Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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21 Mayıs 2024
local WLink = { suite = "WLink", serial = "2016-10-05" }; --[=[ ansiPercent formatURL getArticleBase getBaseTitle getExtension getFile getFragment getLanguage getNamespace getPlain getProject getTarget getTargetPage getTitle getWeblink isBracketedLink isBracketedURL isCategorization isExternalLink isInterlanguage isInterwiki isMedia isTitledLink isValidLink isWikilink wikilink failsafe ]=] -- local globals local URLutil = false; local utilURL = function -- Attach URLutil library module -- Postcondition: -- Returns table, with URLutil library -- Throws error, if not available if not URLutil then local lucky, util = pcall( require, "Module:URLutil" ); if lucky then if type( util ) == "table" then URLutil = util.URLutil; end util = "library URLutil invalid"; end if type( URLutil ) ~= "table" then error( util, 0 ); end end return URLutil; end -- utilURL local contentExtlink = function ( attempt ) -- Retrieve span of external link between brackets -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link -- the first char is expected to be "[" -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, number, number -- string including whitespace -- number with index of relevant "[" -- number with index after relevant "]" -- false if nothing found local r1 = false; local r2 = false; local r3 = attempt:find( "]", 2, true ); if r3 then local s = attempt:sub( 2, r3 - 1 ); local i = s:find( "[", 1, true ); if i then r1 = s:sub( i + 1 ); r2 = i; else r1 = s; r2 = 1; end else r3 = false; end return r1, r2, r3; end -- contentExtlink local contentWikilink = function ( attempt ) -- Retrieve span of wikilink between brackets -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link -- the first two chars are expected to be "[[" -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, number, number -- string including whitespace -- number with index of relevant "" -- number with index after relevant "" -- false if nothing found local r1 = false; local r2 = false; local r3 = attempt:find( "]]", 3, true ); if r3 then local s = attempt:sub( 3, r3 - 1 ); local i = s:find( "[[", 1, true ); if i then r1 = s:sub( i + 2 ); r2 = i; else r1 = s; r2 = 1; end end return r1, r2, r3; end -- contentWikilink local extractExtlink = function ( attempt ) -- Retrieve external link -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link -- the first char is expected to be "[" -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, string -- first with target and title -- second result false if not titled -- false if nothing found local r1 = false; local r2 = false; local s = contentExtlink( attempt ); if s then local i = s:find( "%s", 1 ); if i then r1 = s:sub( 1, i - 1 ); r2 = mw.text.trim( s:sub( i + 1 ) ); if r2 "" then r2 false; end else r1 s; end if r1 then r1 mw.text.trim( r1 ); if r1 "" or not utilURL.isResourceURL( r1 ) then r1 = false; end end if not r1 then r2 = false; end end return r1, r2; end -- extractExtlink local extractWikilink = function ( attempt ) -- Retrieve wikilink -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link -- the first two chars are expected to be "[[" -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, string -- first with target -- second result title, or false if not piped -- false if nothing found local r1 = false; local r2 = false; local s = contentWikilink( attempt ); if s then local i = s:find( "|", 1, true ); if i then r1 = s:sub( 1, i - 1 ); r2 = s:sub( i + 1 ); else r1 = s; end r1 = mw.text.trim( r1 ); if r1 == "" then r1 = false; else r1 = r1:gsub( "_", " " ) :gsub( "", " " ) :gsub( "", " " ) :gsub( "&#160;", " " ) :gsub( "&#8239;", " " ) :gsub( " +", " " ); r1 = mw.text.decode( r1 ); end end return r1, r2; end -- extractWikilink local prefix = function ( ask, ahead ) -- Interprete prefix of language or project type -- Precondition: -- ask -- string, with presumable prefix -- ahead -- true, if first segment -- Postcondition: -- Returns string,string or nil -- first string one of "lead", "lang", "project" -- second string is formatted value -- type is one of "lead", "lang", "project" -- nil if nothing found local r1, r2; local prefixes = { b = true, c = "commons", d = true, commons = true, m = "meta", mediawiki = "mw", mw = true, meta = true, n = true, q = true, s = true, simple = false, v = true, voy = true, w = true, wikibooks = "b", wikidata = "d", wikinews = "n", wikipedia = "w", wikiquote = "q", wikisource = "s", wikiversity = "v", wikivoyage = "voy", wikt = true, wiktionary = "wikt" }; local s = mw.text.trim( ask ); if s "" then if ahead then r1 "lead"; r2 true; end else local p; s s:lower; p prefixes[ s ]; if p true then r1 = "project"; r2 = s; elseif p then r1 = "project"; r2 = p; elseif p == false then r1 = "lang"; r2 = s; elseif s:match( "^%l%l%l?