Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Şablon:Plak şirketi bilgi kutusu/belge


21 Mayıs 2024
Kullanım plak şirketi sayfasına bir bilgi kutusu ekler. Örnek Örnek olarak aşağıdaki kodu kopyala-yapıştır yapabilirsiniz: Boş örnek Fields All fields are currently optional (in that not filling them won't cause a display error), but it is recommanded to try and fill as much as possible within sourced informations, especially and . An empty will generate only the blue heading with the name of the article. name : (Defaults to article name.) Label name displayed in infobox title. image_name : Label logo, such as . image_size: preferably between 100 pixels and 200 pixels wide, depending on its portrait or landscape orientation—default is 180px. image_bg : (Defaults to "white".) Can be used to specify background color to display the image against. All CSS color specifiers may be used. However, it is generally recommended to leave it unspecified, so it will remain white as default. parent : Parent company, such as . founded : Foundation year, just 4 digits, such as "1950", using founder : Name of founders, separate with commas or . status : Leave blank unless or . distributor : Distributors, separate with commas or . genre : Such as or , separate with commas or . country : Origin, such as or . location : Headquarters city and state. url : Specifies official site of record label using , for example: (concise) (qualified) Additional field not provided by default: bgcolor : (Deprecated, defaults to "".) Background color for box title, not to be used unless justified need. Example The above template code example produces the infobox displayed at right. The actual logo is not displayed on this documentation page because of fair-use limitations (it can be used only to illustrate the article about it). A Wikipedia logo is used here to demonstrate logo use and placement. Notice in the field how you can go to a new line for a sub-item by hiding the newline in the middle of the . Doing so is not required (the field doesn't use it), and neither version affects the output, but it can make the wikicode more readable and editable with long sub-items. Two fields have been deleted: (because the default white color is to be used here), and (because the company is neither inactive nor defunct, and currently unlikely to require the field in the near future). Categories The template does not create any automatic categorization of the article. You have to add your article to the relevant categories. Suggested categories (and their subcategories) to investigate include: One from Category:Record labels by country One from Category:Record labels by parent One from Category:Record labels by year of establishment One or more from Category:Record labels by genre Plus one or more possible special case such as: Category:Audiophile record labels Category:Defunct record labels or if known Category:Record labels by year of disestablishment Category:Record label distributors Category:Reissue record labels And possibly more from: Category:Record labels Microformat Ayrıca bakınız for individual artists, bands or collectives WikiProject Music WikiProject Musicians

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
