Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Şablon:Category handler/blacklist/belge


21 Mayıs 2024
This is the sub-template. Do not use this template directly, use instead. This template is called from , see user documentation there. But if you came here to see or update the category suppression blacklist, then you are in the right place. P Updating the blacklist This template contains a blacklist of the pages and page types where templates should not auto-categorise. This blacklist is used by to decide when not to categorise. To update the blacklist, edit this template. This template uses to do the pagename-detection, thus see for the syntax to use for the blacklist rules. When this template is placed on a page that should not categorise, then it should return "hide". And when placed on any other page it should return an empty string. Testing the blacklist There are two ways you can test what this blacklist returns for a page: You can put this template on the page you want to test, and see what output it produces. You can use edit preview, no need to save. Like this: Which here on this page returns this: ++ The ++ used here is a simple way to make it visible when a template returns an empty string. Or you can feed the pagename you want to test to this template. Then you can do all the testing for instance on the /testcases subpage of this template. Like this: Which returns this: ++ ++ Teknikl detaylar Currently this template is only called from , and indirectly from all templates that use . But in the future this template might also be directly called from other templates similar to . This means we can update the category suppression blacklist in one place. Ayrıca bakınız – The how-to guide. – The WikiProject.

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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