Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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21 Mayıs 2024
Purpose The "Harvard citations" template is for producing more complicated Harvard citations, when one wishes to link several publications by the same author, or add a link to the author's name. For most simple Harvard citations the templates harv, harxtxt, and harvnb are easier to use. The template name "Harvard citations" can be abbreviated as "harvs". Parameters (all optional) Most of the parameters, in particular those for authors, editors, and year, should be the same as for the corresponding citation template. (If these are missing the template will try to guess them by looking for other parameters such as "date", "author" and so on.) In fact one can produce this template just by changing the name "citation" in the corresponding citation template to "harvard citations" and keeping all parameters the same. Examples An example with authorlinks: A reference is . An example with txt The theory was developed by . An example using nb to list 2 sets of authors, using citationpage to link to the von Neumann algebra page: The theory was developed in a series of papers (, ). More examples (mainly for debugging template) Sample references , , . See also Use to format the citations in the References section.

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