Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Şablon:Sütunlu dolaşım/belge


21 Mayıs 2024
A navigation box that presents its content in columns. Originally intended to provide a relatively straightforward means to align links prefixed by flag icons, e.g. in templates offering links to country articles. Temel yazım Yalnızca gerekli parametreler ve dikeçgenişliği dahil edilmiştir. Parametreler Required parameters in bold. Parameters marked with a cross are parameters in common with the sister templates and . A much more complete description of those parameters is available at . Kurulum parametreleri ad The name of the template. The name of this template, for example, is "Navbox with columns". durum Possible values are , , , , and the default . See for more information. dolçub Alabileceği olası değerler , ve varsayılan değeri olan boşluktur. Daha fazla bilgi için 'a bakınız. kenar Possible values are , , and the default value of blank. Set to if you wish to use the navbox inside of another navbox; with this option, the child navbox is borderless and fits snuggly inside of its parent navbox. The parent navbox may be the list area of , a columns of another , or a section of . See for more information and examples. Temel veri parametreleri başlık Şablonun başlığı. Varsayılan değer olarak, şablonun tepesindeki başlık çubuğunda ortalanmış olarak gösterilir. üst Kolonların üzerinde görünecek metin ya da diğer birimler. resim Tüm kolonların sağına yerleşen resim. resimsol Tüm kolonların soluna yerleşen resim. alt Kolonların altında görünecek metin ya da diğer birimler Style parameters gövdebiçimi CSS style/s to apply to the template's body (i.e. including space not used by columns) başlıkbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to titlebar; usually (background defaults to NavHead default). üstbiçim altbiçim CSS style/s to apply to the above and below parameters, respectively. temelbiçim CSS style/s to apply to the title, above, and below, parameters, all at the same time. resimbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to the image parameter. resimsolbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to the imageleft parameter dikeçbiçimi CSS style/s to apply across all columns; if used, usually per titlestyle above. tekdikeçbiçimi çiftdikeçbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to all odd/even-numbered columns, respectively. dikeçbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to the n column only. dikeçbaşlıkbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to all column headers. dikeçbaşlıkbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to the n column header. dikeçaltlıkbiçimi CSS style/s to apply to the n column footer cell. Columns parameters dikeçgenişliği Width, preferably in a proportional unit such as 'em', or as a percentage, used for each column whose width not specified by colNwidth below. Defaults to 10em. Examples: tamgenişlik If set to anything, then the total width of the columns are scaled linearly to make the sum of the widths 100%. A rather advanced parameter, this usually need not be used and should be left blank. If a colheader or colfooter is used, then fullwidth is used automatically. Example: dolgu Padding before first column, preferably in a proportional unit. Defaults to 5em. Padding is disabled by setting it to 0 (or 0em, or 0%). dikeçgenişliği The n column's width (overrides colwidth above). dikeç The content of the n column. If any columns are used, then is required. There can be a maximum of 20 columns. dikeçbaşlık A header cell for the n column that appears above the column. See below for examples. dikeçaltlığı A footer cell that appears below the n column. dikeçbaşlıkdikyay A number specifying how many columns the n column header should span. It defaults to 1. If it is greater than one, then do not specify column headers that it covers. For example, if , then leave and blank. dikeçaltlıkdikyay A number specifying how many columns the n column footer should span. It defaults to 1. If it is greater than one, then do not specify column footers that it covers. For example, if , then leave and blank. Additional groups/lists You may wish to add a few extra groups and/or lists below the columns. The following parameters are given to provide such functionality. See for a more complete description of how they work, and for more examples. grup Allows up to 6 additional groups to go along with the lists below the columns. liste Allows up to 6 additional lists below the columns. grupbiçimi The general CSS style/s for the groups. grupbiçimi CSS style/s for the n group parameter. listebiçimi The general CSS style/s for the lists. listebiçimi CSS style/s for the n list parameter. listedolgusu Amount of padding to have in each list cell. tekbiçim çiftbiçim Applies to odd/even list numbers. Overrules styles defined by liststyle. The default behavior is to add striped colors (white and gray) to odd/even rows, respectively, in order to improve readability. These should not be changed except in extraordinary circumstances. çifttek See for description. Örnekler Basit örnek Geniş örnekler Example with colheader and colfooter The gray background for the columns is added for illustration only. Example with colheader using colbaşlıkdikkay The gray background for the columns is added for illustration only. This example shows the colbaşlıkdikkay parameter being used, but you may also use colfootercolspan to adjust the span of the footer cells. Example to illustrate most fields The gray background and centered text for the columns is for illustration only. The columns default to an off-white background and left text alignment. This example shows how you can use up to six additional groups/lists after the columns. Using child navboxes All three types of navbox templates, namely , , and , can be nested inside of one another using the parameter (which is common to all three). For complex templates, it may be necessary to use nesting to achieve a desired look. Nesting Navbox with columns in itself This example shows how one can nest multiple templates to get the right look. Edit this page to see the code. There is a main and two additional templates, with the "child" option set (see code). Nesting other Navbox forms This example shows , and all working together. Edit this page to see the code. Note that each of the child navboxes has the first parameter set to . Ayrıca bakınız Allows groups/lists instead of columns Another variation.

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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