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21 Mayıs 2024
Nepenthes Nepenthaceae familyasına bağlı bir bitki cinsidir. Taksonomi Nepenthes cinsine bağlı türler: Nepenthes adnata - Tamin & M. Hotta ex Schlauer Nepenthes alata - Blanco Nepenthes albomarginata - T. Lobb ex Lindl. Nepenthes ampullaria - Jack Nepenthes andamana - M. Catal. Nepenthes appendiculata - Chi. C. Lee, Bourke, Rembold, W. Taylor & S.T. Yeo Nepenthes argentii - Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes aristolochioides - Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes attenboroughii - A.S. Rob., S. McPherson & V.B. Heinrich Nepenthes baramensis - C. Clarke, J.A. Moran & Chi. C. Lee Nepenthes bellii - K. Kondo Nepenthes benstonei - C. Clarke Nepenthes bicalcarata - Hook. f. Nepenthes bokorensis - Mey Nepenthes bongso - Korth. Nepenthes boschiana - Korth. Nepenthes burbidgeae - Hook. f. ex Burb. Nepenthes burkei - Mast. Nepenthes campanulata - Sh. Kurata Nepenthes ceciliae - Gronem., Coritico, Micheler, Marwinski, Acil & V.B. Amoroso Nepenthes chang - M. Catal. Nepenthes chaniana - C. Clarke, Chi. C. Lee & S. McPherson Nepenthes clipeata - Danser Nepenthes danseri - Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes deaniana - Macfarl. Nepenthes densiflora - Danser Nepenthes diatas - Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes distillatoria - L. Nepenthes dubia - Danser Nepenthes edwardsiana - Low ex Hook. f. Nepenthes ephippiata - Danser Nepenthes epiphytica - A.S. Rob., Nerz & Wistuba Nepenthes eustachya - Miq. Nepenthes eymae - Sh. Kurata Nepenthes faizaliana - J.H. Adam & Wilcock Nepenthes flava - Wistuba, Nerz & A. Fleischm. Nepenthes fusca - Danser Nepenthes gantungensis - S. McPherson, Cervancia, Chi. C. Lee, Jaunzems, Mey & A.S. Rob. Nepenthes glabrata - J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton Nepenthes glandulifera - Chi. C. Lee Nepenthes gracilis - Korth. Nepenthes gracillima - Ridl. Nepenthes gymnamphora - Nees Nepenthes hamata - J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton Nepenthes hamiguitanensis - Gronem., Wistuba, V.B. Heinrich, S. McPherson, Mey & V.B. Amoroso Nepenthes hirsuta - Hook. f. Nepenthes hispida - Beck Nepenthes holdenii - Mey Nepenthes hurrelliana - Cheek & A.L. Lamb Nepenthes inermis - Danser Nepenthes insignis - Danser Nepenthes izumiae - Troy Davis, C. Clarke & Tamin Nepenthes jacquelineae - Clarke, Davis & Tamin Nepenthes jamban - Chi. C. Lee, Hernawati & Akhriadi Nepenthes kampotiana - Lecomte Nepenthes kerrii - M. Catal. & Kruetr. Nepenthes khasiana - Hook. f. Nepenthes klossii - Ridl. Nepenthes lamii - Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes lavicola - Wistuba & Rischer Nepenthes lingulata - Chi. C. Lee, Hernawati & Akhriadi Nepenthes longifolia - Nerz & Wistuba Nepenthes lowii - Hook. f. Nepenthes macfarlanei - Hemsl. Nepenthes macrophylla - (Marabini) Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes macrovulgaris - J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton Nepenthes madagascariensis - Poir. Nepenthes mantalingajanensis - Nerz & Wistuba Nepenthes mapuluensis - J.H. Adam & Wilcock Nepenthes masoalensis - Schmid-Hollinger Nepenthes maxima - Reinw. ex Nees Nepenthes merrilliana - Macfarl. Nepenthes micramphora - V.B. Heinrich, S. McPherson, Gronem. & V.B. Amoroso Nepenthes mikei - B. Salmon & Maulder Nepenthes mindanaoensis - Sh. Kurata Nepenthes mira - Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes mirabilis - (Lour.) Druce Nepenthes mollis - Danser Nepenthes monticola - A.S. Rob., Wistuba, Nerz, M. Mansur & S. McPherson Nepenthes muluensis - M. Hotta Nepenthes murudensis - Culham ex Jebb & Cheek Nepenthes naga - Akhriadi, Hernawati, Primaldhi & M. Hambali Nepenthes neoguineensis - Macfarl. Nepenthes nigra - Nerz, Wistuba, Chi. C. Lee, Bourke, U. Zimm. & S. McPherson Nepenthes northiana - Hook. f. Nepenthes ovata - Nerz & Wistuba Nepenthes palawanensis - S. McPherson, Cervancia, Chi. C. Lee, Jaunzems, Mey & A.S. Rob. Nepenthes paniculata - Danser Nepenthes papuana - Danser Nepenthes pectinata - Danser Nepenthes peltata - Sh. Kurata Nepenthes pervillei - Blume Nepenthes petiolata - Danser Nepenthes philippinensis - Macfarl. Nepenthes pilosa - Danser Nepenthes pitopangii - Chi. C. Lee, S. McPherson, Bourke & M. Mansur Nepenthes platychila - Chi. C. Lee Nepenthes pulchra - Gronem., S. McPherson, Coritico, Micheler, Marwinski & V.B. Amoroso Nepenthes rafflesiana - Jack Nepenthes rajah - Hook. f. Nepenthes ramispina - Ridl. Nepenthes reinwardtiana - Miq. Nepenthes rhombicaulis - Sh. Kurata Nepenthes rigidifolia - Akhriadi, Hernawati & Tamin Nepenthes robcantleyi - Cheek Nepenthes rowanae - F.M. Bailey Nepenthes sanguinea - Lindl. Nepenthes saranganiensis - Sh. Kurata Nepenthes sharifah-hapsahii - J.H. Adam & Hafiza Nepenthes sibuyanensis - Nerz Nepenthes singalana - Becc. Nepenthes smilesii - Hemsl. Nepenthes spathulata - Danser Nepenthes spectabilis - Danser Nepenthes stenophylla - Mast. Nepenthes sumatrana - (Miq.) G. Beck Nepenthes suratensis - M. Catal. Nepenthes surigaoensis - Elmer Nepenthes talangensis - Nerz & Wistuba Nepenthes tenax - C. Clarke & R. Kruger Nepenthes tentaculata - Hook. f. Nepenthes tenuis - Nerz & Wistuba Nepenthes thai - Cheek Nepenthes thorelii - Lecomte Nepenthes tobaica - Danser Nepenthes tomoriana - Danser Nepenthes treubiana - Warb. Nepenthes truncata - Macfarl. Nepenthes undulatifolia - Nerz, Wistuba, U. Zimm., Chi. C. Lee, Pirade & Pitopang Nepenthes veitchii - Hook. f. Nepenthes ventricosa - Blanco Nepenthes vieillardii - Hook. f. Nepenthes villosa - Hook. f. Nepenthes vogelii - Schuit. & de Vogel Melezler Nepenthes × alisaputrana - J.H. Adam & Wilcock Nepenthes × bauensis - Chi. C. Lee Nepenthes × cincta - Mast. Nepenthes × coccinea - Mast. Nepenthes × harryana - Burb. Nepenthes × hookeriana - Lindl. Nepenthes × kinabaluensis - Sh. Kurata Nepenthes × pyriformis - Sh. Kurata (pro sp.) Nepenthes × trichocarpa - Miq. Nepenthes × trusmadiensis - Marabini Galeri Konuyla ilgili yayınlar Simson, M.G. Plant Systematics. Elsevier Academic Pres. Kaliforniya, 2006 Beaver, R.A. 1983. The communities living in Nepenthes pitcher plants: fauna and food webs. In: J.H. Frank & L.P. Lounibos (eds.) Phytotelmata: Plants as Hosts for Aquatic Insect Communities. Plexus Publishing, New Jersey. pp.129–159. Boulay, J. 1997. Les Nepenthes . Dionée 38. Dış bağlantılar NCBI Taksonomi tarayıcı Suibriğigiller Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany Nepenthaceae in Madagascar Nepenthaceae in Flora of China Nepenthes - the Monkey Cups from the Botanical Society of America Nepenthes: The Interactive Guide at Nepenthes photographs at the Carnivorous Plant Photo Finder A video about Nepenthes rajah from The Private Life of Plants The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: Nepenthes by Barry Rice Evolution -- Nepenthes Phylogeny from the International Carnivorous Plant Society Inner World of Nepenthes from the John Innes Centre Kaynakça Kategori:Nepenthaceae Kategori:Etçil bitkiler Kategori:Dioik bitkiler Kategori:Carl Linnaeus tarafından adlandırılmış taksonlar

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