$" ) and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage( s ) then r1 = "lang"; r2 = s; end end return r1, r2; end -- prefix local target = function ( attempt, lonely ) -- Retrieve first target (wikilink or URL), or entire string -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- lonely -- remove fragment, if true -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, number -- string, with detected link target, or entire -- number, with number of brackets, if found, or 2 local r1, r2 = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if not r1 then r1 = mw.text.trim( attempt ); r2 = 2; end if lonely then local i = r1:find( "#", 1, true ); if i == 1 then r1 = ""; elseif i then r1 = r1:sub( 1, i - 1 ); end end return r1, r2; end -- target function WLink.ansiPercent( attempt, alter ) -- Convert string by ANSI encoding rather than UTF-8 encoding -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable ANSI characters -- alter -- string or nil, to use for spaces instead of %20 -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, encoded local k, s; local r = attempt; if alter then r = r:gsub( " ", alter ); end for i = mw.ustring.len( r ), 1, -1 do k = mw.ustring.codepoint( r, i, i ); if k <= 32 or k > 126 then if k > 255 then s = mw.ustring.sub( r, i, i ); if k > 2047 then s = string.format( "%%%2X%%%2X%%%2X", s:byte( 1, 1 ), s:byte( 2, 2 ), s:byte( 3, 3 ) ); else s = string.format( "%%%2X%%%2X", s:byte( 1, 1 ), s:byte( 2, 2 ) ); end else s = string.format( "%%%2X", k ); end r = string.format( "%s%s%s", mw.ustring.sub( r, 1, i - 1 ), s, mw.ustring.sub( r, i + 1 ) ); end end -- for --i r = mw.ustring.gsub(r, '^%*', '%%2A') return r; end -- WLink.ansiPercent function WLink.formatURL( adjust ) -- Create bracketed link, if not yet -- Precondition: -- adjust -- string, with URL or domain/path or bracketed link -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with bracketed link -- false on invalid format local r; if type( adjust ) "string" then if WLink.isBracketedLink( adjust ) then r adjust; else local url mw.text.trim( adjust ); local host; utilURL; host URLutil.getHost( adjust ); if not host then url "http://" .. adjust; host URLutil.getHost( url ); end if host then local path URLutil.getRelativePath( url ); local show; if path "/" then if not url:match( "/$" ) then url = url .. "/"; end show = host; else local i = path:find( "#" ); if i then path = path:sub( 1, i - 1 ); end show = host .. path; end r = string.format( "[%s %s]", url, show ); else r = adjust; end end else r = false; end return r; end -- WLink.formatURL function WLink.getArticleBase( attempt ) -- Retrieve generic article title, no fragment nor brackets -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikilink or page title -- current page title, if missing -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with identified lemma, or all -- false on invalid format local r; if attempt then local m; r, m = target( attempt, true ); if m ~= 2 then r = false; end else r = mw.title.getCurrentTitle.text; end if r then local sub = r:match( "^(.*%S) *%(.+%)$" ); if sub then r = sub; end end return r; end -- WLink.getArticleBase function WLink.getBaseTitle( attempt ) -- Retrieve last segment in subpage, no fragment -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikilink or page title -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with identified segment, or all local r; local s, m = target( attempt, true ); if m == 2 then local sub = s:match( "/([^/]+)$" ); if sub then r = sub; else r = s; end else r = false; end return r; end -- WLink.getBaseTitle function WLink.getExtension( attempt ) -- Retrieve media extension -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikilink (media link) or page title -- if URL, PDF may be detected -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with detected downcased media type -- false if no extension found local r = false; local s, m = target( attempt ); if m == 2 then s = s:match( "%.(%a+)$" ); if s then r = s:lower; end elseif s:upper:match( "[%./](PDF)%W?" ) then r = "pdf"; end return r; end -- WLink.getExtension function WLink.getFile( attempt ) -- Retrieve media page identifier -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikilink (media link) or page title -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with detected file title -- no namespace nor project -- false if no file found local r = false; local s, m = target( attempt ); if m == 2 then local slow = ":" .. s:lower; local find = function ( a ) local seek = string.format( ":%s:.+%%.%%a+$", a:lower ); local join = slow:find( seek ); local ret; if join then ret = s:sub( join + #a + 1 ); end return ret; end; r = find( "file" ); if not r then local trsl =[6]; r = find( ); if not r then trsl = trsl.aliases; for k, v in pairs( trsl ) do r = find( v ); if r then break; -- for k, v end end -- for k, v end end end return r; end -- WLink.getFile function WLink.getFragment( attempt ) -- Retrieve fragment -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable fragment -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with detected fragment -- false if no address found local r = false; local s, m = target( attempt ); if s then local i = s:find( "#", 1, true ); if i then if i > 1 then s = s:sub( i - 1 ); i = 2; end if s:find( "&#", 1, true ) then s = mw.text.decode( s ); i = s:find( "#", 1, true ); if not i then s = ""; i = 0; end end s = s:sub( i + 1 ); r = mw.text.trim( s ); if r "" then r false; elseif m 2 then r = r:gsub( "%.