Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.

Şablon:Bitişik istasyonlar/belge


21 Mayıs 2024
Adjacent stations is a specialised succession box template that links adjacent station articles, along with the termini of one or more lines or services. It is a Lua version of (see differences). Kullanım Veri modülü Before the template can be used, a module needs to be created that includes information about the transport system such as the title, lines and the termini of those lines. The data module needs to be a sub-page of Module:Adjacent stations (Module:Adjacent stations/system), and needs to be of a specific structure. See Modül:Adjacent stations for a guide on creating and editing data modules. Note that not all variables are used by this template. If a system exists in , you can also use inside Special:ExpandTemplates to simplify subpage creation for lines with two termini. You will need to replace every two spaces with a tab space afterwards. Transclusion For multiple lines or systems, this template only needs to be transcluded once. Each line is assigned a number. The parameters for the corresponding line are suffixed by the number (e.g. , ). Parameters without a number suffix are treated as group 1. Parametreler Conversion from S-line After creating the module subpage, you can use the function of Modül:Adjacent stations to replace transclusions of the S-line series templates (this currently does not work with -series templates). This can be semi-automated using regular expressions in AWB and other tools: The conversion will not work if the input includes templates other than those in the S-line series; a system or line in the input is unrecognized or otherwise invalid; there are unmatched square or curly brackets in the input. Differences from S-line Örnekler Ayrıca bakınız - a similarly formatted template for providing previous/next navigation to more general subjects

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
