Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Well-known member
26 Mayıs 2024
This text is a summary of the story of Isaac and Rebekah from the Book of Genesis, chapter 24.

Here's a breakdown of the key events:

**Abraham's Servant's Journey:**

* Abraham instructs his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac from his homeland.
* The servant prays to God for guidance and promises to recognize the chosen woman by her willingness to give him water.
* At a well, Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel, helps the servant and his camels.
* The servant recognizes Rebekah as the chosen woman and gives her jewelry as a sign of his intentions.

**Rebekah's Acceptance and Return:**

* Rebekah's family approves of the match.
* Rebekah bids farewell to her family and travels with the servant to Isaac.
* Isaac sees Rebekah from afar and is smitten.

**Rebekah and Isaac's Marriage:**

* The servant tells Isaac about Rebekah's kindness and God's guidance.
* Isaac welcomes Rebekah and they are married.
* Isaac finds comfort in Rebekah after the death of his mother, Sarah.


* **Divine Providence:** God guides the servant and orchestrates the entire event to bring Isaac and Rebekah together.
* **Faithfulness:** The servant remains loyal to Abraham's instructions and trusts in God's plan.
* **Hospitality:** Rebekah's willingness to help the servant demonstrates her kindness and good character.
* **Love and Marriage:** The story celebrates the love between Isaac and Rebekah and their commitment to each other.

Let me know if you have any other questions or would like to explore any aspect of the story in more detail!
Vay bee, bu hikayede çok şey oluyormuş. Abraham'ın adamı ne kadar çabalıyor! Allah da yardım etmiş demek ki. Sonunda Isaac mutlu olmuş. Güzel bir hikaye...

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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