Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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soyu tükenen şeyleri koruma isteği


Well-known member
1 Mayıs 2024
Norveç'te deniz seviyesinde doğa, Türkiye'de yüksek irtifada dağ ormanları gibidir. Bol orman var ama pek hayvan görülmez. Görüldüğü yerlerde de sayıları hızla azaldığı fark edilir. H especially in winter, it gets even more desolate. In the mountains, the forest limit is much lower than ours. Forests are often not wild, but well-maintained human plantings of young trees. In summer, migratory birds and tourists share the narrow valleys and coasts. While they can easily find water, food, and insects, finding a comfortable, safe den, platform, or nest for resting and nesting proves difficult.

This article tells the story of a man who operates a bird hotel. Excerpts from the article:

Ornithologist Kjell Mork Soot has built and operates a special bird hotel for the Kumklirlangıç, a species of bird listed as endangered in the Sunnmøre region of Hareid.

- Soot says he built the hotel to encourage Kumklirlangıçs to return to Hareid.
- The hotel has over 400 rooms and is open all year round, but birds usually arrive at the end of August.
- The hotel is a wall with numerous holes, each hole leading to a birdhouse.
- Some birds don't settle unless they hear the sounds of their own kind, so Soot uses speakers to play recordings of the birds' calls.

- Soot says the number of Kumklirlangıçs has increased every year since the hotel was built, and he hopes this trend will continue.
- Birdlife, a bird conservation organization, believes that such measures are crucial in helping bird populations.
- About 40% of bird species in Norway and over 63% of Norwegian seabirds are on the red list.

Birdlife conservation consultant Martin Eggen states that the situation is critical for many bird species in Norway. He offers advice on how to help birds (which may not be applicable to Turkey):

- Some birds need help, especially in areas with active forestry where there are few hollows in the trees for nesting. Dozens of species rely on these hollows. You can help by setting up birdhouses. This also applies to areas near settlements and cities. Modern houses are densely packed, and birdhouses are beneficial even in cities. Remember to leave the stable door open for barn swallows, says Eggen.

- Think like a wild duck and create a pond: We are in the UN's Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. If we want a sustainable future for people and animals, we must restore nature. Ponds and wetlands are very popular with birds.
- Clean up the islands: This allows an island to once again become a nesting site for seabirds. Eggen says that seabirds go to islands and islets to nest, but clutter, development, and excessive vegetation growth reduce the available space.
- Remove marine debris and other trash: Ideally, this should be done outside of the nesting season. Pollution and plastic kill and harm many birds.
- Protect birds during the nesting season: Ensure that nests, eggs, and chicks are protected from damage and disturbance.
- Be careful: When driving, be cautious of baby birds on the road, and keep your distance from birds when boating.
- Provide information: Share information with the local population and tourists about bird nesting sites. Remind them about the bird sanctuary from April 1st to August 20th, says Eggen.
- We can minimize disturbance by installing information boards.
- Take care of your area: Many people live in areas with nearby forests, mountainous terrain, steppe, or wetlands. Make sure birds can live peacefully there.
- Eliminate the mink: The conservation consultant emphasizes that the mink is an invasive species that causes significant damage to bird life in Norway. Reducing its population gives birds a better chance.
- He also suggests creating mink-proof nesting platforms.
- Keep your cat indoors, especially in the morning: This is when cats catch the most birds. Equip your cat with a special collar designed to reduce its hunting success.
- You can find more information here:
- Consider your own local consumption: Eggen stresses that a person's own consumption of local resources is also important and that it is one of the driving forces behind habitat loss.
- Focus on the challenges and difficulties: Focus on the challenges facing nature and vote for politicians who care about climate and the environment.
- Be aware of the consequences of agriculture: Eggen encourages supporting nature-friendly food production and emphasizes that intensive agriculture affects bird populations.
- To reverse this, we need to give birds more space, create a richer insect habitat, and ensure they have areas to nest and find food.
- Be a bird lover: Norwegian nature is beautiful, and everyone can experience birds in their own environment. Inspire others to be bird-friendly and enjoy the birds. Teach future generations about the birds around us. The world needs more bird lovers.
Sakalın yok mu senin? Kumklirlangıç mı? O da bi kuştur işte, yok olur giderse olur bitmez. Bizim ormanlar zaten boş. Ne avcı var ne de hayvan. Yüksek irtifada ağaçlar var ama hayvan yok. Kimse umursamıyor.
İnsanlar doğayı korumayı unutmuş gibi görünüyor. Kumklirlangıç gibi kuşlar yuva yapacak yer bulamıyor, yiyecek bulmakta zorlanıyor. Bizim ormanlarımız da böyle boş ve sessiz, sanki hayatın kendisi yok olmuş gibi.
Bu insanlar doğayı yok ediyorlar. Kumklirlangıç gibi kuşları yuvasız bırakıyorlar, ormanları boşaltıyorlar. Ne farkındalık ne de çaba gösteriyorlar!
Kumklirlangıçlar gibi kuşlara yuva yapacak yer kalmadı be, ormanları hep yok ettiler, avcılar da bitti zaten. Şimdi kim koruyacak onları?
Kumklirlangıçlar uçup gitti be, yerlerine konmuş beton yığınları kaldı. Bizim ormanlar da boş. Bir avcı görmezsin artık. Ne yazık ki kimse umursamıyor.
Kumklirlangıçlar yok oluyor, boş bir otel gibi ormanlarda yuva arayan kuşlara yardım etmek zorundayız.
İnsanların doğayı nasıl yok ettiğini ve kuşların yuvasız kaldığını düşünün. Kumklirlangıçlar için bile bir otel yapıyorlar, demek ki işler gerçekten kötüye gidiyor.
Kumklirlangıçlar yok oluyor! İnsanlar doğayı mahvediyor, ormanları yok ediyor ve kuşların yuvasız kalmasına sebep oluyorlar.

Bu adaletsizliğe bir son vermeliyiz!
Kuş oteller mi? İnsanlar doğayı bu kadar mahvetti ki kuşların yuvasız kalması için otel yapıyoruz şimdi. Ne yazık!
İnsanlar doğayı mahvediyor, kuşların yuvasız kalmasına sebep oluyorlar! Kumklirlangıçlar için otel yapıyoruz. Bu bir utanç!

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