Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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21 Mayıs 2024
provides a small "viewtalkedit" navigation bar. It is primarily used for content-heavy templates ve diğer transcluded content blocks, so that the content inside the template or block is more easily editable in situ where it was found, without having track it down through examining transclusion code. 's extremely high use rate and consequent protection level are because it is integrated as a feature into numerous navigation box ve infobox templates used in millions of articles. It is also a regular feature of many internal-use templates and tables of the Wikipedia, Help, and Template namespaces. Kullanımı Genel When one of the following examples is placed inside a given template (or block of content used for selective transclusion), it adds basic navbar navigational functionality: will be substituted with the page name of the real location of the content when parsed by the servers. Örneğin, gives: When used in content that is selectively transcluded but which is also used as-is in its original location, this template should be wrapped in markup, so that it only appears when transcluded. Font size ve weight Font-size is 88% when used in a topical navbar template or in plain text, and %100 when nested in a navbox or infobox (because those templates' text size is already reduced; the "%100" is relative to the surrounding template's own content, not that of the entire page). parametresi can be used to adjust font size as needed (e.g. to reduce font size even more when the template is used inside a block element with a large font size). Do not abuse this to make excessively small text (i.e. less than 85% of the normal page text), since that causes accessibility problems for many readers. In a topical navbar, the weight is "normal"; when nested in a navbox or infobox, it inherits the style of the surrounding content. The middot bullets are bold for better visibility. Örnekler Gerekli parametreler – the template name is required. Optional parametreler Shortcut şablonları The ve parameters can be avoided by using the or templates, respectively, instead. and also support changing the shown links, for example only view and edit, or only view and talk: Notlar Navbar is contained within a in order to accommodate a horizontal unnumbered list. This means it cannot be placed inside a or diğerr inline element, because HTML Tidy extension will 'fix' situations where it finds block elements inside inline elements. Prepackaged Positions on the right edge of the line, often used in non-collapsible navbox heading. For use in conjunction with NavFrame divs, positions opposite of the [hide]/[show] feature. For use in conjunction with collapsible tables, floats opposite of the [hide]/[show] feature. Ayrıca bakınız Diğer iç bağlantı şablonları, including: – plain talk link – plain link that adds the page to your watchlist Kategori:İç şablon-bağlantı şablonları TemplateData

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.
