Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Şablon:Hava aracı bilgi kutusu giriş/belge


21 Mayıs 2024
Kullanımı This template acts to provide common formatting for other aircraft-related infoboxes. It (and any boxes that follow it) must be enclosed by that enclose a wiki-table (see Help:Tables). Uçak tipi hakkında bir maddede için şunu kullanın: Uçak motoru hakkında bir madde için şunu kullanın: Multiple templates can be stacked one after the other. For example, where the only example built of a particular aircraft type also had an individually noteworthy career (e.g., The Spirit of St. Louis, use: Other modules Other modules currently available for the modular Infobox aircraft are: : General data fields relevant to an aircraft type (or subtype), such as role, manufacturer, number produced, date of first flight (but not technical specifications) : Data fields relevant to an individually significant airframe, such as construction number, registration number, military serial, current preservation status. : General data fields relevant to an aircraft engine, such as type, manufacturer, major applications (but not technical specifications) : General data on programs to develop types (and subtypes) of aircraft and aircraft engines, but not on the aircraft or engines themselves or their technical specifications Parameters name : The subject of the article. When naming aircraft and engines, please do not repeat the name of the manufacturer unless the name would be otherwise ambiguous. For example, "P-51 Mustang" does not need to have "North American" in front of it: the name itself is unambiguous and the manufacturer will be stated just a few lines down in the Type Infobox. image : In the format format with or without 'File:' tag size image_size : Allows for the specification of image size; default is 250px. alt : Alt text for the image, for readers who cannot see the image. Please see WP:ALT for details. image_border : set to yes to add a thin border to the image caption : A short (one- or two-line) caption for the image. If it isn't descriptive, then please skip it. "Boeing 747" or "Boeing 747 in flight" should be patently obvious from the context and does not need to be captioned. "A Qantas Airlines Boeing 747-400 at Heathrow Airport in 2006" is an example of a useful caption. Captions will appeared centred in the infobox. long caption : A longer (multi-line), more detailed caption may be desirable from time to time. Long captions will appear left-justified in the infobox. Won't display if caption is defined. Template with notes Example Supporting templates and modules The following templates are used directly from this template: TemplateData

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