims[1] and propclaims[1].mainsnak.snaktype "value" and propclaims[1].mainsnak.datavalue.type "wikibase-entityid") then local out = {} for k, v in pairs(propclaims) do out[#out + 1] = "Q" .. v.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] end return table.concat(out, ", ") else -- not a wikibase-entityid, so return empty return "" end end -- returns the page id (Q...) of the current page or nothing of the page is not connected to Wikidata function p.pageId(frame) return mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage end function p.claim(frame) local property = frame.args[1] or "" local id = frame.args["id"] local qualifierId = frame.args["qualifier"] local parameter = frame.args["parameter"] local list = frame.args["list"] local references = frame.args["references"] local showerrors = frame.args["showerrors"] local default = frame.args["default"] if default then showerrors = nil end -- get wikidata entity local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(id) if not entity then if showerrors then return printError("entity-not-found") else return default end end -- fetch the first claim of satisfying the given property local claims = findClaims(entity, property) if not claims or not claims[1] then if showerrors then return printError("property-not-found") else return default end end -- get initial sort indices local sortindices = {} for idx in pairs(claims) do sortindices[#sortindices + 1] = idx end -- sort by claim rank local comparator = function(a, b) local rankmap = { deprecated = 2, normal = 1, preferred = 0 } local ranka = rankmap[claims[a].rank or "normal"] .. string.format("%08d", a) local rankb = rankmap[claims.rank or "normal"] .. string.format("%08d", b) return ranka < rankb end table.sort(sortindices, comparator) local result local error if list then local value -- iterate over all elements and return their value (if existing) result = {} for idx in pairs(claims) do local claim = claims[sortindices[idx]] value, error = getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameter) if not value and showerrors then value = error end if value and references then value = value .. getReferences(frame, claim) end result[#result + 1] = value end result = table.concat(result, list) else -- return first element local claim = claims[sortindices[1]] result, error = getValueOfClaim(claim, qualifierId, parameter) if result and references then result = result .. getReferences(frame, claim) end end if result then return result else if showerrors then return error else return default end end end -- look into entity object function p.ViewSomething(frame) local f = (frame.args[1] or and frame or frame:getParent local id = if id and (#id 0) then id nil end local data mw.wikibase.getEntity(id) if not data then return nil end local i 1 while true do local index f.args if not index then if type(data) "table" then return mw.text.jsonEncode(data, mw.text.JSON_PRESERVE_KEYS + mw.text.JSON_PRETTY) else return tostring(data) end end data = data[index] or data[tonumber(index)] if not data then return end i = i + 1 end end -- belirli bir vikinin site bağlantısını alma -- qid sağlanmazsa geçerli öğenin site bağlantısını alır function p.getSiteLink(frame) local qid = frame.args.qid if qid == "" then qid = nil end local f = mw.text.trim( frame.args[1] or "") local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid) if not entity then return end local link = entity:getSitelink( f ) if not link then return end return link end function p.Dump(frame) local f = (frame.args[1] or and frame or frame:getParent local data = mw.wikibase.getEntity( if not data then return i18n.warnDump end local i = 1 while true do local index = f.args if not index then return "".. i18n.warnDump end data = data[index] or data[tonumber(index)] if not data then return i18n.warnDump end i = i + 1 end end return p

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