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Şablon:Alternating rows table section/belge


21 Mayıs 2024
Usage Alternating rows table section allows for the dynamic creation of tables that use alternating styles for odd and even numbered rows, typically in conjunction with a template which generates a table where some rows may not be present every time. The template produces only a portion of the table: this allows for the end user to customize the leading and trailing sections of the table, include secondary rows between sections, or other control elements. This table creates a new row at the start, and the user must start a new row if they want to include additional information after the table section. There are two named arguments to this template: os:Defines the CSS style for odd-numbered rows. es:Defines the CSS style for even-numbered rows. Beyond these, the template accepts up to 30 unnamed parameters, the contents which are appropriate wikimarkup to create a table row as described below. A parameter may be left empty, and will not add to the current row count; in other words, the template tracks how may rows have been defined by the unnamed arguments to determine to apply the odd or even styling. The unnamed arguments must start with a template-compatible table cell symbol, either "!" for a header, or the use of to create the standard cell indicator "|". An argument can contain multiple cells, either separated on lines (using to separate cells) or on a single line (using to replace "||" delimiters); cell-specific style arguments can also be applied. Unpredictable results may happen using other wikitable features such as rowspanning, creating a new row within an argument (using ), or the like. Examples See also

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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