Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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21 Mayıs 2024
This template is used to show example template usage without expanding the template itself. Basic use (Note: In the following examples, ellipses (groups of three dots) indicate where parameters have been omitted.) produces: Where parameters might contain one or more equals-signs ("="), replace each equals-sign with : produces: For more than ten parameters, possibly also containing equals-signs, use thus: produces: Purpose and naming Mnemonically, "[t]emplate [l]ink e[x]panded" (after , "[t]emplate [l]ink"). This template allows an example of calling a template, accompanied by one or more parameters, to be displayed without also causing the template to be called. Up to ten of the template's parameters (numbered or nowiki-keywords) may be displayed as placeholders, while more than over 10 parameters can be displayed using a coded vertical-bar (as in "..."). A keyword parameter can be used with equals code or or in nowiki-text: "" or all parameters as a string in "" tags; see Examples at bottom. For more details, see this talk page. Exceptions If the intended template lists numerous parameters, then perhaps this template should really not be used, and just hardcode the usage with . For example: . If a vertical display, with parameters on their own lines, is desired, this can also be laid out manually in this manner, or more rapidly done with . Parameters If the only parameter supplied is , i.e. a template's name, 's output is the same as i.e. a link within braces but in a monospaced font: produces: produces: will also not take nor display additional parameters. Named parameters Setting this parameter to any non-blank value will prefix the string linked to Help:Substitution. This is useful to indicate when a template should be substituted. For example, produces: . This is similar to the action of the template: produces: . For an interwiki link to other sister projects, such as: (Meta), (WikiQuote), (WikiSource), etc, facilitating interwiki template documentation and/or discussion. For a link to Wikipedias in other languages, such as: , , etc, facilitating cross-language template documentation and/or discussion. Documentation is a generalization of , etc., with output that is arguably more legible. This depends on the browser, but narrow gaps between characters such as "{", "|", "}" and links can be hard to read when not monospaced (and hard to click on; for uses like , see , which makes the click target bigger). Usage There are up to 10 placeholders for parameters of the specified template. Examples Unlimited parameters as one string Template-linking templates Ayrıca bakınız , a version of where the template name is shown in bold. , a version of where the template name is shown in bold. , a version of that handles templates whose names include "Template:" and pages outside the Template: namespace that are treated as templates. , for the presentation of template parameters and values (e.g. , ).

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
