Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Şablon:US patent reference/belge


21 Mayıs 2024
This template is mostly for inclusion in the "References" section of article, giving detailed description of US patent: the inventor, title, and link to find full text in US patent office database. Usage number (required) is a patent number, without leading "US" letters, but with leading "D" letter if patent number contains it, and is required. y, m, d (optional) are the year, month and day of issuing (granting). Four digits are required for the year, and two for the month and day even if the first digit is zero. inventor (optional) is a name of inventor; it can be a wiki-link, of course. title (optional) is the title of the patent. Sample rendering Preferably, after inclusion of this template in "references", one should give less formal and more reader-friendly explanation of what this patent is all about. COinS See also Other templates that may be applicable for other uses (i.e. in-line inclusion) include: , creates links to US and other patents on the espacenet database , for an inline citations to a patent bibliography , to include a link to the European Patent Application entry of a European patent application , to include a link to the European Patent Register entry of a European patent or patent application , a generic template for general use referring to world's patent offices , similar to , but using espacenet with more details than , to include a link to a US patent , to cite a US patent application as a reference in "references" section , to cite a US patent as a reference in "references" section

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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