(%x%x)", "%%%1" ) :gsub( "_", " " ); r = mw.uri.decode( r, "PATH" ); end end end return r; end -- WLink.getFragment function WLink.getLanguage( attempt ) -- Retrieve language project identifier -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikilink or page title -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with detected downcased language identifier -- false if no project language found local r = false; local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if m == 2 then local w = WLink.wikilink( s ); if w and w.lang then r = w.lang; end end return r; end -- WLink.getLanguage function WLink.getNamespace( attempt ) -- Retrieve namespace number -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikilink or page title -- Postcondition: -- Returns number, of detected namespace -- false if no namespace found local r = false; local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if m == 2 then local w = WLink.wikilink( s ); if w and not w.lang and not w.project and w.ns then r = w.ns; end end return r; end -- WLink.getNamespace function WLink.getPlain( attempt ) -- Retrieve text with all links replaced by link titles -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikitext -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with modified wikitext without links local r = attempt; local i = 1; local j, k, n, lean, s, shift, space, suffix; while ( true ) do j = r:find( "[", i, true ); if j then suffix = r:sub( j ); i = j + 1; lean = ( r:byte( i, i ) 91 ); if lean then s, k, n contentWikilink( suffix ); else s, k, n contentExtlink( suffix ); end if s then if k > 1 then n n - k; i j + k; j i - 1; suffix r:sub( j ); end if lean then s, shift extractWikilink( suffix ); if s then space s:match( "^([^:]+):" ); if space then space[ space ]; if space then space; end end if space 6 or space == 14 then shift = ""; elseif not shift then shift = s; end else s = ""; shift = ""; end else s, shift = extractExtlink( suffix ); if not s then s = ""; end if not shift then shift = ""; end i = i - 1; end if j > 1 then s = r:sub( 1, j - 1 ); else s = ""; end r = string.format( "%s%s%s", s, shift, r:sub( n + i ) ); i = i + #shift; else break; -- while true end else break; -- while true end end -- while true return r; end -- WLink.getPlain function WLink.getProject( attempt ) -- Retrieve wikifarm project identifier -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with wikilink or page title -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with detected downcased project identifier -- false if no project identifier found local r = false; local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if m == 2 then local w = WLink.wikilink( s ); if w and w.project then r = w.project; end end return r; end -- WLink.getProject function WLink.getTarget( attempt ) -- Retrieve first target (wikilink or URL) -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, number -- string, with first detected link target -- number, with number of brackets, if found -- false if nothing found local r1 = false; local r2 = false; local i = attempt:find( "[", 1, true ); if i then local m; r1 = attempt:sub( i ); if r1:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then m = 2; r1 = extractWikilink( r1 ); else m = 1; r1 = extractExtlink( r1 ); end if r1 then r2 = m; end else r1 = attempt:match( "%A?([hf]t?tps?://%S+)%s?" ); if r1 then if utilURL.isResourceURL( r1 ) then r2 = 0; else r1 = false; end else r1 = false; end end return r1, r2; end -- WLink.getTarget function WLink.getTargetPage( attempt ) -- Retrieve first target page (page name or URL of page) -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with first detected linked page -- false if nothing found local r1, r2 = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if r1 then local i = r1:find( "#", 1, true ); if i then if i == 1 then r1 = false; else r1 = mw.text.trim( r1:sub( 1, i - 1 ) ); end end end return r1, r2; end -- WLink.getTargetPage function WLink.getTitle( attempt ) -- Retrieve first link title (wikilink or URL), or wikilink target -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with first detected link target -- false if nothing found local r = false; local i = attempt:find( "[", 1, true ); if i then local s1, s2; r = attempt:sub( i ); if r:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then s1, s2 = extractWikilink( r ); if s2 then r = s2; else r = s1; end else s1, r = extractExtlink( r ); end end return r; end -- WLink.getTitle function WLink.getWeblink( attempt, anURLutil ) -- Retrieve bracketed link from resource URL -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with URL, or something different -- anURLutil -- library module object, or nil -- Postcondition: -- Returns string, with first detected link target -- false if nothing found local second = ""; local r; if type( anURLutil ) "table" then URLutil anURLutil; else utilURL; end if URLutil.isResourceURL( attempt ) then local site URLutil.getAuthority( attempt ); local show; if #attempt #site then site = site .. "/"; end show = URLutil.getTop3domain( "//" .. site ); if show then local scan = "[%./](%a+)(%.