Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.



21 Mayıs 2024
__NOTOC__ is an abbreviation template. It works similarly to the HTML <abbr> or <acronym> tags. Kullanımı takes two unnamed parameters, in order: The short form, which shows as text on the page. The long form, which the short form is an abbreviation for. Many web browsers show the long form as a tooltip when a user hovers over the text. However, this behavior is not guaranteed and should not be relied on. There is an option for a third parameter: adding "unicode" (or "u") applies to the text of parameter 1. This may resolve rendering issues with browsers which do not apply the proper font to the text. Other fonts/languages may be added to the code as needed. If the third parameter is not defined, it will be ignored. Example with two parameters appears as . When hovering over the text, something like appears as a tooltip in many (but not all) browsers. Popular screen readers, used by visually impaired readers, display the long form in a different way. Example with three parameters appears as . Compare without the Unicode formatting. Accessibility concerns This template is intended for use with abbreviations; it is not intended to be a tool for generating tooltips. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines contain guidelines for using the element generated by this template; see section H28: Providing definitions for abbreviations by using the abbr and acronym elements. Redirects The following template names redirect to this one: See also Şablon:Kısaltmalink - wikilinks the content too. Template:R-phrase - Generate the abbreviation for an EU R-phrase with a tooltip of the full text and a link to the description in List of R-phrases

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
