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William Cowper


21 Mayıs 2024
William Cowper (26 Kasım 1731– 25 Nisan 1800) İngiliz şair ve hümanist. Zamanının en popüler şairlerinden biri, 18.yy günlük yaşamı ve kırsal doğal yaşam ile ilgili şiirler yazmıştır. Birçok bakımdan Romantik şiirin öncüleri arasında yer alır. Samuel Taylor Coleridge modern çağın en önemli şairleri arasında gördüğünü belirtmektedir. Cowper evangelizm kilisesinin ateşli savunucularındandır. Cowper'in çok sevilen ilahilerinin ilham kaynağı dini konulardı. küçükresim|Henry Fuseli (1806–1807). Başlıca eserleri Olney Hymns, 1779, in collaboration with John Newton John Gilpin, 1782 The Task, 1785 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, 1791 (Yunancadan çevirilier). İlahileri 127 Jesus! where'er thy people meet 357 The Spirit breathes upon the word 450 There is a fountain, filled with blood 790 Hark! my soul! it is the Lord 856 To Jesus, the Crown of my hope 871 Far from the world, O Lord! I flee 885 My Lord! how full of sweet content (1782 translation) 932 What various hindrances we meet 945 Oh! for a closer walk with God 965 When darkness long has veiled my mind 1002 'Tis my happiness below 1009 O Lord! in sorrow I resign (1782 translation) 1029 O Lord! my best desire fulfill 1043 There is a safe and secret place 1060 God of my life! to thee I call Tanıdık alıntılar moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Olney Hymns (1779)--'Light Shining out of Darkness' There is a fountain fill'd with blood Drawn from EMMANUEL's veins; And sinners, plung'd beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Olney Hymns (1779)--'Praise for the Fountain Opened' Oh! for a closer walk with, A calm and heav'nly frame; A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb! Olney Hymns (1779)--'Walking with God' God made the country, and man made the town. The Task (1785)--'The Sofa' (Book I, line 749) There is a pleasure in poetic pains Which only poets know. The Task (1785)--'The Timepiece' (Book II, lines 285-6) Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavour. The Task (1785)--'The Timepiece' (Book II, lines 606-7) I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute; From the centre all round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. 'Verses Supposed to be Written by Alexander Selkirk' (1782), lines 1-4 No voice divine the storm allay'd, No light propitious shone; When, snatch'd from all effectual aid, We perish'd, each alone; But I beneath a rougher sea, And whelmed in deeper gulphs than he. "The Castaway" (1799), lines 61-66 'Tis pleasant, through the loopholes of retreat, To peep at such a world; to see the stir Of the great Babel, and not feel the crowd; To hear the roar she sends through all her gates At a safe distance, where the dying sound Falls a soft murmur on the uninjur'd ear. The Task (1785)--'The Winter Evening' (Book IV, lines 88-93) Dipnotlar Kaynakça Harold Child, "William Cowper", in Ward & Trent, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907–21. As given at . (Some biographical data utilized.) H.S. Milford, The Complete Poetical Works of William Cowper. London: Oxford University Press, 1913. ("Chronological Table" on pp. xxiv-xxx heavily utilized for biographical data.) The Church Hymn book 1872, edited by Edwin F. Hatfield, New York and Chicago, US. Eserleri Works by or about William Cowper at Internet Archive (scanned books original editions color illustrated) Essays by William Cowper at Complete Poetical Works of William Cowper at CCEL Hymns by William Cowper Selected Poems at The Poet's Corner Selected Poetry of Cowper at the University of Toronto Electronic text of Cowper's "Odyssey" translation at Audio: Robert Pinsky reads "Epitaph On A Hare" by William Cowper (via Cowper Hakkında The Life of William Cowper by Thomas Wright (First Edition. June 2005) Detailed account of William Cowper's life in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica The Town of Cowper by Thomas Wright (First Edition. May 1886) The Stricken Deer, biography by David Cecil, 1929 and later editions. A Portrait of William Cowper: His Own Interpreter in Letters and Poems by Louise B. Risk, 2004. The Castaway . A one-man play by David Gooderson based entirely on Cowper’s poems and letters. The Winner of Sorrow: a novel / Bryan Lynch. - Dublin: New Island, 2005. 363 p.ISBN 1-905494-25-4 [Biographical novel] Dış bağlantılar Cowper and Newton Museum Cowper's Grave Kategori:1731 doğumlular Kategori:1800 yılında ölenler Kategori:İngiliz şairler Kategori:İngiliz Anglikanlar

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