%l%l%.)(%a+)$"; local search = "." .. show; local s1, s2, s3 = search:match( scan ); if s2 then if not second:find( s2, 1, true ) then show = string.format( "%s.%s", s2, s3 ); end else show = false; end end if not show then show = URLutil.getTop2domain( "//" .. site ); if not show then show = URLutil.getHost( "//" .. site ); end end r = string.format( "[%s %s]", attempt, show ); else r = attempt; end return r; end -- WLink.getWeblink function WLink.isBracketedLink( attempt ) -- Does attempt match a bracketed link? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r = false; local i = attempt:find( "[", 1, true ); if i then local s = attempt:sub( i ); if s:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then s = extractWikilink( s ); else s = extractExtlink( s ); end if s then r = true; end end return r; end -- WLink.isBracketedLink function WLink.isBracketedURL( attempt ) -- Does attempt match a bracketed URL? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local s, r = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); return ( r == 1 ); end -- WLink.isBracketedURL function WLink.isCategorization( attempt ) -- Does attempt match a categorization? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r = false; local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if m 2 then local w WLink.wikilink( s ); if w and w.ns 14 and not ( w.lead or w.lang or w.project ) and w.title ~= "" then r = true; end end return r; end -- WLink.isCategorization function WLink.isExternalLink( attempt ) -- Does attempt match an external link? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local s, r = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if r then r = ( r < 2 ); end return r; end -- WLink.isExternalLink function WLink.isInterlanguage( attempt ) -- Does attempt match an interlanguage link? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r = false; local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if m == 2 then local w = WLink.wikilink( s ); if w and w.lang and not w.project and not w.lead and w.title ~= "" then r = true; end end return r; end -- WLink.isInterlanguage function WLink.isInterwiki( attempt ) -- Does attempt match an interwiki link within wikifarm? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r = false; local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if m == 2 then local w = WLink.wikilink( s ); if w and ( w.lang or w.project ) and w.title ~= "" then r = true; end end return r; end -- WLink.isInterwiki function WLink.isMedia( attempt ) -- Does attempt match a media translusion? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r = false; local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if m 2 then local w WLink.wikilink( s ); if w and w.ns 6 and not ( w.lead or w.lang or w.project ) and w.title ~= "" and WLink.getExtension( w.title ) then r = true; end end return r; end -- WLink.isMedia function WLink.isTitledLink( attempt ) -- Does attempt match a titled link? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local r = false; local i = attempt:find( "[", 1, true ); if i then local c, n; local s = attempt:sub( i ); if s:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then n = s:find( "%]%]", 5 ); c = "|"; else n = s:find( "%]", 8 ); c = "%s%S"; end if n then local m = s:find( c, 2 ); if m and m + 1 < n and WLink.getTarget( attempt ) then r = true; end end end return r; end -- WLink.isTitledLink function WLink.isValidLink( attempt ) -- Does attempt match a link? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local s, r = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); if r then r = true; end return r; end -- WLink.isValidLink function WLink.isWikilink( attempt ) -- Does attempt match a wikilink? -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link somewhere -- Postcondition: -- Returns boolean local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt ); return ( m == 2 ); end -- WLink.isWikilink function WLink.wikilink( attempt ) -- Retrieve wikilink components -- Precondition: -- attempt -- string, with presumable link -- expected to be enclosed in "" "" -- else wikilink -- Postcondition: -- Returns table or false -- table of assignments with { type, value} -- type is one of "lead", -- "project", "lang", -- "ns", "space", "title" -- false if nothing found local s = contentWikilink( attempt ); local