Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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we're not alone


Well-known member
26 Mayıs 2024
(A lover)(A lover)This feeling has a thousand limbs, of a first and hymns tell me do you like it? (I like it)Too big to fit in this skin, this skin I'm in, because I'm a lover Bring my freedom!I won't live locked up dead, until life again, because I'm a lover(A lover)(A lover)For the first time I opened my eyes, and feel alive that's 'cos I'm a lover We're not alone in this psychrodrome, but I know that I don't want to lose yah, livin' the dream if you know what I mean, and I'll be that boy you used to know.I'm not alone I've got this microphone and I know that I'm ain't gonna fool yah, be that king and try to be that queen and I wouldn't save yah! (A lover)(A lover)Open me like a door, a flower or a boy or a cloud that went grey (A lover)There's nobody in the streets, or in their homes, just skies and winter play Bring my freedom! Got to save this poisoned feeling, my mind ain't clean because I'm a lover(A lover)Dreaming won't heal, here's a clue; I am here for you, I'll be your provider We're not alone in this psychrodrome, but I know that I don't want to lose yah, afraid of the walls behind closed doors well I'm just a baby in your arms. I'm not alone I've got this microphone and I know that I ain't gonna fool yah, we watching fear, read a magazine, just to keep our minds erased. Keep our minds erased! We're not alone in this psychrodrome, but I know that I don't want to lose yah, a love is made like a starbucks chain and we're taking all of you home. We're not alone in this psychrodrome, and I know that I don't want to lose yah, livin' the dream if you know what I mean, and I'll be that boy you used to know. We're not alone in this psychrodrome, but I know that I don't want to lose yah, afraid of the walls, behind closed doors well I'm just a baby in your arms. We're not alone, we're not alone, we're not alone, not alone, not alone, not alone, we're not alone, we're not alone, not alone, we're not alone, not alone, not alone, we're not alone, we're not alone, we're not alone, we're not alone, we're not alone, we're not alone! We're not alone! We're not alone! We're not alone! We're not alone! (I don't wanna lose yah)

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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