got, n, r; if not s then s = attempt; end i = s:find( "|", 1, true ); if i then s = s:sub( 1, i - 1 ); end got = mw.text.split( s, ":" ); n = table.maxn( got ); if n 1 then r { title mw.text.trim( s ) }; else local j, k, o, v; r { title "" }; if n > 4 then k 4; else k n - 1; end j k; for i 1, j do s mw.text.trim( got[ i ] ); if s ~ "" then o[ mw.text.trim( got[ i ] ) ]; if o then r.ns;; k i + 1; j i - 1; break; -- for i end end end -- for i for i 1, j do o, v prefix( got[ i ], ( i 1 ) ); if o then if r[ o ] then k = i; break; -- for i else r[ o ] = v; end else k = i; break; -- for i end end -- for i for i = k, n do r.title = r.title .. got[ i ]; if i < n then r.title = r.title .. ":"; end end -- for i end if r.lead and ( r.project or not r.title or ( not r.lang and r.ns ~= 6 and r.ns ~= 14 ) ) then r.lead = false; end return r; end -- WLink.wikilink function WLink.failsafe( assert ) -- Retrieve versioning and check for compliance -- Precondition: -- assert -- string, with required version, or false -- Postcondition: -- Returns string with appropriate version, or false local r; if assert and assert > WLink.serial then r = false; else r = WLink.serial; end return r end -- WLink.failsafe local function Template( frame, action, leave, lone ) -- Run actual code from template transclusion -- Precondition: -- frame -- object -- action -- string, with function name -- leave -- true: keep whitespace around -- lone -- true: permit call without parameters -- Postcondition: -- Return string; might be error message local lucky = true; local s = false; local r = false; local space; for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do if k 1 then if leave then s v; else s mw.text.trim( v ); end elseif action "ansiPercent" and k "space" then if v ~ "" then space v; end elseif k ~ "template" then lucky false; if r then r r .. "|"; else r "Unknown parameter: "; end r string.format( "%s%s ", r, k ); end end -- for k, v if lucky then if s or lone then lucky, r pcall( WLink[ action ], s, space ); else r "Parameter missing"; lucky false; end end if lucky then if type( r ) "boolean" then if r then r = "1"; else r = ""; end end else r = string.format( "", r ); end return r; end -- Template -- Export local p = { }; p.ansiPercent = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "ansiPercent" ); end p.formatURL = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "formatURL" ); end p.getArticleBase = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getArticleBase", false, true ); end p.getBaseTitle = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getBaseTitle" ); end p.getExtension = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getExtension" ); end p.getFile = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getFile" ); end p.getFragment = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getFragment" ); end p.getInterwiki = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getInterwiki" ); end p.getLanguage = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getLanguage" ); end p.getNamespace = function ( frame ) return tostring( Template( frame, "getNamespace" ) ); end p.getPlain = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getPlain" ); end p.getProject = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getProject" ); end p.getTarget = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getTarget" ); end p.getTargetPage = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getTargetPage" ); end p.getTitle = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getTitle" ); end p.getWeblink = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "getWeblink" ); end p.isBracketedLink = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isBracketedLink" ); end p.isBracketedURL = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isBracketedURL" ); end p.isCategorization = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isCategorization" ); end p.isExternalLink = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isExternalLink" ); end p.isInterlanguage = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isInterlanguage" ); end p.isInterwiki = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isInterwiki" ); end p.isMedia = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isMedia" ); end p.isTitledLink = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isTitledLink" ); end p.isValidLink = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isValidLink" ); end p.isWeblink = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isWeblink" ); end p.isWikilink = function ( frame ) return Template( frame, "isWikilink" ); end p.failsafe = function ( frame ) local since = frame.args[ 1 ]; if since then since = mw.text.trim( since ); if since == "" then since = false; end end return WLink.failsafe( since ) or ""; end p.WLink = function return WLink; end return p;

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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